ken_Mackinnon on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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Gascoigne - Pfeifer - Mackinnon

My name is Kenneth Mackinnon from Sydney, Australia.

My Pfeiffer (Pfeifer) and Gascoigne ancestors both immigrated to Australia in the mid to latter half of the 1800, and married into local families, some like my grandparents, John Gascoigne and Augusta Wilhelmina Pfeiffer who married in Australia on the 3 February 1896, left Australia in September 1902 with their then four children Bertha, William John (Jack), Hector Herbert (Herbie) and Grace, to pursue opportunities in South Africa. Where a further four children were born, Vera May, Amy, Gertrude (my mother) and Phillis.

Some of the Gascoigne?s family branches are: Kelly, Turnbull, Reinertsen, Mackinnon, Jubber, Maritz, Duvenage just to name but a few.

My father Edward William Mackinnon the son of Roderick Mackinnon & Margaret Reilly was born in Aberdeen, Scotland on the 12/4/1902 & died on the 11/12/1972 in Johannesburg, South Africa. Edward had a sister Unie MacDonald Mackinnon born on the 7/11/1898, married a John Luke and I believe they had a son Ian Luke.

I have not been able to track down Ian Luke or his family, so am seeking any information about him.

You can visit my web site:

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