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RosemaryB on Family Tree Circles

About RosemaryB

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RosemaryB , from New Forest, Hampshire, England, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jan 2008. is researching the following names: HOLMAN, FROST, OSBORNE and 14 other(s).


My husband and I have been researching for some years now.
My name interests are:
Quick, Cornworthy, Devon,
White, Marshwood, Dorset,
Miller, Wootton Fitzpaine, Dorset,
Cox, Hawkchurch, Dorset, (Later in Devon due to boundary changes)
Holman, Devon and Dorset,
Spiller, Honiton, Devon,
Larcombe, Symondsbury and Whitchurch Canonicorum, Dorset,
Smith, Launceston, Cornwall,
Bridle, Wootton Fitzpaine,Dorset,
Damerell, Cornworthy, Devon,
Cutler, Charles and Annie, Australia (emigrated about 1890s)

My Husband, Derek, is interested in:
Crisell, Assington, Suffolk,
Webber, Bures and Sudbury, Suffolk,
Bennett, Bridport, Dorset, and Woollwich, London
Hardy, Long Melford and Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk,
Cooper, Depden, Suffolk,
Brooks, Poole, Dorset,
Holder, Wormingford, Essex,
Panchen,(or Pancheon), Bridport, Dorset,
Osborne, Depden, Suffolk,
Frost, Assington, Suffolk