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maryanne58 on Family Tree Circles

About maryanne58

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maryanne58 , from Melbourne, Australia, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jan 2011. is researching the following names: HANSEN, HANSON, BARCLAY and 4 other(s).


Hi my name is Maryanne Helen Barclay, b:1958 youngest daughter of Molly Rawea Barclay nee Barnes, d:1975 & Laurence Jonn Barclay, d:1982. Of Maori, Norwegian, French and Scottish descent. My home town is Masterton. Prior to holy communion attended State Primary then transferred to the Catholic school system my formal education ceased at aged 15. Needless to say I was a rebelious teenager. My mother's terminal illness, little extended family contact and proverty impacted on my homelife. Some 27yrs ago I migrated to Australia though still refer to NZ as home. I have three children. Two eldest, Misty-Marie and Andrew born in NZ, youngest Lorna born in Australia, I am also a proud grandmother. My employment in the community dates back some 23yrs. Top interests include being involved in my loved ones lives, family & friends, being creative, socialising, good food and wine, history.