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chrisbo on Family Tree Circles

About chrisbo

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by chrisbo Profile | Research | Contact | Follow

chrisbo , from Virginia origionally, North Carolina of late, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Sep 2008. is researching the following names: NELSON, CARNEY, .


I do know that The Carneys are of Irish and possibly English ancestry on Dads side(Nelson- Carney)of the family tree.There are Allens, Berrys, Ranhorns and Cranks on Moms Side. Along with my 3 children and my husband we are trying to piece together a bit of our history. What we have jumps from the Revolutionary era( William and Mary Nelson) to the civil war( John Nelson Carney) and we haven't been able to find the connection between the two. The Carneys have been in the Beaufort, Little Washington,NC area for all but my father and myself. Grandaddy Carney moved the family to Norfolk,VA for work,and Daddy moved the faily back to NC after I graduated highschool.We've come full circle. Now I would like to see where the Nelsons came from and how any of them might have ended up in NC.