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I just recently started doing some research on my dad's side of the family which is Walker. My dad is Leonard Allison WALKER. He was born in Welsh, Louisiana, which is where I was born, also.

He was married to Mary Ida POWELL. I just learned that her father was Jacob Walker born in Louisiana. His wife's name is (here goes with the spelling)Fedelize/Fedalise Fidallie/Fedarlies BERGERON. Everything that I have managed to find on Fedelize states that she was born in Louisiana. I had a cousin tell me yesterday that she (Fedelize) was from France and spoke no English.

I have found some census records that indicate that Jacob's father was from Germany. If true, I sure was not expecting to learn this.

Linda Jean Walker Duplantis

2 comment(s), latest 13 years, 10 months ago