keved2 on FamilyTreeCircles - about

keved2 on Family Tree Circles

About keved2

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keved2 , from NSW Australia, has been a Family Tree Circles member since May 2011. is researching the following names: KING, WHITE, WRIGHT and 3 other(s).


In Tasmania
Bramich, Cooley, McRennie, Ikin, Pitt, Priest, Shannon, Southall, Whiley, White, Wright,
In Victoria,
Ellsworth, Hobby, Oprey, Skurrie, Voutier, White, Wright,
In England,
Bainbridge, Batey, Charlton, Coaton, Lilley, McCabe, Makepeace Mccourt, Moat, Palmer, Shipley, Shannon, Southall, White, Wright,