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Norman Morrison, a barque 529 tons, Captain Edward Owens, departed London 23 April, Plymouth 5 May, 1865 arrived at Port Adelaide, South Australia 21 August 1865.
(NOTE this passenger list published before the ship docked in Port Adelaide. see Trove or the Ships List for later passenger lists, (links below) janilye )
Robert and Mary Creeton.
Charles, Elizabeth, Matta, Mary, John, Andrew, and Elizabeth Currie.
Hugh, Betsy, Hugh, Jane, Annie, and Mary Harrigan.
Richard and Mary Sager. Denis Healy. Daniel Murphy. Charles Short.
Harriet Roddis. Elizabeth Norris. Wm. D. Morris.
William, Jane, Joshua, Thomas, and William Allen,
William and Elizabeth Andrews. George, Mary, Mary, and
Henry Burgess. William, Betsy, and Mary A. Chapman.
William and Margaret Curnow. James and Ellen Clark.
William, Ellen, and Michael Cenose.
Stepben, Sarah, and Caroline Coleman. Daniel, Mary, and Wlnnifred Davies.
Alfred and Ann Day. James, Hannah, Robert, and Hannah Dickson.
John, Elizabeth, John, William, Elizabeth, and Eliza Dyson.
Jacob, Mary and Jacob Evans. James and Sarah Edwards. Thomas Sweeny.
Josiah, Mary and Thomas Edwards. Thomas, Catherine and Emily Edwards.
James, Mary, George, Louisa, and Hannah Ernest.
Adam, Helen, Henry. Agnes, and Archibald Erskine.
Robert, Hannah, and Lucy French. Henry, Jane, Lucy, and Henry Ferris.
John, Sarah, Rosa, and Edward French. Wm. S. and Nancy Grey.
James, Mary, and Matilda Green.
Thomas, Helen, Thomas. Barbara, and Alexander Gillies.
William T., Clarina, and Clarina Hicks. William, Elizabeth and William Harvey.
George, and Mary Harris. John, Ann, Emily, Ellen, and Edith Haines.
Henry, Ellen, Patrick, and Joshua Hardy. William, Eliza, Eliza, and William Halse.
William, Emma, Alfred, Nimrod and Mary Jones. Samuel and Ann Lawrence.
George, Jane, Amelia and George Maddon. John and Elizabeth Matthews.
William, Agnes. Emily, Elizabeth, William, Charles, and Esther Samuel, Edgar, Mary, and Eliza Smith.
Richard and Emma Thomas. John and Mary A. Tohivell
Philip, Jane, and Alfred Toithy. John Cunnear. Robert Brown, John Burgess.
Edward Cludgey. John Connell. Oliver Clark, William Campbell, John Collins. Robert Duncan.
Joseph Dowling. Solomon Downer. Albert Dyson. John Eustes. Francis Ford. Robert Fothergill.
William Goode, Edward Harvey. William Reddy, Richard Higman. Charles Haslock.
Michael Hallett. Job Hughes. James Haslake, James Wing. Eli Lethbuck,
John Lindsay.Daniel Luer, Samuel Morgan, James Martin, John Martin. Donald McKenzie.
George Maggs. John Moy. Isaac and George Napper. Charles and David Rennage.
James Rowe, Andrew Scott, William Sharp, Joshua Sanders. George Starks, Allan Smith.
Henry Stincombe, John Spencer, Edward Thomas, William Trembath, Wm. Warren.
Selina Andrews. Jemima Atkins. B. Barker. Fanny Brown, Ann and Harriet Dyson.
Elizabeth Edwards. Ellen Salt, Mary C. Jones. Hannah Jones. Emma Knight.
Ellen, Emily, Jane. and Magarey Martin. Margaret McDonald. Fanny Nicholls.
Caroline Neale, Mary C. Watt. Thomas Revil. Mary Madden.
English : adults, 132;
children between 1 and 12, 33;
Infants 6.
Scotch: adults,34;
children between 1 and 12, 15;
infants, 4.
Irish: adults, 2.
Total, 226 - - equal to 192 statute adults.
Sources: TROVE
The South Australian Advertiser
Thursday 13 July 1865
page 4
Transcription janilye
See also
The Ships List
Norman Morrison

John Woodhall arrived South Australia 1849


Wednesday, January 17th, 1849, The barque John Woodhall, 380 tons, Hill, master, from London.
Mr George Greig, Mr Rowe (surgeon), Mrs Taylor and two children, Miss Powis
Mr F. W. Mitchell, Mr R. Kelly wife and daughter, Mr T. A. Coates, Mr R. Smythe, Mr Buckley, Mr J. M. Green, Mr Simpson wife and three children, Mr H. Haywood, Mr J. Cruik and wife.
C. Ladds, G. Sebo and wife, G. Crisp, C. Betteredge, J. Sharp, G. Cole and wife, R. Cole wife and four children, A. Hurst, J. Johnston, G. Bartlett and wife, J. Robotton, W. Lowe, W. Weedon wife and three children, J. O. Hitch and wife, W. Gudd, J. Porter and wife, G. Hudson, J. Bower, W. D, Grant, C. Kimbee, R. J. Hawes, W. Cole. R. Clagne and wife, T. Kneale, D. Farragher, Joseph Kelly, R. Kelly, John Cowley, H. Christian, W. Kelly, G. Robinson, T. Thomas, E. James, H. Jurman, John Moss, Matthew Moss, John Moss, Eliza Trail, Henry Wilson wife and seven children, H. F. Wilson wife and two children, R. Wilson, John Goodridge, W. C. Allom, James Storr wife and six children, W. Seuser wife and child, E. J. Evans, T. Grey and four children, T. Gale, S. Mudden and wife, John Ellis, W. Hichman, James Hollins wife and child, Amelia Horton and four children, T. Gengard, Elizabeth Hughes and two children, J. Brown and wife, John Turrent, S. Usher and wife, G. Partridge, J. W. Presant, S. Johnson, Wm. Jonson, J. Woofender, J. Sumper, J. Burgoyne wife and two children, Jane Lock, H. J. Watson and wife, F. Martin, Mrs Peters and two children, Henry Groves, John Greir, Margaret Wudmore and two children, J. M. K. Aitken wife and four children, John Cushman, Wm. Poynter wife and six children, Ellen Lee, Henry Hitchen, Robert Thompson, Thos. Tarrance, Robert Johnson, Ed. Prickering, John DeWit, Wm. Wilding.

