dreamfactory on FamilyTreeCircles - about

dreamfactory on Family Tree Circles

About dreamfactory


by dreamfactory Profile | Research | Contact | Follow

dreamfactory , from Hilton, Kwazulu Natal, South Africa, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Nov 2008. is researching the following names: ELSE, BOOKER, DAVIS and 2 other(s).


Married, very happily, to a hunk of a cartoonist. I have 4 children and 6 grandchildren, plus 4 step-daughters and 9 step-grandchildren. I run my own company: Dreamfactory - producing computer-generated illustrations, editing and writing. It was only toward the end of 2007 that I discovered I actually HAD a family beyond my father and mother. Therefore, the searching! My interests and hobbies include reading, interior decorating, woodwork, tiling, movies, arts and crafts, research (all kinds), poetry, landscaping, cooking and baking, people and travel. I am currently busy building a 24 seater home theatre on the ground floor of our 3-storey house and that's really exciting! Now we can share our love of movies with family and friends.