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Looking for wives and children of Sitting Bull

Addressing journal by islandjewel on 2007-10-26 17:41:50
I am a daughter of Jack McKarson, also one of your aunts. The person who gave you this linage has led you astray. I know for a fact that Dad did not come up with this on his own buy obtained it from one of his sisters.
Jack's Mother is Mae Virginia Wilson
Her Mother is Virginia Robinson
Her Father is Charles David Wilson.
I have a certified copy of Mae's (Grand Mother) original birth certificate which was filed by her when she had was younger. I also have a copy of her marriage certificate to Woods.
There is another birth certificate that was filed much later when Grand Mother did not remember her family history and was filed by one of her daughters. This person wanted to tie Grand
Mother to Sitting Bull any way possible. I want the truth!
Here is some information to help you. If you go to the LDS Family History Library site and type in Mae Wilson and put in her father?s name and I believe 1897 as her DOB with New Mexico (then Indian Territory)for place of birth you will get Virginia Robinson as her mother. This coincides with the birth certificate I have.
I find it interesting that there is a Pricilla Robinson that posted to the internet and has been told she is also of sioux decent and goes back to Sitting Bull.
I have also found a friend of Sitting Bull who was the SD State Historian. His name is Doane Robinson. This might be a coincidence with the same last name as Pricilla and of Virginia but I am following it in case it is a connection to our family.

5 comment(s), latest 14 years, 1 month ago