Cargo of the John Woodhall? 11 cases drapery and clothing, S. Hart; 472 bars 196 bundles iron, Beck & Co; 1 case, Shadgett ; 2 cases, J. Small ; 10,600 bricks, 121 tons coals, 4 tons clay. 20 pipes lead, 2 boxes. 86 pkgs. castings, 8 crates, G. S. Walters ; 5 pkgr., Government ; 4 bales, A. L. Elder; 15 pkgs., Order; 8 cases, 3 casks, J. Roberts ; 1 ease. Rev. J. Long; 2 cases, Acraman & Co.; 1 case, J. Richmond; 2 bales, J. Gilbert; 1 case, T. Wilson; 110 cases, P. D. Valrent; 12 bales, 1 box, A. Scott; 1 box, Dutton ; 20 crates, 1 case, Montefiore & Co. Cargo of the Champion? I donkey, Lord Bishop of Ade laide; 7 pkgs. sundries, Mr Turner Augusta, W.A. ; 6 liqueur cases, Samson.
South Australian Register
(Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900)
Saturday 20 January 1849
Page 4
Transcription, janilye, 2013

Trafalgar arrived South Australia 1849


Wednesday, January 17th 1849 The barque Trafalgar, 718 tons, Richardson, master, from London and Plymouth.
Passengers;? Mr and Mrs S. G. Dorday and five children, and ? Tweedale. Esq., Surgeon Superintendent in the cabin.
the following Government emigrants in the steerage :?
James Allen, Wm. Henry Brown wife and child, Sarah Babbs, Robert Babbs, Mary Ann Baker, Emma Bacon, Caroline Bacon, Sophia Bailey and infant (Mrs Bailey's husband died at sea on the 16th December, aged 26), John Tallant Bee wife and three children (one, a girl, born at sea 4th January), Wm. Beesley and wife, Henry Bevan, John Bullock and wife, H. W. Burrall, James Childs, Thomas Clarke, Henry J. Congreve, Wm. Congreve, Maria Connor, Robert Cook wife and six children, Joseph Cross, Simon Clark wife and five children, James Davidson, Ann Davis, Charlotte Dodd, Thomas Dyke wife and two children, Bennett Dunstan wife and five children, Richard Dunstan and wife, Thomas Davey wife and four children, John Dewey wife and six children, Eliz. Fitch, John Forby wife and three children. James Foster and wife, Robert Fox, Peter Fox wife and five children, Edward Frost wife and four children, George Frost wife and two children, Mary Ann Gibson, Caroline Goldring, Richard Greaves, Henry Green, Jacob Green, Mary S. Hall, John Harrison wife and three children, Jane Hunt, Emma Hyams, Elizabeth Hyams, John Jones wife and child, John Julian wife and four children (one, a daughter, died at sea 10th January), Ann Kelly, Jane Kitts, Wm. Lanyon, Jane Lock, Louisa Lord, Walter Long wife and child, James Lawson wife and two children, Robert Mactaggart wife and three children, Martha Mawditt, Wm Morton, Thomas May and wife, Samuel Olley and wife, Ann Peatfield, Hezekiah Painter, Mary Ann Pash and child, Mary Ann Payne, Thos. Peacock and four children, Robert Pilbeam, Wm Pointon and wife, James Pollard wife and eight children, Edward Poulton and wife, Wm. Prestidge, Thos. Penny wife and four children, Peter Perring wife and four children. Wm. Rowe wife and two children, Richard Roads wife and eight children, Sarah Shore, Catherine Shuttleworth, Augusta Shuttleworth, John Spencer wife and child, Wm. Spriggs and wife (their infant daughter died at sea on the 9th November), Emily Stapleford, Susannah Stone, Sarah Summers, Joseph Taylor wife and two children, Emma Thacker, Thos. Tucker, John Thompson, Wm.Thomas wife and two children, Wm. Vince wife and four children, Samuel Webb and wife, Maria Welch, Sarah Wheatley, Ann Whitfield, Catherine Whitfield, John Whittle wife and five children (one, a son, born at sea on the 23d of December), James Wigley wife and three children, Charles Winchester wife and four children, James Wright wife and six children, Elizabeth Walters, John Walters, Joseph White, Thomas Williams, Mary Woolf.

Cargo of the Trafalgar? 69 cases, Order; 40 packages, M. & S. Marks ; 1 bale, 7 cases, R. Miller & Co. ; 5 cases, M'Nicol & Young; 1 ditto, John Calder ; 3706 bars, 268 bundles, 451 deals, 30 hhds, 180 casks bottled beer, 20 cases wine, 39 hhds rum, 10 ditto brandy, 5 qr.-casks ditto 1 case, 20 barrels tar, 10 ditto pitch, C. & F. J. Beck ; 200 - packages luggage.
South Australian Register
Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900
Saturday 20 January 1849
Page 4
Transcription, janilye 2012.

