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some of the ships into LYTTELTON 1851-1885

The following is a list of known ships into Lyttelton, New Zealand between 1851 - 1885.
Sources include:
* Angelfire, for Lyttelton & Port Cooper
* Canterbury Association Manifest
* Christchurch City Libraries
* dustydocs
* Immigrant Ships to Lyttelton
* NZ Bound, with multiple links
* New Zealand Shipping
* White Wings
And, of course, Papers Past

* The page, CANTERBURY PROVINCE tells of:
* Some Very Early History
* Well-Prepared Welcome
* Pioneer's Interesting Diary
* Why The Women Wept
* Other Ships Arrive
* Mr Pavitt's Reminiscences

other Ship INDEXs I'm working on
into LYTTELTON (Christchurch)
into NAPIER (Hawkes Bay)
into NELSON (Marlborough)
into NEW PLYMOUTH (Taranaki)
into PORT CHALMERS (Dunedin)

.. NOTES ..
I There were many other ships into port during this period, some with freight only, or no reliable online info and many were from Australia & American which I have not yet undertaken, so these have been left off this journal for now. Also note, lists of passengers are those available online, they are not guaranteed complete, accurate, nor truly reliable. It seems every list online has conflicting number of immigrants per ship. Use this journal as a guide only to your own further research.

II The first ships to Lyttelton, the Charlotte Jane, Randolph, Sir George Seymour and Cressy, together carried an estimated 790 passengers. In addition, about another 60 worked their passage on the ships or deserted and disembarked. The first of the vessels, Charlotte Jane, landed at Lyttelton Harbour on the morning of 16 Dec 1850. When she reached port she found there two vessels at anchor, the Government brig Fly with Governor George and Lady Grey on board and a merchant vessel, the Barbara Gideon, which had sailed from Plymouth two months before 'the first four ships' and was probably the vessel by which the Canterbury Association had sent out the material used in preparing for the arrival of the pioneers. Governor Grey and the settlers, afterwards had differences, but his welcome of the newcomers seems to have been most courteous and his presence on the spot smoothed over many difficulties that might have arisen through the sudden influx of such a large number of new settlers. Not the least appreciated act of his was the remission of all Customs duties on the belongings of the immigrants. There was going to be some trouble over the interpretation of 'personal belongings,' which were admitted free, but the Governor was higher than red tape and everything went ashore free of toll.
Randolph followed that afternoon. Sir George Seymour arrived 17 Dec, followed ten days later by Cressy on 27 Dec. Cressy had taken longer because she had sprung her foremast south of the Cape of Good Hope and had to reef those sails.
By the end of summer the colony had been joined by settlers from the Castle Eden, which arrived on 17 Feb 1851 and then the Isabella Hercus on 1 March. Between March 1851 and early May 1853, a further 22 shiploads of settlers had arrived from England. By then the colony had an estimated population in excess of 3,000. (This figure may be an under-estimate because various lists of passengers didn't always agree, there were also ships arriving from Australia with both passengers and animals, movement within New Zealand was unrestricted and ships also stopped at other New Zealand settlements before or after visiting Canterbury, but immigrants were registered at their first port of entry).
The 'colonists' who travelled in the relative luxury of the cabins, included those men and their families who could afford to buy land in the new colony. 'Immigrants' included farm workers, labourers and tradesmen who made the journey in steerage, some having assisted passage. Each ship carried a chaplain, a doctor and a schoolmaster and included in the cargo was a printing press, a library of 2,000 books, a church organ and several pre-fabricated houses in sections. Cabin passengers paid £42 and cheaper berths were £25, whilst steerage passengers paid £15.
A marble plaque in Cathedral Square in Christchurch lists the names of the Canterbury Pilgrims, as those who arrived on the first four ships are known.
Passenger lists of the 'First Four' ships to Lyttelton.
* The first expedition of colonists consisted of 1200 passengers in six vessels; for though the 'first four' sailed from England at the same time, they were so closely followed by the Castle Eden and the Isabella Hercus that the whole of the first colonists really emigrated as a body.

. . 1851 . .
BANGALORE, barque 877 tons, Captain William Morgan, sailed Gravesend 9th May 1851, arrived 21st Aug. The largest ship chartered by the Canterbury Association . passengers. On 14 Sep, having discharged its passengers and freight, she sailed for Wellington. On the 8th of Oct she sailed for Bombay. It was reported in the Lyttelton Times 3 July 1852 that she had been totally wrecked. Captain Morgan bought 50 acres on the plains, returned to England to fetch his wife and returned here to settle.

CASTLE EDEN, 930 tons, Captain Thornhill, sailed from Plymouth 3rd Oct 1850, arrived 14 Feb 1851 with 204 passengers, including Dr Jackson, Bishop designate of Lyttelton & his family. The ship encountered heavy weather and was compelled to return to the Sound, from which she finally sailed on the 18th . passengers

CANTERBURY, new ship 970 tons, Captain Edwards, sailed East India Docks, London 18 June 1851 on her maiden voyage, arrived 18 Oct. This ship was christened by Lady Lyttelton a month before she sailed. The ceremony took place after a public breakfast given at the East India Docks to the first portion of the main body of the Canterbury settlers. She carried a sixteen ponder cannon, sometimes used to salute ships coming into port . passengers

CHARLOTTE JANE, 720 tons, Captain Alexander Lawrence, sailed Plymouth 7 Sept 1850, arrived Dec 16 1850. When the 'Charlotte Jane', the first ship, entered the harbour, Her Majesty's sloop of war, 'Fly' was lying at anchor, having on board His Excellency the Governor of New Zealand and Lady Grey, who had come down in hopes of being present at the arrival of the first body of colonists (see link above) . passengers . another list

