dvanstrate on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

dvanstrate on Family Tree Circles

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Foesz and all

Marjorie Foesz b. 4-30-1957
d/o marjorie Leslie and Lawrence foesz
Lawrence s/o Clarence Leslie and Helen Freedon
Helen d/o Zack Freedon and Jennie Skutt

Can anyone help me from there back?

Jennie Skutt

I am trying to find the ancestors of Jennie (Jeanie) skutt who married Zack Freedon In Ithaca Mi

Sarah Morse

Sarah Morse is the daughter of Daniel Morse and Judith Leffingwell.Not sure if this is her maiden name . Daniel was b.26 Apr in Newbury Mass. Sarah was b. 25 Apr 1724.Sarah married jabez Stanton 9 Sept 1745 in Prescott Ct.

Anna Marie MacClear

I am trying to find the parents of Anna Marie. Mother's maiden name McNalta

Anna McNalta

looking for Anne (McNalta) MacClear mother of Anna Marie Mac Clear.

Gust Abraham

Looking for info on the children of William Draheim and Justine Schoenke. Their Daughter Hattie m. Gust Abraham

Augusta Voight

Looking for the parents of Augusta Voight b. Posen Germany.
She died 1931 Flint, Michigan.She married Emil Draheim

Where r u Mary?

I am trying to research David Foster and Mary Sullivan. David died in Ontario Can. Can find some info on him....but she is nowhere to be found1 Help please

1 comment(s), latest 14 years, 3 months ago

Kinney from Mi

My grandmother was Nella Mae Kinney . Her father was Arthur Loren Kinney.Her mother was Gertrude McColley. I am looking for any info on their ancestors.

1 comment(s), latest 17 years, 8 months ago

Kinney from Mi