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My grandfather was William George Ward from Dannevirke ? New Zealand who...

My grandfather was William George Ward from Dannevirke ? New Zealand who apparently dropped from law studies and became a merchant seaman and was disowned by his father - George Ward, his mother was Susan Dicks I have gotten there names from my grandfathers marriage certificate. I have only recently started looking for the New Zealand connection to my family I am of Moari Heritage from my fathers side Ronald Arthur Ward.

My grandfather was married in Australia for the second time age 28yrs ( he was a widower)in 1917.Don't know anything about his first marriage except that he had a son from the marriage.

His second wife was disowned by her family because of my grandfather being of moari heritage.

My great grandfather is listed as a labourer on my grandfathers marriage certificate.

Any help at all would be wonderful as I don't know where to go from here. I will be arriving in Auckland on the 17th August 2011 and will be on there until the 23rd August, so if anyone can give me some direction that would be wonderful if I could visit graves or see something to that would give me a sense of reality.

I have since found out that my great grandfather was George Ward born in Mahia and in 1890 had the City bakery in Dannevirke then in 1892 had the makotuku Hotel.

My Great Grand mother was Susannah Ward (Dick) who came from Tryrone in Ireland she had 1 sister Isabelle and 3 brothers.

Thanks with anticipation
Rhonda Ward