CORNWALL, barque 580 tons, Captain Davison, sailed London 15 Aug 1851, arrived 10th Dec then on to Nelson & Wellington . passengers

CRESSY, 4th of the 'first 4,' barque, 720 tons, master Bell, sailed from Plymouth 8th Sep with 27 cabin, 23 intermediate and 105 steerage passengers, arrived 27 Dec (see link above)

DOMINION, 547 tons,Captain William S. Drake, sailed 8 May 1851, arrived 30 Aug . List of Persons whom the Canterbury Association have authorized to embark for Canterbury

DUKE of BRONTE, 500 tons, Captain John Thomas Barclay, sailed London 10 Jan 1851, arrived 5th June . passengers

DUKE of PORTLAND, 533 tons, Captain W. J. Cubitt, sailed Portsmouth 19 June 1851, arrived 26th Sept . passengers

FATIMA, 521 tons, Captain Sproul, sailed London 12th Sep 1851, arrived 7th Dec . part list

ISABELLA HERCUS, full rigged ship 618 tons, Captain Peter Houston, sailed Gravesend 24th Oct 1850, arrived 1 March 1851 . passengers

LABUAN, barque 547 tons, Captain Walter Scott, sailed London 8 April 1851, arrived 14 August . passengers

LADY NUGENT, built 1813, 668 tons, Captain John Parsons, sailed London 30th May 1851, arrived 18 Sept . passengers

MIDLOTHIAN, barque 530 tons, Captain Gibson, sailed Gravesend 21st June 1851, arrived 8 Oct, then on to Nelson . passengers

ORIENTAL, barque 506 tons, was one of the first five ships sent out by the New Zealand Land Company. From London, Captain Macey, arrived at Lyttelton during August. After landing passengers and cargo, she was employed trading between Australia and New Zealand. On the 26 Nov she brought over 80 horses, 150 head cattle and 1,500 sheep for Wellington and Lyttelton.

RANDOLPH, 2nd of the 'first 4', same day as Charlotte Jane, 761 tons, master Dale, sailed from Plymouth 7th Sep 1851, with 34 cabin, 15 intermediate and 161 steerage passengers, arrived 16th Dec (see link above).
On Thursday the 20th Dec, one of the steerage passengers, named John Williams, who had been walking out to Riccarton and Christchurch, was found lying dead near the bridle-path on the top of the hill above the town, by some other travellers on their return. Medical assistance was quickly procured but it was ascertained that life had been for some time quite extinct. The cause of his death appears to have been of an apoplectic nature and was probably hurried on by the excessive hear of the weather and the unusual fatigue, to which, in his praiseworthy endeavors to find a suitable spot on which to locate his family, the deceased had exposed himself. The remains were brought into town and buried in the cemetery on the following day by the Rev E. Packle. He bore a high character with all who had an opportunity of knowing him. He left a widow and eight children.

SAMARANG, barque 582 tons, Captain Escott, sailed London 26 March 1851, arrived 31st July . passengers

Sir GEORGE POLLOCK, 630 tons, Captain Withers, Dr Moore Surgeon-Superintendent, sailed 17 July 1851, arrived 10 Nov with 145 passengers, including Felix Wakefield (1807-1875). Felix was the 7th child, 6th son, of Edward Wakefield (1774–1854), a distinguished surveyor and land agent and Susanna Crush (1767–1816) of Felstead. His grandmother, Priscilla Wakefield (1751–1832), was a popular author for the young and one of the introducers of savings banks. He was the brother of: Catherine Gurney Wakefield (1793–1873), the mother of Charles Torlesse (1825–1866); Edward Gibbon Wakefield (1796–1862); Daniel Bell Wakefield (1798–1858); Arthur Wakefield (1799–1843); William Hayward Wakefield (1801–1848); John Howard Wakefield (1803–1862); Priscilla Susannah Wakefield (1809–1887); Percy Wakefield (1810–1832) and an unnamed child born in 1813.
When he left school Felix began working with his father and training as a surveyor and civil engineer. This was interrupted, however, in 1826 as a result of the scandal surrounding his brothers, Edward Gibbon Wakefield, William Wakefield and his stepmother Frances Wakefield who hatched the plan and abducted, the heiress Ellen Turner, daughter of the High Sheriff of Cheshire. When he eventually finished his training he rejoined his father, now in exile in Blois, France. Soon afterwards he impregnated a servant girl, Marie Bailley and was required to marry her. In 1832 the young family emigrated to Tasmania where Felix was employed as a surveyor. Although initially successful, Felix's work did not impress the authorities and such was his personality that when criticised he usually resorted to litigation and argument. As a result of this, he became extremely unpopular and eventually unemployable. Various attempts to recoup his fortunes were unsuccessful and by 1846 the family was destitute. Abandoning his wife and youngest child in Tasmania, Felix took the other eight children and returned to England.
Most of the responsibility for supporting the family fell on his older sister, Catherine Torlesse, mother of Charles Torlesse and brother Edward Gibbon, who was himself recovering from a major stroke. But Edward Gibbon was also involved in the promotion and planning of a new scheme for the colonisation of New Zealand, the Canterbury Association, under the auspices of the Church of England and he persuaded himself that his brother Felix and his surveying skills had a contribution to make. The plan that Felix drew up for surveying the Canterbury Plains was largely adopted and contributed significantly to the early success of the colony. However, it was not easy, as Felix was just as hard to work with in England as he had been in Tasmania. Eventually, relations between the brothers were so bad that Edward Gibbon more or less wrote off his brother's debts, paid him a substantial sum of money, and sent him off to New Zealand. So it was that he arrived in 1851 with his wife Marie Felice Elizabeth Baillie and 6 of their family of 9, 6 sons & 3 daughters.
Immediately on arrival he began feuding with the agents of the Canterbury Association about the land allocated to him. There were also questions about various sums of money that he was unable to account for satisfactorily. A few months later he leased the store at Redcliffs, installed his children in the care of his eldest daughter, Constance, now twenty years old, and departed for Wellington.
In Wellington, he met up with another brother, Daniel Bell Wakefield, resumed his campaign against Edward Gibbon and started a new campaign aiming to have the administrators of the Canterbury Settlement replaced. Then at the end of March, after less than five months in the colony, he returned to London. There he continued his vendettas with such vehemence that he was summoned to appear in court, charged with uttering threats against the Canterbury Association's Land Agent, John Robert Godley. And then, just as precipitately, he returned to New Zealand.
He arrived in Nelson in 1854, bringing with him two red deer. They thrived in New Zealand and went on to destroy much of the country's native forests. Felix returned to Canterbury where his welcome was very cool. By August he was again in trouble, this time for attempting to evict the tenant from a building owned by his nephew, Jerningham Wakefield. Shortly afterwards he quit Canterbury, this time taking his children with him and returned to Nelson where they stayed for a short while before sailing once again back to England.
He stayed away from New Zealand for ten years, during much of the time he was involved in litigation over various issues about land in New Zealand. He also served in the Crimean War, acting briefly as an engineer on the construction of the Balaclava Railway. He may also have been involved in the Indian Mutiny of 1857. Finally in Jan 1864, he returned to NZ, this time bringing with him a flock of skylarks. He settled in Nelson for a while, tried Canterbury for a period and then moved on to Wellington and then back once again to Nelson where in 1870 he was employed as a post office clerk until he retired in 1874. Wakefield died of a heart attack in Sumner (Christchurch) on 23 Dec 1875. He is buried at Barbadoes Street Cemetery.His son Edward Wakefield was a New Zealand politician and journalist.