Publican Licenses 1832 Tasmania

At the annual meeting for the purpose of
licensing public houses in the Buckinghamshire
division of the island, held at the Session's
house in Hobart town, on Tuesday last,
the Justices approved of new licenses being
issued on the 29th inst. to the following 57
persons, in addition to those formerly licensed,
In Hobart-town.
Henry Bye, Man of War, Argyle street—
Robert Ballantyne, Glasgow Wine and Spirit
Vaults, Elizabeth street-John Boaden, Tas-
manian Whaler, Campbell street-William
Beazley, Queen's Head, Goulburn street
James Chorley, Hope and Anchor, Macquarie
street-Reuben Chapman, St. George and the
Dragon, Elizabeth street-James Dickson,
Blue Bell, Murray street-Joseph Duval and
Luke Marten, Elephant and Castle, St. Pa-
trick street-Peter Dudgeon, Dudgeon's Cel-
lars, Elizabeth street-Napoleon Gilbert,
Beachcroft Arms, Liverpool street-John
Hook, Tasmanian Wine Vaults, Bathurst st.
-Thomas Johnson, Verandah Wine Vaults,
Elizabeth street -James Jeffrey, Cabinet-mak-
er's Arms, do.-James Lear, Albion, Welling-
ton bridge-Ann Morrisey, Dallas Arms,
New town road-Thomas Mason sen. Whale
Fishery, Elizabeth street-Alexander M'Leod,
Blue Bells of Scotland, Murray street-Pa-
trick M'Cabe, Labour-in-Vain, Campbell.
street-Charles Probin, Cock and Magpie,
Warwick street-Richard Ray, White Con-
duit-house, Liverpool street-James Roberts,
Golden Cross, do.-James Shaw, Talbot,
Hunter street-John Solomon, William the
Fourth, Liverpool street;-John Sweep, White
Lion, Campbell street-Judah Solomon, Al-
bemarle Head, Liverpool street.—James Wood
and Archibald Menzies, Commercial Wine and
Spirit Cellars, Wharf-William Wiggins,
Paul Pry, do.-Bernard Walford, King George;
Murray street.
In the Country.
Thomas Allwright, Plough, Hamilton & New
Norfolk road-Francis Bryant, Tasmanian
Hotel, Bagdad-Charles. Barker, Bush Ta-
vern, New Norfolk - James Bonney, Cove
Inn, Herdsman's Cove - William Briscoe,
Tasmanian Arms, Sorell - Peter Bodwen,
Adam and Eve. New town bridge - Henry
Bridger, Fairfield house, River Plenty road,
-Thomas Burrel, Plough & harrow, Bothwell
- Peter Buchanan, Union, Kangaroo point
-John Edward Cox, York & Albany Hotel,
Oatlands-George Craig, Man of Ross, Ross
bridge - John Collins, Horse and Groom,
Hamilton-John Fergusson, Traveller's rest,
Waterloo point-Thomas Field, Cape of Good
Hope, Black marsh - George Govett, Hester-
combe Inn, Glenarchy-William Guest, Can-
terbury Inn, Hollow-tree bottom, near Oat-
lands-William Hobbs, Barley mow, Hollow-
tree, Bothwell district-William Jarritt,
Bridge, Richmond-Edward Maum, Horse
& Groom, Clarence plains - Philip Mills, Fox
Inn, Black snake - Horatio William Mason,
Mason's Hotel, New Norfolk - Joseph
M'Ewan, Inverary Castle, Oatlands-Ewan
Mc Donald, Rocks, New Norfolk-Daniel
O'Connor, Kenmore arms, St. Peter's pass
George Page, Bath Inn, Lemon springs -
William Joseph Ring, Richmond Hill Wine
Vaults, New Norfolk-Jonathan Stevens,
Talbot, New Norfolk-Thomas Spicer, King
William the 4th, Marsh farm, New Norfolk
Licences were also granted for the steam
vessels 'Governor Arthur' and 'Surprise'.
The following is a list of those who have not
obtained a renewal of their licences:-Mrs.
Wilson, Thomas Kerr, William Tisdale, Li-
verpool street. Robert Frost, Mercer Lud
gater, Robert Makepeace, Elizabeth street,
Thomas Shadwick, Sandy bay, Charles Rob-
ins, O'Brien's bridge, John Davidson, Kan-
garoo point, Daniel Long, Sorell town,
Thomas Buckley, Hobart town.

Florentia to NSW 1841

The FLORENTIA, barque. William H. Goodwyn, master. from London on the 6th. and from the Downs on the 18th. June and from the Cape of Good Hope on the 4th of September. Arrived in Sydney Harbour on the 26th. October 1841.
Carrying ?17,000 in British Silver for the Commissariat Department, merchandise and passengers.
Mr. and Mrs. Adye, with 5 daughters; Miss Adye, Miss Maria Adye, Miss Susan Ayde, Miss Sarah Ellen Adye, Miss Eliza Adye,
Mr. J. F. Houston M.D. Surgeon, and Mrs. Houston, and 2 daughters, Miss Eugenia Houston, Miss Lousia Houston,
Mrs. Goodrich, Miss Margaret Goodrich, infant, and servant,
Mr. and Mrs. Graham,
Mr. and Mrs. Wade,
Mrs. Sanders
Messrs. Davidson, Martyr, White, M'Cabe, Marriot, Townshend/Townsend, Stone, Clark, Burke, Betts, Burgess, Rousley/Ronsley, Labatt,
There were two passengers in steerage; - R Wilson, groom and Mrs. Pappin
Transcription, janilye 2013

