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Looking for Louisa Rosewarne Born 08/02/1859 in Nsw Australia

Louisa married Charles TAYLOR and their child Forest Sydney TAYLOR was my maternal great grandfather. Forest married Jane (WRIGHT) Hutton on 22/08/1901 and I think her father was William WRIGHT, mother Mary Jane HARROWER (HUTTON). I think Charles father was named Samuel and his mother was Mary but I can go no further back.

Looking for Charles and Charlotte MARCH from Nth Uist in Scotland.

Charlotte MARCH was Charlotte MCVICAR and she came to South Australia on the Neptune and later to Melbourne on the Hercules 1853 with her parents Doonald and Mary MCVICAR. I do not know how Charles MARCH came to Australia but he married Charlotte MCVICAR at Bathurst in 1871 They settled near Carcoar NSW. Their daughter Elsie March married James Felix LANG in 1910. James and Elsie were my paternal grandparents

Looking for Bridget GAFFNEY of Stuart Town NSW formerly Cavan Ireland

Bridget GAFFNEY came to Australia on Digby with sister Catherine GAFFNEY. I do not know what happened to Catherine but Bridget married Nathaniel LAWRENCE and they settled in the Hill End, Hargraeves district their final resting place is the Stuart Town Cemetary. In later years they were shepherds and their house rests at the bottom of Burrandong dam. Bridget's and Nathaniel's daughter Elizabth GAFFNEY married John LANG my who was my great great grandfather.

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