Sir GEORGE SEYMOUR, 3rd of the 'first 4' 850 tons, master Goodson, sailed from Plymouth 8th Sep with 40 cabin, 23 intermediate and 164 steerage passengers, arrived 17th Dec (see link above).

STEADFAST, barque 524 tons, built 1847. Captain Thomas Spencer, Dr John Gundry Surgeon-Superintendent, sailed London 27th Feb 1851, arrived 8th June. Dr Gundry established a medical practice on Cashel St, between Colombo Street & Oxford Terrace. He moved back to England in 1858 and became the Vicar of Honiton, Devon. Also on board was Horace Hodgkinson (1821-1851), 4th son of George Hodgkinson, Solicitor of Newark. He took Holy Orders and was the curate for a time at Silkstone near Barnsley, later curate of Ollerton, Notts in 1850. He came to NZ on the Steadfast as Chaplain and was to take charge of the Lyttelton settlement. He died 3 weeks after landing .
the voyage & passenger list

TRAVANCORE, 562 tons, Captain Henry Brown, sailed from Gravesend at noon on 6 Dec 1850 with 173 passengers 18 were chief and 17 fore-cabin. On Sunday, 8 of Dec, she lay in the Downs, detained by contrary winds. Early in the morning of Monday however, she sailed with a gentle breeze and soon left the shores of England among the remembrances of the past. Arrived 31 March 1851 with 149 settlers.

. . 1852 . .
AGRA, 1 of 2 ships named Agra, 900 tons, built 1851, Captain McLean, sailed Gravesend 17 Nov 1851, arrived 19 March 1852 via Wellington with 150 passengers for Wellington & 100 for other parts. Two babies born, 1 infant died . full list not yet found . passengers to Wellington

CORNWALL, barque 580 tons, Captain A. Dawson, sailed London 12th Aug 1852, arrived 10th Dec. One of the earliest vessels to bring immigrants to New Zealand. Captain Dawson had made previous trips to the Colony in the Amelia Thompson and Slaines Castle. He died at Hong Kong in 1858. The Cornwall made her first voyage to New Plymouth, arriving there on the 18th Aug 1849. After discharging cargo, the barque proceeded to Nelson, arriving 25th Aug and then went on to Dunedin, arriving 23rd Sep, landing a number of passengers .. passenger list

COLUMBUS, barque 650 tons, Captain Holton, sailed London 2 July 1851, arrived 19 Jan 1852. Passengers; Mr & Mrs Hornbrook & children and 15 in the steerage. A good deal of cargo.

DUKE of PORTLAND, 533 tons, Captain William John Cubitt, sailed Portsmouth 19th June 1852, via Port Victoria. The Government brig Victoria, bound for Wellington, sailed from Port Victoria in company with the Duke of Portland, arrived 24th Sep with 151 . passengers. She sailed on to Auckland 24th Oct 1851

GWALIOR, barque 404 tons, Captain James Davidson, via Auckland, sailed London 10 Dec 1851, 6 months later, 15 June 1852, she arrived in Auckland. A remarkable story was told .. It had been a most wearisome, uncomfortable passage and everybody was heartily sick of the sea and the ship. She was unseaworthy, had a decided list. To add to this the craft had a drunken captain and in the latter part of the voyage the food was scarce and unpleasant. Even in the cabin the passengers had only a little salt fish, weevily biscuits and the water was nearly as thick as oil. A month before reaching Auckland the food was so scarce that in desperation the cargo was broached and some salt fish and bags of rice were freely used. During the passage the captain had spent seventeen days in irons, as he was suffering from delirium tremens, during which he threatened to stab the mate with a carving knife. He frequently strode about the deck with a drawn sword, terrifying all the passengers. In his sober moments he was a first-class sailor; but when on a drinking bout he was the terror of the ship. Captain Davidson threw himself overboard on 16th April. Barque hove to and all efforts made to save him failed. Chief Officer Mr Taylor took command and brought the ship into port. This vessel was 200 days making the voyage to Auckland and the unfortunate Captain underwent considerable mental anxiety which he endeavoured to alleviate by resorting to stimulants. Many immigrants were sick of the voyage and disembarked at Auckland . passengers

PERSIA, 669 tons, Captain Broadfoot, sailed London 22 Feb 1852, arrived 1 Sep . passengers

SAMARANG, barque 582 tons, Captain Escott, sailed 26th March 1852, arrived 31st July with 121 passengers.