I have two passenger lists for the Florentia; both with differences and both almost impossible to read because of blurred and smudged ink. I can understand why there has been no previous transcription. There is no mention of Gravatt, although we do know she was on board. She may have been the servant to Mrs. and Miss Goodrich. Miss Margaret Goodrich 1836-1887. Mrs. Goodrich was Helena and the following year married John James Martyr (surveyor) 1820-1882, who is the passenger 'Martyr.' listed. Helena maiden name Green and born in Essex married Goodrich in India, died in 1899 in her 82nd. year. The infant onboard was a John George Goodrich 1839-1875 both children of the late William Bridger Goodrich 1813-1840. and both born in India. The servant's name is not listed. There may have been other servants onboard which were not mentioned, as these were all important and wealthy passengers. Also, where we have Mr. and Mrs. Graham and Wade! on another list the women are not refered to as Mrs. but as "and lady" These were all paying passengers. Deloitte & Co. were the agents, the vessel being anchored at Deloitte's wharf in Darling Harbour. If I do happen to find another list, (maybe Deloitte's) I will add to the above. LABATT is Hugh Labatt 1817-1887. I should mention the majority of these passengers settled in the Wollongong/Campbelltown/ Yass /Goulburn area. The first Miss Adye was Harriette who married the Captain, William H Goodwyn on 14th. December 1841. Mr. Wade is Henry Wade 1810-1854, he was one of six surveyors elected to come to the colony of New South Wales in 1841. In 1842 he proposed a plan for the town of Limestone (Ipswich) Queensland, and showed what he saw as 'Garden and Suburban Allotments' (Copy of this plan can be seen in the Local History Room of the Ipswich Library and Information Service). He would also draw plans of Brisbane and other areas of the colony.

1 comment(s), latest 11 years, 6 months ago

John Dupen or Dupin 1815-1856

Convict Index from nsw State Records
Select Surname Firstname Alias Vessel Year No Date RecordType Citation Remarks
DUPEN John - Hooghly 1834 45/1118 15 Dec 1845 Ticket of Leave Passport [4/4260; Reel 974] Ticket of Leave 44/0448; On the recommendation of the Penrith Bench
DUPEN John Hooghley 1834 49/0109 27 Apr 1849 Certificate of Freedom [4/4412; Reel 1026] TL 47/779
DUPEN John Hooghley 1834 44/448 Ticket of Leave [4/4185; Reel 951] District: Parramatta; Tried: London GD
DUPEN John Hooghley 1834 47/ 779 Ticket of Leave [4/4213; Reel 960] District: Bathurst; Born: London; Trade: Bakers boy; Tried: London GD

The above 'John' is not found in records again but a George Dupen turns up in Bathurst and marries a Mary Reid at the Presbyterian Church Bathurst.
NSW.BDM. MARRIAGES: 451/1849 V1849451 79

[Bathurst Free Press,Saturday 9 April 1853.
On Wednesday, 30th March, Mrs. DUPEN,
of a DAUGHTER.] I cannot find a registration for this daughter, only for the following - James and Margaret, which are Christening records.
3665/1853 V18533665 39A DUPEN JAMES R GEORGE MARY
2355/1851 V18512355 37A DUPEN MARGARET E GEORGE MARY
And registered as DUPIN 2 marriages in Wellington
3210 1899 DUPIN Mary Pauline Raymond DUPIN James Richard
( I tagged a few things in TROVE about James Richard Dupin, he deserted Mary Pauline. Trove might be the best place to find information

George dies 15 April 1856 in Bathurst aged 45.
[Bathurst Free Press, Wednesday 16 April 1856
On the morning of the 15th inst., at his residence in Bentinck-street, Mr. George Dupen,
aged 45 years.]

DUPIN John -
Hooghley 15/04/1856 [4/4549; Reel 690 Page 064] District/Parish: Bathurst. vide letter 57/105
DUPIN John -
Hooghley 15/04/1856 Convict Death Register [4/4549; Reel 690 Page 064] District/Parish: Bathurst. vide letter 57/105

I have no doubt that this John DUPEN/DUPIN who arrived on the Hooghley
The Hooghley was built in London in 1819. She transported convicts to New South Wales in 1825, 1828, 1831 and 1834.
Title: John Dupen, one of 260 convicts transported on the Hooghley, 25 July 1834.
Details: Sentence details: Convicted at London Gaol Delivery for a term of 14 years on 10 April 1834.
Vessel: Hooghley.
Date of Departure: 25 July 1834.
Place of Arrival: New South Wales.
Source: Australian Joint Copying Project. Microfilm Roll 90, Class and Piece Number HO11/9, Page Number 411 (207)
Author/Creator: Great Britain. Home Office.; State Library of Queensland.
Subjects: Dupen, John;
Hooghley (Ship);
Convicts -- Australia -- Registers;
Australia -- Genealogy
Publisher: Canberra A.C.T. : Australian Joint Copying Project
Is Part Of: Criminal : Convict transportation registers [HO 11]
Record number: 1039235
One Search State Library of Queensland

1 comment(s), latest 7 years ago

Male Prisoner assignments

LIST of Recipients of Transfers of Male Prisoners made during April and May, 1835 :?

