krazeemom on FamilyTreeCircles - about

krazeemom on Family Tree Circles

About krazeemom


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I was born Cathryn AITKEN in Paisley Renfrewshire, Scotland. My Fathers name is William Barrie AITKEN B. 26/3/1924 to Elizabeth Miller HARPER. his father was William Barrie AITKEN married to Jane Hamilton DUFF. mY FATHER WAS A FIREMAN till 1960. He was traumatized by the great fire of glasgow where 19 firemen were killed. My uncle bob, dads brother continued in the service till he retired in the 80's. We lived in Grant street in Glasgow town centre area. we moved out in 1971 and moved to a new town called Livingston in west lothian. I have 9 brothers and sisters. 5 girls and 4 boys.
The neighbors that i remember were the Herbertsons and the Richardsons


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