STAG, 678 tons, Captain Clarke, built in Sunderland, Scotland in 1842, sailed from the London Docks 4th Jan 1852, arrived Lyttelton 17th May. During the voyage there were 6 deaths among the young children . voyage & passengers

WILLIAM HYDE, 532 tons, Captain Applewaite/Applewhaiten, sailed from London 21st Oct 1851, arrived 5th Jan 1852 with passengers and cargo and later proceeded to New Plymouth . the journey & passengers

. . 1853 . .
HAMPSHIRE, 627 tons, Captain Reynall, sailed 10th Dec 1852, arrived 6th May via Port Victoria .. part list

JOHN TAYLOR, 800 tons, Captain J. M. Cawkitt, sailed London 10 July 1853, arrived 18 Oct with 140 passengers. Extracts from link .. Rev John Moir, being a Free Church minister, was very scathing about the ship's Chaplain and his sermons and he preached at the request of many passengers. The Captains wasn't too keen but didn't forbid him and John points out to him that 'card playing and many such were allowed and the preaching of the Gospel surely might be tolerated also.' Things got pretty bitter between the different doctrines. Several children died of diarrhea and are 'cast overboard'. During the Hurricane the Captain 'when he saw the bowsprit under the water and the sea rushing over the forecastle exclaimed "All is lost". Several sharks were caught. There was a fight between the black cook and several seamen, the cook ended up with a cracked skull, broken arm etc. Passengers were outraged and the sailors were to be prosecuted for the attack. John Moir and other passengers make a presentation (money) to the Captain for his 'ability as a commander, his urbanity and kindness and attention to all our wants.'

MINERVA, 830 tons, Captain Johnston, sailed from Plymouth 12th Oct 1852, arrived at Port Cooper 2nd Feb on her 113th day. A few calms had slowed her down otherwise the voyage was uneventful. Among the passengers in the Minerva was Edward Gibbon Wakefield, who realized his long cherished project and arrived in New Zealand with the intention of becoming a colonist. A great deal of Edward and his family scandal can be seen at the top '1st 4' story .. passengers

. . 1854 . .
ASHMORE, 512 tons, Captain Edwards, arrived 16th Nov 1854 .. passengers

BALNAGILETH, 461 tons, Captain Arthur Smith, sailed London 12th Dec 1853, arrived 22nd April 1854. This vessel was bound for Auckland, but owing to ship's stores running out, the Captain was forced to make for Lyttelton.

DOLPHIN, 370 tons, Captain Turnbull, sailed London 1 June 1854, arrived 8th Nov . passengers

DUKE of PORTLAND, 533 tons, Captain George F. Seymour, sailed Plymouth 19 Nov 1853, arrived 27th March 1854, via Wellington.

. . 1855 . .
CAROLINE AGNES, 580 tons, Captain James Ferguson, sailed 19th April, arrived 16th August. Passengers, 187. Among the passengers was Mr William Taylor, who was responsible for great pioneering work in Christchurch, which, when Taylor arrived, was only a flax swamp with a few scattered tents . passengers

CASHMERE, 640 tons, Captain Pearson, sailed London July 1855, arrived 23rd Oct. The Cashmere brought many early settlers to the Dominion. She made 5 voyages to Auckland, 2 to Lyttelton and one each to Nelson and Dunedin. She was more comfortable than many other vessels coming out in the 1850s and many pioneers chose this ship when making a trip to the Homeland . passengers

GRASMERE, 455 tons, Captain John Yeo, sailed London 9th Jan 1855, arrived 4th May . passengers

ROYAL STUART, 723 tons, Captain Frederick George Tadman, sailed Plymouth 9th Oct 1854, arrived 4th Jan 1855 with 29 first, 37 second and 36 steerage passengers, also 650 tons of general cargo in unprecedented speed. We understand the voyage was passed most agreeably by the passengers, who enjoyed excellent health, the only melancholy casualty being the health of the Surgeon, Mr David F. Twining, who died on entering the harbour. He suffered much all the passage from a broken rib (caused by a fall some years since) pressing on his lungs. We hear he was nearly sixty years of age. Messrs Young and Co. acted very unwisely in committing the charge of so many valuable lives to a gentleman who, however great his professional skill, owning to his age and infirmities, would have been unable to attend to any serious illness if such had unfortunately broken out. This is more culpable when so many young and capable men can be easily obtained in England . voyage & passengers. The Royal Stuart was wrecked on the Capricorn Reef, Torres Strait in 1864 while on passage from Auckland to Madras

SOUTHERN CROSS, topsail schooner 100 tons, Captain Susten, built especially for Bishop Selwyn for £1,500, funded by subscriptions provided by supporters of the Melanesian Mission. She was built by Messrs Wigram of Blackwall Yard, England in 1855, the first of 9 ships named Southern Cross, the name given to each of a succession of ships serving the Melanesian Mission of the Anglican Church and the Church of the Province of Melanesia. She succeeded the Undine, a 21-ton schooner built at Auckland and in service from 1849 to 1857. She sailed 28th March 1855, arrived 20th July. Was wrecked 18 June 1860 at the mouth of the Ngunguru River, during an easterly gale.