Addair James, Paterson's River, one shoemaker
Allen John, Cornwallis, one ploughman.
Badgery Henry, Camden, one farm laborer
Brown Thomas, BelleVue, one stockinger, two farmer's boys, one carter,
one chimney sweep, three farm laborers, one shoemaker, and one groom
Bingle John, Hunter's River, one weaver and carter
Bourke Sir R., Sydney, 1 groom
Booth John, Windsor, 1 laborer
Bates Elizabeth, Prospect, 1 milker and reaper
Bloodsworth James, Sydney, 1 errand boy.
Clements Henry, John's Grove, 1 weaver and laborer.
Crampton Richard, Sydney, 1 waterman.
Chambers David, Sydney, 1 groom and servant.
Cooper Joseph, Liverpool, 1 groom and farm laborer.
Dangar Henry, Neotsfield, 1 laborer.
Davis I. M., Hunter' River, 1 jockey.
Dacey Patrick, Hunter-street, 1 tailor.
Daly Joseph, Maitland, 1 violin player.
Dutton H. P., Hunter's River, 1 coachmaker.
Dutton W. H, Yass, 1 waiter.
Erskine John, Maitland, 1 tap boy.
Ellis T. W., Sussex-street, 1 servant and groom.
Frost William, Maitland, 1 servant and groom.
Grace Patrick, Burrogorang, 1 farmer's man.
Gardener John, Argyle, 1 errand boy.
Gonaghty Patrick, Wollongong, 1 inn-door servant.
Gordon Lieutenant, 17th Regiment, 1 butler and cook.
Howe Robert, Sydney, 1 farm laborer, and 1 silk dyer.
Howe William, Glenlee, 1 baker's laborer, 1 farmservant, and 1 pedlar.
Hallen Edward, Sydney, 1 tailor.
Higgins Thomas, George-street, 1 coachman and groom.
Hayes Richard, Wilberforce, 1 errand boy.
Hilas George, Parramatta, 1 boatman.
Jones J Both, York-street, 1 seaman.
Kenny W. R., Smeaton, 1 confectioner.
Klensendoriffe W., Point Farm, 1 tailor.
Kelly Daniel Wilberforce, 1 waterman.
Kinghorne Alexander, Liverpool, 1 servant and groom.
King Richard, Hunter's River, 1 baker, 1 farmer, 3 farm servants, 1 shepherd,
1 farmer's man, 1 reaper, 1 wax chandler, 2 porters, 1 stockman and shepherd,
3 farm servants and shepherds, 1 ploughman, &c., 2 tailor's boys, 1 farmer's boy,
1 butcher's boy, 2 errand boys, 1 cottonweaver, 1 silk twister, 3 farm labourers,
1 tailor, 1 shoemaker, 1 soldier and calenderer, and 1 kitchen gardener.
Levien Solomon, Pulteney Hotel, 1 in-door servant and groom.
Livingstone John, Bathurst, 1 brickmaker and farmer.
Livan Edward, junior, Wollongong, 1 errand boy.
Lethbridge R. C., Werrington, 1 groom and ostler
Loder A., Hunter's River, 1 warehouseman and laborer.
Laidley James, Sydney, 1 farm servant and shepherd.
McQuoid Thomas, Sydney, 1 farming man and shepherd.
Mackie John, George-street, 1 farm laborer and cowherd.
Marshall Sampson, Sydney, 1 house carpenter.
2 farm servants, and 1 frame-work knitter.
Murray Robert, George-street, 1 stable boy and sweep.
Mowatt Francis, Narellan, 1 labourer
McQuade Michael, Sydney, 1 linen weaver
Moffatt Captain, Parramatta, 1 reaper, &c.
Myles Laurence, Hunter's River, 1 ploughman, &c.
Onions Samuel, Sydney, 1 bricklayer's laborer.
O'Brien Cornelius, Illawarra, 1 navigator.
Peat Clement, Sydney, 1 footman.
Pearcey Matthew, Patrick's Plains, 1 beat boy.
Poulton George, Maitland, 1 currier's boy.
Reid David, Inverary, 1 farm servant.
Ruse Thomas, Appin, 1 farm servant.
Richardson W., Windsor, 1 stone mason.
Richardson J., Richmond, 1 weaver.
Robins John, Wollongong, 1 file cutter.
Rutter R. C., Parramatta, 1 gardener's laborer
Roberts Robert, Argyle, 1 keeper, &c.
Ryan Thomas, Prince-street, 1 indoor servant and groom.
Stockfish Henry, Evan, 1 laborer.
Sparke A. B., Sydney, 1 servant.
Solomon John, Sydney, 1 stableman .
Staff John, Parramatta, 1 weaver.
Scott A W., Ash Island, 1 farm servant.
Stewart General, Bathurst, 1 laborer.
Tucker John, Albion Farm, 1 whitewasher's boy and 1 factory boy.
Therry Roger, Sydney, 1 indoor servant and groom
Thomas John, Newcastle, 1 laborer.
Thorn John, Parramatta, 1 bookbinder's apprentice.
Thorn Humphrey, Parramatta, 1 shoemaker's boy.
Unwin F. W., Pitt-street, 1 painter and glazier.
Wood John, Windsor, 1 brickfield boy.
White G.B., Patrick's Plains, 1 farrier and groom and 1 boatman.
Williams William, Sydney, 1 seaman Walker James, Sydney, 1 porter.
Wilton Reverend C., Newcastle, 1 file cutter and 1 weaver.
Wilson Sophia, Lane Cove, 1 shoemaker.

FRED A. HELY. Principal Superintendent of Convict's Office,
11th July, 1835.

