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Is anybody researching Stoddarts from Perthshire ???

It would appear that my stoddart line came from Perthshire and mainly around the Bridge of Earn area. Not all though. In later years my direct line moved from Muthull and then into Larbert in Stirling, however that was my direct line and I am still attempting to trace the original family who I beleive came from around the Bridge of Earn. The wives of some of that line came from Dron, Rhynd,Ardoch, Dunblane and all of theses villages are all within close proximity to Dunbarney where I beleive that my Stoddart line began BUT I cannot prove it as yet.

I would appreciate anyone who has Stoddart connections in and or around the bridge of earn Dunbarney etc etc...to assist if at all possible.

I have been stuck here in Dunbarney for about three years and cannot get a link past here. Can anybody assist ???

Warren Stoddart
NSW Australia

Sharp of Blackford, Perth Scotland

My g/grandmother Jesse Sharp b: 1852 was the daughter of William Sharp of Perthshire Scotland. She married David Stoddart b: 1851 in Glasgow in 1877 and they migrated to Australia in 1883. I have all info on Stoddarts but precious on the Sharps.

Looking Stoddart in Dunbarney and Stirling in Scotland

I have my Stoddart family traced back as far as David Stoddart
b:1776 who married Katharine Wedderspoon b:1725. They married 17 June 1753 in Rhynd Perthshire Scotland.

2 comment(s), latest 9 years, 8 months ago


My G/G/Grandparents were Frances & Francis Hathaway of Oxford or Gloucester England.
Their daughter Emily, my great grandmother, migrated to Australia in the late 1800's.

I am seeking background on Frances & Frances Hathaway as Io know nothing about them and can't find any info on them. Anybody help ???

Warren Stoddart
NSW Australia

1 comment(s), latest 17 years ago