. . 1856 . .
EGMONT, 767 tons, Captain Gibson, sailed London 11th Sep 1856, arrived 23rd Dec . passengers, including Bishop Henry John Chitty Harper (1804-1893) & Rev George H. Eyre and their families

ISABELLA HERCUS, 618 tons, Captain William Sewell, sailed London 18th Sept 1855, arrived 5th Jan 1856. Two births, 8 deaths . passengers

Sir EDWARD PAGET, 482 tons, Captain Wycherley, sailed London 21st Feb 1856, arrived 2nd July . passengers

. . 1857 . .
BELLISSIMA Barque, 431 tons, Captain Rowett, sailed Gravesend 6 11 1856, arrived 14th Feb 1857 with 6 passengers

CORNUBIA, 459 tons, Captain Ellison, from London, via Auckland, arrived 14th October.

GLENTANNER, 610 tons, Captain Benjamin Bruce, sailed London 11th June 1857, arrived 3rd Oct. A very rough experience on the voyage. She ran into a very heavy gale and was thrown on her bean ends. The mainmast-head gave way also the mizzen topmast and jibboom, which carried away the foretop gallant mast and foretopsail yard. Nearly all the sails were carried away. When the masts went down the ship righted herself, but it was not until the following day that she could be got before the wind and then she could only spread her foresail and foretop mast staysail. By this accident one of the seamen was killed . 163 passengers

PHILIP LAING, wooden barque, 459 tons, Captain Cadenhead, sailed from London 1856, arrived 13th Feb 1857 via Wellington. She was approx 180ft long, a beam of 39 feet with square rigs on the foremast & mainmast and fore and aft rigging on the mizzen mast. She was built with the yard number 167 by the James Laing yard at Deptford in Sutherland for Laing & Ridley of Liverpool and was launched 23 July 1846. During the voyage to Lyttelton she caught fire just after having called at Cape of Good Hope, but it was quickly extinguished. When leaving Lyttelton, bound for Singapore, she was struck by a squall and nearly capsized, but she righted herself, not before it had been mistakenly reported that she had sunk with the loss of all of her crew. She made several trips between UK and the East. On one occasion she was stranded on an island in the Java Sea for 36 hours, until the crew were able to refloat the ship.
The Philip Laing had made a number of trips to NZ, brought 247 immigrants in 1847 and Port Chalmers in 1848. She is last mentioned in the Lloyd's Register with her captain given as J. S. Cadenhead. The ship ended its days as a coal hulk at Hong Kong.

SOLENT, 732 tons, Captain Martin Brooks, sailed from London 27 April 1857 and, via Auckland, arrived in Lyttelton on 8th Sep with 21 passengers.

. . 1858 . .
ASHBURTON, 589 tons, Captain King, sailed London 7th Aug 1857, arrived, via Wellington, 15th Jan 1858

HASTINGS, 597 tons, Captain Carew, sailed London 18 Nov 1857, arrived via Wellington, 20th March 1858 . made 3 trips to NZ

INDIANA, barque 852 tons, Captain McKirdy, sailed London 2nd Aug 1858, arrived via Wellington 23rd Nov . passengers

NOURMAHAL, 846 tons, Captain L. C. Brayley, sailed London 6th Feb 1858, via Otago, arrived 16th June . passengers

ROEHAMPTON, 469 tons, Captain Chandler, sailed London 5th Nov 1857, arrived, via the Cape of Good Hope, 7th March 1858 . passengers

WESTMINSTER, 731 tons, Captain Westgarth, sailed London 13th Oct 1857, arrived 9th Jan 1858 . passengers

. . 1859 . .
ASHBURTON, 600 tons, Captain King, sailed London, arrived 19 Dec 1859 via Nelson . passengers

BURMAH, 718 ton wooden ship, Captain Turnbull, sailed London 26th Aug 1859 with 36 crew, 22 passengers, the largest and valuable consignment of first-class, breeding livestock ever shipped to the colony, a thoroughbred colt, 4 thoroughbred fillies, a thoroughbred mare. Four Clydesdale stallions, 2 Clydesdale mares, 2 Yorkshire stallions and a Yorkshire Colt. Four Ayreshire bulls & 2 heifers and a short-horn bull & 2 heifers and other general cargo. She was due Lyttelton 20 Dec 1859 but never arrived. She was seen by the Regina on 17 Nov, about 14 days sailing distance west of NZ, at 48°S 97°E. Regina passed icebergs the day after they spoke. Burmah was officially declared lost by Lloyds on 6 May 1860 .. passengers

CAMEO, barque, 785 tons, Captain J. Pole, sailed London 1st March 1858, arrived 11 July .. passengers

CASHMERE, 640 tons, Captain john Byron, sailed London 16th June 1859, arrived 11th Oct . passengers

CRESSWELL, 570 tons, Captain Barnet, sailed 27th May 1858, arrived 12 Sep . Five deaths during the voyage . passengers

CATHERINE PEMBERTON, 319 tons, Captain Harris, sailed 24th June, arrived 26th October.

MINERVA, 874 tons, Captain Merryman, from London, via Wellington, arrived 16th August.

REGINA, Captain Thornton, sailed 2nd September, arrived 4th December. Passengers, 283.

STRATHALLAN, 551 tons, Captain Williamson, from London, via Timaru, arrived 21st January, making the passage in 90 days. Passengers, 259. One half landed at Timaru.

VALISNERIA, 243 tons, Captain Webb, from London, via Mauritius, arrived 13th November. The vessel encountered severe storms and was compelled to put into Mauritius for repairs. The voyage occupied six months.

VICTORY, 579 tons, Captain Stevens, arrived 14th May. Passengers, 174.