Physicians and Surgeons 1842

The following list of Physicians and Surgeons, qualified to act in the colony of New South Wales, is extracted from a useful Pamphlet by Mr. Baker, Clerk to the New South Wales Medical Board, 4 November 1842:
Aaron Isaac, Kissing Point
A'Beckett, Arthur Martin, Elizabeth street, North, Sydney
Agnew, James Wilson
Aitken, John, George street South, Sydney
Alexander, A., Assistant-surgeon, 28th Regiment, (gone to the East Indies)
Allan Edward, Berrima
Anderson Colin, A. M. D.
Appleton Henry (gone to England)
Arbuckle Alexander, Clifton
Armstrong John, George-street
Auld Robert, Sydney
Ballow, D. K. Colonial Assistant; surgeon, Brisbane Town, Moreton Bay
Bamber Charles (gone to England)
Barker Edward, Port Phillip
Barnes George Frederick, Hinton
Barnsby George
Baylie William Kingston, Port Phillip
Beardmore Frederick Joshua, Maitland
Bell William, Windsor Bell Thomas, R. N., Braidwood
Bennett George, Elizabeth-street, Hyde Park, Sydney
Birtwhistle John (gone to England)
Black Thomas. M. D., Penrith
Blake Isidore Maurice, Campbell Town
Bland William, Pitt-street North, Sydney.
Bond Edward
Brooks George, Colonial Surgeon, New castle.
Brown William, M. D., Murrumbidgee
Brown William Spencer, M..D.
Brown William, East Maitland
Browne Joseph Browning, Cavin.
Buccanan Colin, M. D
Burby George, Colonial Assistant-surgeon, Bathurst.
Cadell James John, M. D. Raymond Terrace
Campbell Allen.
Campbell Francis, M.D.
Campbell John, Surgeon 28th Regiment (gone to the East Indies)
Cannan Kearsey, Elizabeth-street, Sydney.
Cartwright Robert Marsden, Goulburn
Cates John, Sydney
Churchill John.
Clarke George Thomas.
Clarke Jonathan, Port Phillip
Cluttebuck James Bennett, M. D.
Clayton Benjamin, County King
Cobb Law Blaxland (died at Sydney)
Cochrane James (died at Maitland)
Connell James Joseph, Bathurst
Cook Alexander, Castlereagh street Sydney
Cooper John Cowper Henry, Bungonia
Craigh Robert, Bathurst
Crichton John, Oven's River
Cullen Phibba White.
Cussen Patrick, M. D. Assistant Colonial Surgeon, Melbourne
Cuthill Alexander, Surgeon to the Benevolent Asylum, Parramatta-street, Sydney
Davis William, (gone to New Zealand)
Day Henry, Hunter-street, Sydney
De Lisle R., Assistant surgeon, 96th, Regiment.
Dobie John, R. N., Clarence River
Dorsey William M'Taggard, Limestone, Moreton Bay.
Douglas James.
Dowe Joshua, M . D. Coroner, Windsor
Drummond James.
Eadon Charles
Eckford James, M D., Assistant Colonial Surgeon, Liverpool.
Edye Alfred Oke, R. N., Maitland
Ellis James, R. N., Yass
Ellison Robert, surgeon, 50th Regiment (gone to the East Indies)
Enscoe John, Melbourne
Farquharson William
Fayle Higginson, Parramatta
Felton Maurice (died at Sydney)
Foulis John. M. D., Parramatta.
Fullerton . George, M. D., Pitt-street Sydney.
Galbraith R., M. D.., Assistant-Surgeon, 99th Regiment, Sydney
Gammack Alex., Assistant-Colonial Surgeon, Liverpool
Gammie Patrick, Surgeon, 80th Regt., Auckland, New Zealand
Gerard. John, Illawarra
Gilbert Jordan, Market-street, Sydney
Gill John, Broules.
Gillespie. Robert (died at the Clarence River)
Glennie Henry, George-street, Sydney
Goodwin John; Invermein
Graham Henry, Colonial Assistant-surgeon, Norfolk Island
Grant John, M. D., Pitt-street south, Sydney.
Graydon Alexander, M. D., Assistant Surgeon. 50th. Regiment (gone to the East Indies)
Green Henry, Tumut.
Gwynne Gordon, Parramatta.
Haig Isaac, M. D., New England.
Harford James, Sydney.
Harriett Patrick, Colonial Surgeon, General Hospital, Sydney.
Harpur Frederick, King-street west, Sydney.
Harrington Richard
Harris Richard
Hathorn Fergus, Wellington Valley
Havens Robert, Yass
Hayley William, Foxton
Hill Patrick, R. N. Colonial Surgeon, Parramatta.
Hobson Edmund Charles, Melbourne.
Holland John
Hope Robert Cuthbertson, M. D , Campbell Town.
Hosking Peter Mann (gone to England )
Houston Hugh, Apothecary to the Sydney Dispensary.
Houston William, Pitt-street, Sydney
Howitt Godfrey, M. D.
Huffington Hugh Arthur.
Hunt Thomas, Parramatta.
Huntley Robert, County of Murray.
Inches John, R. N (died at Maitland).
Jay Richard Gardiner
Jenkins William Jacob.
Jenkins Richard Lewis, Jerry's Plains
Johnson John, M. D., Colonial Surgeon, Auckland, New Zealand
Johnson Alfed Scomberg
