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Journals and Posts

Elizabeth Duncanson

Looking for any details on Elizabeth Duncanson who married William Benson on 30/7/1772 in Scotland.

I am looking for Findlay, Barrie, Kilgour,Kilgower, Stratton, Stewart...

I am looking for Findlay, Barrie, Kilgour,Kilgower, Stratton, Stewart relatives in Scotland.
John Findlay married Catherine Stewart Barrie on 16/11/1849 in Dundee,Scotland.
Catherine had Agnes Findlay on 17/11/1851 and they came to Australia when she was widowed.She may have remarried and come with new husband.
Agnes Findlay married William Rixon on 22/9/1868 in Bega ,NSW.They had Eva Stuart Rixon who is my grandmother.

Jeremiah Stanford

My tree has a Jeremiah Stanford born 1813 in Ely, Cambridge, England and married to Elizabeth Day. Looking for relatives??

JOHN HOARE (Convict)

I am descended from John Hoare born abt 1778 in County Wexford, Ireland. He was a convict coming to Australia on "Canada" in 1801.
He married Elizabeth Amelia Love on 10/7/1809 in Sydney.
Their daughter Elizabeth married James Rixon on 27/8/1833.
Would like to make contact with other relatives.

12 comment(s), latest 13 years ago

Lascelles/Lascalles family

This is a middle christian name in our family.
Stories say it was a surname years ago and carried on through generations as a middle christian name.
Does anyone have this as a surname on their tree?????

Looking for Benson ancestors from Stirling,Scotland

William Murray Benson and wife Marrion came to Australia with their 6 children from Stirling ,Scotland on "Herald" in 1844.I am looking for relatives as they settled in Richmond, NSW. Their last child John was born on 3/11/1844.

4 comment(s), latest 15 years, 7 months ago

Looking for Dee relatives

I have a Margaret Dee from Ireland married to George Coombe on 9/11/1857 in Sydney, Australia. Her parents are listed as ---Dee and Margaret Riley.Any known relatives.

Looking for Elizabeth Gardiner

Elizabeth Gardiner was married to Abraham Baker on 1/2/1753 and they had 10 children.Looking for relatives.