. . 1860 . .
AMBROSINE, Barque, 437 tons, Captain Parsons, sailed from London 29th Oct 1859, arrived 15th Feb 1860. She two days after the wreck of the Royal Charter and met with terrific gales in the Channel. Shipping generally suffered severe damage during these gales. The barque sailed finally from the French Island Ushant on 9th Nov and made a run of 29 days to the Equator. Captain Parsons reported heavy gales throughout the voyage .. passenger list

GANANOQUE, 785 tons, Captain Norris, sailed London 14 Feb 1860, arrived 9th May. Crossed the Line in 21 days and arrived in port 85 days from the Docks, landing 215 passengers

HARWOOD, Captain Forsayth, sailed 2nd Sep 1860, arrived 14th December.

JOHN LAWSON, barque, Captain Bell, sailed 30th Oct 1859, arrived 8th Feb 1860.

PERSIA, Captain Smith, sailed 1st May 1860, arrived 17th Sep after a rough passage of 139 days.

ROMAN EMPEROR, 739 tons, Captain Dewar, sailed 1st Oct 1859, arrived 27th Jan 1860 with 213 passengers.

. . 1861 . .
CHRYSOLITE clipper ship 1129 tons, Captain D. McIntyre, sailed London 15th April 1861m arrived 27th July. We perhaps do not always remember what an important part the United States played in the evolution of the clipper ship. In the early sixties the fastest ships were almost without exception built in the States and it was only after the British builders had learned the lessons of the daring American designers and applied what they had learned to building in iron instead of wood, that Britain again won supremacy at sea. Some of these American wooden ships were very beautiful craft and they were almost invariably fast. Such a one was the Chrystolite which made a number of voyages to the colonies under Captain D. McIntyre, a popular master. In 1861 she arrived off Lyttelton Heads when only 74 days out from London, a passage that was at that time marvellously fast . passengers

DERWENTWATER, barque 567 tons, Captain Thomson, sailed London 11th July 1861, arrived 26th Nov . passengers

MINERVA, 827 tons, Captain Merryman, sailed 17th Nov 1860, arrived 27th Feb 1861.

RHEA SYLVIA arrived 6 May, Captain Evans

SEBASTOPOL, 992 tons, Captain Frazer, sailed 6th Sep 1861, arrived 14th December.

. . 1862 . .
ECHUNGA 1000 tons, sailed London 2nd Sep 1862, arrived 22 Dec. The Echunga was a large ship, but she was not a clipper. Her record passage to NZ being 103 days to Lyttelton. This was her 1st voyage out. She sailedwith 332 immigrants for Timaru and Lyttelton. At Timaru it was discovered that no provision had been made for their reception, although the Government knew as far back as May that a large batch of immigrants would arrive about that time. The barracks, which should have been ready, were only just started. When the first batch of passengers. When landed in heavy rain they found men preparing to erect some tents and the voyagers had to lay down and rest on the grass, as not even straw had been provided. The consequence was that a large number refused to go ashore and demanded to be taken to Lyttelton, as their contract tickets were made out for Canterbury and did not bind them to land at Timaru. Four deaths occurred during the voyage . passengers

EVENING STAR, 811 tons, sailed 13 Sep 1861, Captain A. W. Norris, arrived 3 Jan 1862

KENSINGTON, Captain King, sailed 6th Feb 1862. Put into Cape of Good Hope and arrived 18th July after a long voyage of 162 days.

QUEEN of the MERSEY, 1226 tons, Captain Atkins, sailed London 3rd July 1862, arrived 19th Oct with 349 passengers, making the passage in 108 days. Ten deaths occurred, mostly children from measles. She was American built in 1860 for Mr H. Melvain, of Newcastle. During the passage a serious mutiny took place among a portion of the crew. On arrival five of the men were brought up at the Police Court and sentenced to a term of imprisonment. In 1862 she was chartered for two voyages to New Zealand.

ROYAL STUART, 761 tons, Captain Cornwall, sailed 3rd July 1862, arrived 8th Oct with 190 passengers. One of Willis, Gann and Co's line.

. . 1863 . .
ACCRINGTON, 1,900 tons, Captain Christie, sailed Plymouth 18th June 1863, arrived 5th Sep with 12 saloon & 310 assisted immigrants. The Accrington was a remarkably fine ship. She had a flush deck of 280 feet in length and was specially fitted up for the conveyance of passengers. Nothing of note occurred during the voyage except a continuance of gales and squally weather after leaving the Cape. 12 deaths occurred. This was the only passage made to New Zealand ..passenger list

BAHIA, Captain Le Fann, sailed 26th July 1863, arrived 7th December.

BRITISH CROWN,1150 tons, Captain Whitfield, sailed London 15 May 1863, arrived 17 Aug with over 400 immigrants. This was the first ship to arrive at Lyttelton direct from Liverpool. Twelve deaths occurred, all children and there were nine births. She did not make a second voyage to the colony.

BROTHERS PRIDE, 1236 tons, Captain Sproul, sailed London 25 July 1863, arrived 10 Dec with 371 immigrants. When she arrived flying the yellow flag, the melancholy intelligence of the death of 44 persons having occurred soon reached shore. She experienced a rough passage, but no serious damage was done to the ship. Both vessel and passengers on arrival were placed in quarantine.

CANTERBURY, 1223 tons, Captain Clare, sailed London 21st Sep 1863, arrived 10 Jan 1864 . passengers

CAPTAIN COOK, 1000 tons, Captain H. C. Cleaver, sailed Spithead 17th May 1863, arrived 5 Sep. The Captain Cook sailed with 18 second class, 66 steerage and 370 assisted immigrants, making a total of 498 souls, including the crew. During the voyage there were eleven deaths and on arrival the vessel was placed in quarantine. After passing the Cape she encountered two or three heavy gales, one developing into a fearful hurricane, during which the ship was severely crippled. During one of the gales on 5 Aug, many large ice-bergs were encountered and the officers and passengers had an anxious time . passengers

DAVID G. FLEMING, 1467 tons, Captain Cruickshank, sailed London 23rd Aug 1863, arrived 9th Dec, making the passage in 100 days. She brought 12 cabin and 300 immigrant passengers. Three deaths occurred during the voyage and one seaman was drowned . passengers

DERWENTWATER, barque 567 tons, Captain Thomson, sailed London 5th Sep 1862, arrived 7th Jan 1863 . passengers

DONA ANITA , barque 500 tons, Captain Smith, sailed London 1st April 1863, arrived 14th July. Her 4th of 5 visits . passengers

EPSOM, 548 tons, Captain Vaux, arrived 10th August 1863 . part list

EVENING STAR, 811 tons, Captain Montano, sailed 1 Jan 1863, arrived 13 April . passengers

HOLYROOD, 501 tons, Captain H. Deane, via Hobart, arrived 14th Sep 1863, after a lengthy and tedious voyage of seven to eight months.