Jones Robert, Jamison-street, Sydney.
Kenney William B, Campbell Town ,
King William, M. D., Mudgee
King William
Kinston William,
Kingslake Charles Woodford.
Lee Michael William, M D., Colonial Assistant Surgeon, General Hospital, Sydney
Lee Thomas, M. D., Colonial Surgeon, Lunatic Asylum, Tarban Creek
Ledbetter George Samuel, Port Macquarie
Liddell William
Liddell William, (gone to England)
Linderman Henry John
Little, Robert, M. D., Hunter street Sydney.
Lloyd Humphrey Thomas
Lewis, Prince street, Sydney
Lynch Henry.
Maberly Samuel, New Zealand
Mallon Patrick Walsh, Maitland
Mark Edward Robson Bridge-street Sydney.
Marsden Robert.
Martin Samuel
M'Donald, M, D. Auckland, New, Zealand
Maxwell Edwin Stanford, (gone to England).
M'Cartney Michael; Gummum Plains
M'Crea Farquhar M. D,' Melbourne.
M'Curdy Samuel, Port Phillip
M'Donald Allan Ronald, M. D , Berrima.
M'Donald Donald, Sydney
M'Donnell A. S., Assistant-Surgeon, 28th. Regiment, gone to the East, Indies)
M'Evoy Francis, Yass
M'Ewin Donald Macintosh, M. D.
M'Farlane John, M. D., Pitt-street South, Sydney.
M'Hattie Richard, Bathurst
M'Intosh Robert, M. D., Asst. surgn. to the Australian Agricultural Company, Port Stephens
M'Keachie David, M . D.
M'Keller Charles Kinnard, George street, Sydney.
M'Kellar Frederick, M. D., Surgeon to the Sydney Disppensary.
M'Kenzie Kenneth, Wollongong
M'Kinlay Ellar M'Kellar, Clarence Town, William's River
M'Kirdy Robert, M. D., (gone to the East Indies)
M'Lenn Daniel, (late Colonial Surgeon, died at the Lunatic Asylum, Durban Creek)
M'Nish A. C, Assistant-surgeon, 80th Regiment, (gone, to the East Indies).
Mollison Patrick, ,M. D., (late Colonial Assistant-surgeon, died at Port Macquarie)
Moran Francis, M. D., (died at Sydney)
Morton Andrew ,
Murray Alexander W., 96th Regiment, (gone to England).
Nathan Charles, Elizabeth-street Sydney
Neilson John, Hunter-street, Sydney
Newton William. Parramatta
Nicholson Charles, M. D., Fort-street, Sydney
Nind Isaac Scott
Norris Thomas, (died at Campbelltown).
O'Brien Bartholomew, M. D, Wollongong, Illawarra
O'Hara Henry Lewis, Melbourne
O'Mullane Arthur, M. D., Melbourne.
Palmer James Frederick, Melbourne
Park Robert, Hunters River
Parsons Thomas, Liverpool.
Patterson John, R. N., Melbourne
Pearce Thomas, (died at Parramatta)
Perrott Thomas M.
Reedy Maurice O'Keefe, M. D., (gone to East Indies)
Reid James, Colonial Assistant Surgeon, Norfolk Island
Richardson William, Colonial Surgeon, Port Macquacie
Richard Henry
Robertson John (gone to England)
Robertson Kinnear, Maneiro
Rodger Robert, Brisbane Water
Ronald William
Russell James Charles, Pitt-st., Sydney
Rutter Robert Champley, Parramatta
Rutter, John Yates, Sydney.
Savage Arthur, R. N., Health Officer, Castlereagh-street, Sydney
Scott Henry Charles (gone to England)
Scouler Arthur, Campbelltown.
Selkirk John, M'Donald River.
Shaw Forster, Geelong
Sherwin William, Mittagong.
Skinner Alexander, Patrick's Plains
Sloane David, Maitland.
Sparrow Thomas (gone to England)
Stacey John Edward, Port Macquarie
Stanford Charles John.
Stewart Bute, M. D., Parramattta.
Stewart Grigor, Surgeon, 96th Regt.
Stewart John, Elizabeth-street, Sydney
Stewart William Farquharson, Windsor
Stolworthy David, Patrick's Plains.
Street Francis Gall Snelling, Invermein
Stuart James (late Colonial Assistant Surgeon, (died at Port Marquarie)
Swaine Spillman R., Campbelltown.
Sullivan John.
Taylor Henry.
Thomas David John, Port Phillip.
Tierney Daniel Joseph, M. D. Wollongong.
Traill Rowland John, M. D., Clarence River.
Tripe Henry Richard Gawen .
Turnbull Robert, Surgeon, 80th Regt., (died at Sydney)
Vallack Adoniah, Patrick's Plains.
Wallace Francis L. M. D., Druitt-st, Sydney.
Wakeman Thomas Henry
Wark David, M. D., Adelaide, South Australia
Warner Charles Avory, Penrith.
Watson Henry, Port Phillip
Waugh Robert, Goulburn
Welch Robert Porter, King and Castlereagh-street, Sydney
West John Boucher, Muswellbrook.
Whittaker Lewis Duncan, Richmond.
Whittell Henry Rawes, corner of Elizabeth and Liverpool-streets, Sydney.
Wilks Stephen Geary, M. D., Clarence street, Sydney.
Williamson William, Morpeth.
Wilmot William Bryan, M. D. Coroner, Melbourne.
Woods, Charles Bourne (died at Sydney)
Wren Erasmus
Wilton William, Newcastle.
Yate Benjamin Howell.

