JB2007 on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

JB2007 on Family Tree Circles

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Does noone have any info at all?


Just wanting to find som-1 researching the MAYWOOD family in ENG. my mum's side of the family and i don't have much info!


The Best Family in England and New Zealand

Hey there!

My Name is Jason Best, I am looking for others researching my family! I'll put a couple of names down here and if any-1 has info or are wanting info please e-mail me! Jason_B_2006@hotmail.com

this is the earliest info i have on the "BEST" side

Daniel Best: Born 1779 Dies 4th May 1825

first wife

Hannah Willy married on 19th june 1804

Joseph Best B 1805
Betsy Best B 1806
Robert Best B 1809

second wife

Susannah Hockaday married on 11 feb 1812

Hannah Best B 1812
Elizabeth Best B ??
Joseph Best B ??
Charles Best B 1817
William Best B 1819

both charles and william moved to New Zealand on 'Sir Charles Forbes' in 1842.

i have loads more info but i am looking for people to share with and mayb meet some new family!



1 comment(s), latest 15 years, 12 months ago