clarkhd on FamilyTreeCircles - about

clarkhd on Family Tree Circles

About clarkhd

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My original ancestor, John Clark, immigrated to the US from Rotham, Kent, England in about 1660. My line follows in order through his grandson Benjamin, to Rowland Clark, Cyrus A. Clark, Harold D. Clark, and to my father H. Dexter Clark Jr. I am the third. Although my grandmother passed extensive records to me with photos from the earliest times images were applied to paper, I am searching for information to help fill in the gaps.


Though I was born in Oklahoma and my grandparents and great grandparents were from that area as far as I knew at first, my parents moved to Michigan and then to Ohio before I was a teenager. My parents moved on while I was in the military, but I stayed, married, went to school, and followed both of my careers, one in technology and science and another as an educator, in the state of Ohio. I only recently began looking through the records, letters, and photographs that my grandparents left behind and realized that I had enough to do some really interesting research. My wife has reminded me that between gardening, furniture making, amateur radio, music, and photography I have entirely too many hobbies. So here I am adding genealogy! What can I do?