State of Western Australia Genealogy | FamilyTreeCircles Locations > Oceania > Commonwealth of Australia > State of Western Australia

Family Tree Circles Locations

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State of Western Australia


Albany Esperance Shire Nedlands
Armadale Exmouth Ngaanyatjarraku
Ashburton Fremantle Northam
Augusta-Margaret River Shire Geraldton-Greenough Northampton Shire
Bassendean Gingin Nungarin
Bayswater Gnowangerup Peppermint Grove
Belmont Goomalling Perenjori
Beverley Gosnells Pingelly
Boddington Halls Creek Plantagenet Shire
Boyup Brook Harvey Port Hedland
Bridgetown-Greenbushes Irwin Quairading
Brookton Jerramungup Ravensthorpe
Broome Joondalup Rockingham
Broomehill-Tambellup Kalamunda Roebourne
Bruce Rock Kalgoorlie/Boulder Sandstone
Bunbury Katanning Serpentine-Jarrahdale
Busselton Kellerberrin Shark Bay
Cambridge Kent Shire South Perth
Canning Kojonup Stirling
Capel Kondinin Subiaco
Carnamah Koorda Swan
Carnarvon Kulin Tammin
Chapman Valley Kwinana Three Springs
Chittering Lake Grace Toodyay
City of Cockburn Laverton Trayning
City of Perth Leonora Upper Gascoyne
Claremont Mandurah Victoria Park
Collie Manjimup Victoria Plains
Coolgardie Meekatharra Vincent
Coorow Melville Wagin
Corrigin Menzies Wandering
Cottesloe Merredin Wanneroo
Cranbrook Mingenew Waroona
Cuballing Moora West Arthur
Cue Morawa Westonia
Cunderdin Mosman Park Wickepin
Dalwallinu Mount Magnet Williams
Dandaragan Mount Marshall Wiluna
Dardanup Mukinbudin Wongan-Ballidu
Denmark Mullewa Woodanilling
Derby-West Kimberley Mundaring Wyalkatchem
Donnybrook-Balingup Murchison Wyndham-East Kimberley
Dowerin Murray Yalgoo
Dumbleyung Shire Nannup Yilgarn
Dundas Narembeen York
East Fremantle Narrogin
East Pilbara Narrogin


Can you help other genealogy researchers looking for help in State of Western Australia? Yes, I'd like to volunteer to help in State of Western Australia

BradyFamilyTree is able to do local lookups.
My family tree site covers most of Western Australian early families
Tonster76 is able to do local lookups.
ahoneybun is not able to do local lookups.
I can assist with locations of online resources and databases relating to this location.


This information wiki will be editable by FamilyTreeCircles members. To volunteer to edit this wiki, click here to register yourself as a volunteer in this location.


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