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Journals and Posts

George Henry Bastin and Mary ann Davie

Hi would love to here from any desendants of George and Mary.
thanks Vanessa

Henry Bailey and Edith Emma Thompson

Hi looking for any ancestors of Henry and Edith Bailey, they married in 1915 Birmingham. would love to here from you

William Jackson and Elsie Crawford

Hi looking for relatives of William Jackson and Elsie Crawford who married in 1910, their children are mavis, dorothy, james, jean and freda. Elsie died in 1933 and William married my Great grandmother Maude Caskey. would love to here from you.

George Leer and Charlotte Preston

looking for relatives of George and charlotte they married in 1867 in Surrey, England. their children were Charlotte (my line) George, Fanny, Alfred and Arthur. would love to here from you.

8 comment(s), latest 8 years, 10 months ago

William James Hibbert and Ellen Lucretia Bastin

Hi would love to here from any relatives of William and Ellen, they are my Great grandparents. their children are George, thelma and Iris.

Eliza Brown and George Bailey

Hi looking for any ancestors related to George Bailey who married Eliza brown in warwickshire 1881. their children were Eliza, Fanny, George (who moved to Australia) and Henry. would love to here from you.

David Caskey and Nancy Woodburn Ireland

Looking for any decendants of David and Nancy they were married in 1854 in Ireland, david was a farmer. their two eldest sons came to Australia Alexander and David. David married Charlotte leer in 1894 sydney. would love to here from you.

2 comment(s), latest 8 years, 10 months ago

Henry Hibbert and Susannah Withington.

Hi searching for Ancestors of Henry hibbert and Susannah Withington.
there children are William, Mary Hannah, John Henry, lily Mary.

William Married Mary allen 1875
Mary Hannah ?
John Henry Married Ada Sophia Waddoups 1891
lily mary Married William Farrimond.

would love to here from any family member!!!

2 comment(s), latest 2 years, 1 month ago

George Wilfred Hibbert and Jean Olive Crawford

Would love to here from my grandfather's sister's side of the family, Eunice Hibbert and Thelma Hibbert.
married names are Eunice elliott and Thelma finlayson. thanks

William Clifford morris and Caroline Lewis, children of

Hi im looking for any desendants of William Clifford Morris and Caroline Lewis. Birmingham. Children are, Thomas Clifford, Victor and Leonard.
Would love to here from you.Leonard married Miriam Scattergood and Victor Married Lily constance ?