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Carney and Miller - Migrated From Delware to Michigan - Late 1850's early 1860's

Native Americans were not allowed to own property of any kind because they were not considered citizens of this land. It was not until 1924 that Congress recognized Native Americans as United States citizens. Therefore, anyone who was identified as an Indian was placed on a reservation. For this reason, many Native Americans hid their identity to keep their cultural heritage a secret.

My maternal Grandmother(Elnora Parrish Williams)was the daughter of Elizabeth Miller Parrish, born 25, Nov, 1849,to Enoch Miller and Phoebe A. Carney Miller in Duck Creek Hundred, Kent County, Delaware. Phoebe A.Carney Miller was a descendant of the Delaware Moors, who were a Colonial Mixed-Race Native American Community. This unique group of people, descendants of Nanticoke(Tidewater People)Native Americans, some of whom inter-married with whites, some with blacks,have maintained a seperate and unique community, despite all attempts to force assimilation, for close to 300 years. They still exist today in Kent County, Delaware.

Looking For Canadian Kelly's

This is my father's line as follows: (1) I am the second generation of my paternal Kelly-Line to be born in America! My name is Loren Gerald Kelly and I was born in March of 1951 in Borger, Texas! (2) My father: Luther James Kelly was the first generation of our Kelly-Line to be born in the United States of America on 15, June, 1907 in Findlay, Ohio! (3) My Grandfather, Nathan Tompkins Kelly, was the second generation of our Kelly-Line to be born in Canada on 24, August, 1867 in Blenheim, Kent County, Ontario [Became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1879]! (4)My Great-Grandfather, James Kelly, was the first generation of our Kelly-Line to be born in Canada on 09, September, 1838 in Burritts Rapids, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Upper Canada. [Became a Naturalized U.S. Citizen in 1879]! (5) Thomas Francis Kelly, my Great-Great-Grandfather, was born in about 1800, somewhere in Ireland, and I am on the threshold of tracing him back across the water and through the "Irish Mist" of that "Emerald Isle" of Ireland! KELLY MOTTO: "Turis - Fortis - Mihi - Deus!"....."God is my tower of strength!" My Loyalist Ancestor: Private Israel Tompkins [My G-G-G-Grandfather]...."As a member of Kings Loyal Americans, Kings Rangers, Rogers Rangers, and Jessups Loyal Rangers he served the Royal Standard for 5 years and 3 months, in service to "The Crown" and was honorably discharged 17, January, 1783 at Riviere des Chene!"

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