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Looking for "THOMAS OR ROHA"

Kia ora

My name is Kataraina I am trying to find out anything regarding my great grandfather and his family.

My grandfather was William Benjamin Thomas born June 1910, his father was William Thomas and his mother Hera Matiu.
My grandfather has four siblings that we know of Marietta, Mina, Shophie and Maraea. We know my grandfather went to Waitaruke Convent in Kaeo where they lived until his mother passed away when he was 14 years old. Apparently his father remarried straight away and my grandfather left Kaeo. I do not know if there were any children from my grandfathers second marriage or even where he may be buried.
My mother has been told that there was a whanau in Tautoro that used the name Thomas Rota that may be related but we are unsure.
If there is anyone that may be able to offer any info regarding my grandfather that wou ld be fantastic.

Matiu Whanau

Kia ora Koutou

I am trying to find out any information regarding Hera or Hira Matiu, I believe she was my great grandmother, unfortunately we dont have any other information on her other than she was married to my great grandfather William Thomas, from what we have been told she passed away when my grandfather was approx 14 years old leaving himself and his 4 sisters,,, his father than remarried and my grandfather left never to return please help

1 comment(s), latest 10 years, 10 months ago

Looking For WILLIAM BENJAMIN THOMAS of Kaeo New Zealand

Hello I am trying to find out any information on my grandfather and his family his name was William Benjamin Thomas born June 20 or 21st June 1910 and passed away in 1978. He was named after his father William Thomas, and his mother as far as I know was known as Hera Matiu, my grandfather had 4 younger sibblings maraea, marietta,mina and sophie, apparently maraea had 2 families the first she had 5 children whom I believe would have carried their fathers surname which was Hotere????? My mother knows one of the childrens names as Mavis, and she also had 5 children in the second family dick, marshall, robbie, tommy and may. Marietta married Herbert Pukeroa and we believe had 3 children Ben, Marama and Jenny, we belive mina had a daughter angelina that spent alot of time on matakana island. We do not have much info on sophie but know she passed away between 1996 - 2000. I know my great grandmother Hera passed away when my grandfather was 14 years old which is when he left home and his father remarried, and had 2 more sons which we have no info on.

Apparently my grandfather and his sibblings had quite a strict catholic upbringing and attended the waitaruke convent in Kaeo.
Also my grandfather did tell my mother a name Kawhena we do not know if this is any significant or not and also the name Rota was also mentioned. During my search it has also been mentioned that the name tamati may have used instead of thomas in the earlier days.
If there is anyone out there that maybe able to help me that would be fantastic,,,,

6 comment(s), latest 13 years, 2 months ago