And we do hereby further declare, that the several, persons, whose names are herein mentioned are entitled to be deemed "legally qualified Medical Practitioners," in terms of and according to the provisions of the said Act.
Deputy Inspector General of Hospitals,


(Before Septimus Martin, S.M. (chairman), P. Davis, Edward Cohen, Samuel Heape,
Walsh. Bullen, and Vaughan, Esqs., J.P.'s.)
The annual District Licensing Session was held yesterday at the District Police Court,
Little Collins-street, when there were 83 applications to be considered, all of which
were granted with the exception of two and three were withdrawn.
The following is a list of the applications :—
John Abbott, Lamb Inn, Yan Yean: Granted.
James Aram, Retreat Inn, Brunswick: Granted.
Horace Bastings, Quarry Hotel, East Brunswick: Granted.
William Bastings, Peacock Inn, Northcote: Granted.
Thomas Butt, Rose, Thistle, and Shamrock, Irishtown: Granted.
Patrick Bourke, Travellers' Home, Darebin Creek: Granted.
Denis Bowes, Roscray Hotel, Northcote: Granted.
Jones Brown, Rose of Brunswick Hotel, Brunswick: Withdrawn.
Charles Burrell, Harkaway Hotel, Nunawadin:. Granted.
John Bryan, Victoria Hotel, Broadmeadows: Granted.
Samuel Boyle, Bowling Green Inn, Hawthorne: Granted.
John Conran, Governor Hotham Hotel, Hawthorne: Granted.
Paul Cansick, Boundary Inn, Flemington: Withdrawn.
John Clarke, Stanley Arms, Footscray. (This application was opposed by
the constable stationed at Footscray, on the ground that the house was
badly conducted. Clarke was delicate in his health, and was consequently
frequently unable to attend to the house himself, and when so ill as to
be absent there was no one fit to take charge. The only person in charge
on a Sunday lately was a woman, who was so drunk that she could not
even tell what time it was. The Bench unanimously refused the application,
believing Clarke to be wholly unfit to have a licence.)
James Colvin, Beehive Hotel, Hawthorne: Granted.
John Connell, Hawthorne Hotel, Hawthorne: Granted.
John Connelly, Flemington Hotel, Flemington: Granted.
William Clinton, Brunswick Hotel, Brunswick: Granted.
Denis Delany, Royal Hotel, Nunawading. Granted.
John Devine, Belmont Hotel, Belmont, Epping-road. Granted.
Charles Dyson, Gardiner Hotel, Gardiner: Granted.
George Eastaway, Camberwell Inn, Camberwell. Cautioned, and granted.
George Forbes, Whittlesea Hotel, Whittlesea. Granted.
John Gisby, Marine Hotel, Brighton. Granted.
Joseph Gibson, Oakleigh Hotel, Oakleigh. Granted.
Peter McLean Ross, Bee Hotel, Elsternwick. (This application was opposed
by Mr. Read, on the ground that the house was not required in the locality.
The house, he said, had been twice previously refused a licence on the
ground that it was not required. Mr. F. Stephen supported the application,
and produced a numerously-signed petition in support of the application.)
The Bench unanimously granted the licence.
William Rose, Devonshire Hotel, Brighto:. Granted.
James Royle, Braybrook Hotel, Keilor Plains: Granted.
William Francis Short, Armagh Hotel, Moorabbin: Granted.
Charles Souffham, Lion Hotel, Hawthorn: Granted.
Hugh Sinclair, Pilgrim Hotel, Plenty-road: Granted.
John Scott, East Brighton Hotel, East Brighton: Granted.
George Self Smith, Malvern Hill Hotel, Malvern Hill. Granted.
John Hill, Thorncombe Hotel, Thorncombe: Granted.
Wm. Heffernan, Plenty Inn, Upper Plenty: Granted.
Cuthbert Joseph Harrison, Rising Sun, Geelong-road: Granted.
Samuel Spencer Hanger, Sir Robert Nickle, Hawthorn. Cautioned. Granted.
Denis Hayes, Shannon Hotel, Plenty-road. Granted.
John Holland, Holland's Hotel, Flemington. Granted.
William Hoole, Bridge Hotel, Flemington. Granted.
Lorenzo Horen, National Hotel, Moonee Ponds. Granted.
William James Irwin, Irwin's Hotel, Boroondara. Granted.
Robert Keys, Brighton Hotel, Little Brighton: Granted.
Matthew Lowry, Punt Inn, Hawthorn: Granted.
Stephen Lindsay, Prince Albert Hotel, Brighton. No objection.
Thomas Little, Cumberland Arms, Brunswick. Granted.
William Lewis, Darebin Creek Hotel, Darebin Creek. Granted.
Murdooh McDonald, Railway Hotel, Footscray. Granted.
Andrew Martin, Werribee Station,Werribee. Granted.
Jesse Morley, Plough and Harrow, Brighton. Granted.
Robert Mills, Harp of Erin, Boroondara. Granted.
Matthew Murray, Prince Albert Hotel, Flemington. Granted.
James Maher, Footscray Punt Hotel, Footscray. Granted.
Thomas Mannallock, Cornish Arms Hotel, Brunswick. Granted.
Francis McGlinn, Bridge Inn, River Plenty. Granted.
John Mullins, Farmers' Home Hotel, Oakleigh. Granted.
Patrick Murphy, Railway Hotel, Wyndham. Granted. Bench complimented
Murphy on the good house he kept.
William Myers, Sarah Sands Hotel, Brunswick. Granted.
Edward Murray, Rose and Crown Inn, Flemington. Granted.
George McKnight, Plough Inn, Plenty-road Granted.
George Gregory Nicholas, Junction Hotel, Footscray.
George Nissen, Boroondara Family Hotel, Hawthorn. Granted.
John Overman, Hunter's Rest, Brighton, Granted.
Michael O'Meara, Phillipstown Hotel, Phillipstown: Granted.
Patrick O'Shanassy, Kew Hotel, Kew. Granted.
John O'Connor, Pic-Nic Hotel, Gipsy Village, Moorabbin. Postponed for inquiry.
John O'Connor objected to by Mr. F. Stephen, on behalf of the proprietor, on the
ground that the house had been allowed by the applicant to fall into a dilapidated
state; and also that the applicant was an uncertificated insolvent. (The Bench adjourned
the case for 14 days for inquiry.)
James Patton, McDougall Hotel, Upper Plenty. Granted.
William Philllppe, Boundary Inn, Flemington. Granted.
John George Parsons, Brighton Hotel, Brighton. Granted.
John Price, Edinburgh Castle Inn, Brunswick. Granted,
Edward Sheldrake Plummer, Preston Arms, Preston. Granted.
Daniel Little Reed, Prospect Hill Hotel, Kew. Granted.
John Strachan, Grange Hotel, East Brighton. Withdrawn.
William Stanway, Retreat Inn, Brunswick, Granted.
Alexander Tulloch, Epping Hotel, Epping. Granted.
Patrick Trainor, White Horse Hotel, Nunawading. Granted.
George Williams, Fletcher's Hotel, Hawthorne. Granted.
Richard Watkin, Scurfield Hotel, Dromana. Postponed for 14 days.
William Wood, Racecourse Hotel, Doutta Galla. Granted.
James Whitty, Governor Barkly Hotel, Woodstock. Granted.
Patrlck Whittey, Woodstock Hotel, Woodstock. Granted.
John James White, Doncaster Hotel, Bulleen. Granted.
Thomas Chadwick, Broadmeadows Hotel, Broadmeadows. Granted,
Donald Steward Laurie, Yan Yean Hotel,Yan Yean. Granted.
Thomas Griffiths, Wattle-Tree Hotel, Gardiner. Granted.
John Fleming, Elsternwick Hotel, Elsternwick. Granted.

The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957)
Wednesday 21 April 1858
Page 6.
Transcription, janilye 2013.


Alfred Abraham Harris 1826 - 1890