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I would like to know where the name Moorcroft came from. My mother was Ellen Magdalene Moorcroft born 25 Sept 1922 and deceased 12 Aug 1971. I would like to know who was her parents, were they were born. I want to know who was my mother's sister/s and if<

he had any brothers. I am not sure but I think my mother's father was english and her mother afrikaans. My mother married Ernest Theophilus Roberts born 27 March 1919. My parents last area where they lived was Kimberley.
Please can you help with imformation. Iwould appriciate it alot. Thank you kindly. Venetia Jean Engelbrecht.

1 comment(s), latest 13 years ago

My father was Ernest Theophilius Roberts, born 27 march 1919 and deceased 7 August 1974.His sibling brothers were Jack, William and Lesley, his sister Venetia. I am not sure if they were born in South Africa. My father was married to Ellen Magdalene Rober

s, nee Moorcroft.She was born on the 25 September 1922 and died on the 12 August 1971. I dont know were she was born or where she came from.My mother had a sister called Anne. I know my father was in the 2nd world war. My uncle Jack Roberts was married to a lady called Violet, they had two sons. I only know one son's name, he was known as Sydney. MY other uncles I dont have imformation on. I think William was called Bill for short and was a Policeman. My aunty Venetia was married to a Mr Heath, they had two children named Vincent Heath and Heather Heath. My aunt used to visit family (cousins) in England from whose side I dont know I would like to find out more about my parents, grand parents and all their families and where they came from and who they were. I was the last born of five children, my parents pasted away while I was very young. I was born when my parents were in their late forties, and pasted away without leaving any knowledge behind. My Sisters Stephanie Jeannette De Lange, Irma Duval and Moira Lynnette Mc Allister have no information to help me and my brother Ernest Theophilus Roberts Jnr is deceased.The family is/was mainly in the Kimberley district, Johannesburg area and Cape Town area. Can you please help, this is all the imformation that I have to help you along. Thank you very much and most appreciated. Venetia Jean Engelbrecht.