HUNTRESS, 776 tons, Captain Barrow, arrived 21st April 1863 with 313 passengers. Experienced very heavy weather in the Channel and only reached the Line after a very long interval of 60 days. She was to have called at Timaru to land passengers, but owing to a heavy gale blowing in from the sea, Captain Barrow carried the passengers on to Lyttelton.

KIRKLAND, 453 tons, Captain College, from London, arrived 18th August 1863.

LANCASHIRE WITCH, full-rigged ship of 1574, Captain West. Sailed London 4th July 1863, arrived 13 Oct with 420 immigrants. The Lancashire Witch was one of the many vessels built at Quebec and was eleven years off the stocks when she came to New Zealand. She was owned by Firnie and Co. of Liverpool and in 1863 was chartered by the Shaw Savill Co. She made her first passage to Lyttelton in 1863 and the 420 immigrants who embarked at London experienced a very trying and anxious time. Shortly after her departure scarlet fever broke out and before reaching Lyttelton three adults and 23 children died and were buried at sea.

METROPOLIS, 1082 tons, Captain Kennery, sailed 4th March 1863, arrived 16th June with 160 passengers.

PRINCE of WALES, arrived 24 June 1863

ROMAN EMPEROR, 720 tons, Captain King, sailed from Plymouth 22nd Dec 1862, arrived 30th March 1863 with 103 passengers including 20 for Auckland.

SEBASTOPOL, 993 tons, Captain D. Taylor, sailed London 17th Jan 1863, arrived 21st May with 235 passengers.

Sir RALPH ABERCROMBIE, 744 tons, Captain Gilbert, sailed 13th June 1863, arrived 12th September.

ZAMBESI, 1089 tons, Captain McNeil, arrived 20th Sep 1863 with 80 passengers.

. . 1864 . .
AMOOR, sailed London 8 April 1864, arrived 2nd July, making the passage in 86 days with 13 saloon and 160 Government immigrants .. passengers

BALACLAVA, 621 tons, Captain Stewart, sailed 6th Nov 1863, arrived 29th Feb 1864. with 13 cabin and 45 steerage.

BELLISSIMA, 431 tons, Captain Ritchie, sailed from London 29th June 1864, arrived 31st Oct after a tedious passage of 125 days, bringing 12 saloon and a number of steerage passengers .. part list

BRITISH EMPIRE, 2600 tons, Captain Thomas B. Callenan, sailed London 15th May 1864, arrived 6 Sep. At the time of her arrival she was the largest ship to enter the port. She had 33 cabin passengers and 366 immigrants. British Empire was a vessel dogged by bad luck. While being towed down the river from Bristol, her bow stuck on a projecting part of the bank. The river was tidal and the tide in this instance was running out very fast. It swung the stern of the ship around until it caught the opposite bank, leaving British Empire high-and-dry. In this position several lighters and small vessels were actually able to sail under her. Understandably considerable strain was placed on the ship and when she was refloated repairs were required.
The voyage
British Empire was eventually wrecked along with many other vessels during a tidal wave at St Thomas in the West Indies.

COUNTESS of SEAFIELD, Captain Danvers, arrived 27 Aug 1864

COSSIPORE, 763 tons, Captain Hulbert, sailed London 19 April 1864, arrived 11 Aug.

DERWENTWATER, barque 567 tons, Captain Thomson, sailed London 1st Sep 1863, arrived 2nd Jan 1864 . Third voyage to Lyttelton . passengers

GOLDEN SUNSET, 1000 tons, Captain Tidmarsh, sailed from Portsmouth 19th Feb 1864 arrived 30th May with 20 passengers. This vessel was one of the White Star liners only recently built.

IRONSIDES, 899 tons, sailed 6 May 1864, arrived 24 August.

IVANHOE, Captain Dunn, 14 June 1864

LADY DOUGLAS, ship, 564 tons, Captain Evans, sailed 24th Nov 1863, arrived 29th Feb 1864. First direct ship from the Clyde.

MIRAGE, 718 tons, Captain J. Campbell, arrived 5th Sep 1864 with 36 passengers.

TIPTREE, 1650 tons, Captain Davis, sailed 20th Oct 1863, arrived 20th Jan 1864. Passengers, 30 saloon and 344 immigrants. The passage land to land was made in 76 days.

W. H. HASELDEN, 896 tons, Captain John Rose, sailed from London 5th Aug 1864, arrived 15th Dec with 46 passengers. She was a new ship on her maiden voyage. Owing to a succession of head winds down Channel and a series of light winds and calms after parting with the pilot to making the New Zealand coast on 9th Dec, the voyage occupied 135 days. Captain Rose reported that during the whole voyage he had never occasion to take in the royals.

