GraceMartinKeller on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

GraceMartinKeller on Family Tree Circles

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"Looking for Martin and Metcalf/Metcilf in Delaware Cty, Iowa"

Looking for paternal decendents & ancesters for surnames MARTIN, METCALF/METCILF, FULLER, RACEY/RASEY, & MAIN. Maternal: HARRELL, BOYER, COOK, & LAMB.

Locations: Iowa, Ill., Ind., NC., Kan.,

Have quit a bit of info on the Fullers back to the Mayflower. The rest I have little bits. I'm hoping someone will recognize a name & will be able to help fill in the blanks. I would be glad to help any one I can. Thank you in advance.

Happy Hunting & Happy Holidays!
God be with us all.

1 comment(s), latest 16 years, 3 months ago