. . 1865 . .
BLUE JACKET, 1790 tons, Captain Stevens, sailed London 5th Aug 1865, arrived 13th Nov. Captain Stevens reported that a week after sailing a serious mutiny broke out (the cargo having been broached previously), which was promptly repressed and the ring-leader secured, not before the second mate had received a fearful gash on his head, 4½ inches long with a sheath knife, nearly bleeding to death before the arteries could be tied and the wound sewn up. The first officer also received a severe blow on the face from an iron belaying pin by the ruffian who had tried to kill the second mate. The Snares were passed on November 8th, when light winds were experienced until arrival in port .. passengers

DONA ANITA, barque 500 tons, Captain Davis, arrived 3rd Jan 1865 (via Invercargill) . passengers

EASTERN EMPIRE, 1763 tons, Captain Ferguson, sailed from London 28 Aug 1864, arrived 4 Jan 1865 with 323 passengers, after a tedious passage of 132 days.

GLENMARK, 958 tons, Captain Thompson, sailed Gravesend 30 Oct 1864, arrived 21 Jan 1865 with 400 passengers

GREYHOUND, 1410 tons, Captain J. S. Wright, sailed London 22nd Jan 1865, arrived 7th May. On the previous voyage the Greyhound ran to Melbourne in 78 days . passengers

RACHAEL, 676 tons, Captain Brodie, sailed 3rd Dec 1864, arrived 26th March 1865 with 21 Passengers.

TUDOR, 1785 tons, Captain F. Wherland, sailed 10th June 1865, arrived 23rd Sep .. passengers.

. . 1866 . .
BLUE JACKET, clipper ship 1790 tons, Captain James White, Sailed London 15th July 1866, arrived 14th Oct with 173 immigrants. Her figurehead was a man from the waist up, in old sailor's costume, a blue jacket with yellow buttons, the jacket open in the front, no waistcoat, loose shirt and a large knotted handkerchief round the neck with a broad belt and large square buckle and cutlass hilt at the side. On either side of the figure-head was a scroll, saying 'Keep a sharp lookout'.

CISSY, 649 tons, Captain T. Spencer, sailed from the Downs 1st Dec 1865, arrived 24th March 1866. Captain Spencer had previously visited Lyttelton as an officer on the Cissy when the early settlers arrived in 1850. Passengers, 12 saloon and 21 fore-cabin.

Sir RALPH ABERCROMBIE, 744 tons, Captain J. Anderson, sailed from the Downs 15th June, arrived 4th September. Experienced several severe gales till 30th August, on which day she passed the Snares.

LEICHARDT, 621 tons, Captain T. E. Philips, sailed from Start Point 17th August, arrived 23rd November. 21 saloon and second-class passengers.

. . 1867 . .
CANUTE, 1250 tons, Captain Quain, sailed London 9 Dec 1866, arrived 7th April 1867. 1 of 8 voyages to NZ, all to Lyttelton . 38 Passengers. In 1872, after loading £80,000 in gold at London and having on board 50 passengers and crew, Glenmark sailed into oblivion. She was never seen again and there was no evidence as to what happened to her, her passengers, or the gold.

GLENMARK, Aberdeen clipper 958 tons, Captain Wrankmore, sailed London 18th Aug 1867, arrived 14th Nov

HIMALAYA, 1000 tons, Captain Cow, sailed London 2 Nov 1866, arrived 10th Feb. Made 24 trips to NZ, bringing thousands of immigrants . passengers

LINCOLN, 995 tons, Captain Leamon, sailed from the Downs 2nd February, arrived 19th June. Owing to heavy gales experienced in the Channel, during which considerable damage was done by heavy seas breaking on board, flooding the 'tween decks with water, the vessel returned to the Downs. The damage being repaired she sailed again on 14th February. After passing the Cape heavy gales were encountered until off Tasmania on 27th April. At this part of her voyage the whole of her best sails were split and many carried away, and the poop ladders washed overboard. The ship was hove-to on two occasions during the storms, and it was found necessary to batten down the 75 immigrants on board.

PARIA, barque, Captain Nicol, sailed 8th January, arrived 30th April. The barque had an eventful voyage of 110 days from London Docks. A week after sailing she encountered a teriffic gale, during which the ship rolled heavily, straining very much and shipping tremendous seas. A portion of her bulwarks was cut away to allow the water to escape. The gale continued for two days and on the 17th a quarter-boat was carried away with about 150 feet of top booting. After passing the Cape another heavy gale was experienced for two days with heavy snow showers. Again on 3rd April she encountered another furious gale, during which, heavy seas swept into the cabins and down the steerage hatch, doing serious damage to the passengers' luggage. On 4th April a very large iceberg from 7 to 8 miles in length was passed; also several small ones, and on 14th April to the 19th sighted several large icebergs and passed through a quantity of ice. On 26th April Stewart Island was sighted, thence the ship carried light S.W. winds to port. The Paria fortunately had only 23 passengers on board.

RED ROVER, 1041 tons, Captain D. McCauley, sailed from the Downs 18th May, arrived 29th August. During the voyage two of the seamen were washed overboard during a heavy gale and were drowned. Passengers, 34 saloon.

MELITA, 800 tons, Captain Grant, sailed from London 23rd July, arrived 8th November, with 18 saloon and a number of steerage passengers.

. . 1868 . .
COLEROON, 760 tons, Captain E. Montgomery, sailed from Gravesend 27th March, arrived 11th July. The vessel met with a succession of heavy gales before and after passing the Cape. On 3rd June she shipped a heavy sea, when large quantities of water poured down the after hatchway. Men were employed for many hours bailing it out from the cabins. The Coleroon brought out 20 first and second class passengers.

GAINSBOROUGH, 900 tons, Captain Charlton, sailed London 25 Jan 1868, arrived 2nd May. On the 30th January encountered a strong gale and was compelled to put into Plymouth, which she left on 8 Feb. From 10 April to end of voyage heavy gales were experienced. The ship in one instance covered 300 miles in 24 hours. The Gainsborough brought 96 Government immigrants

HYDASPES, 1655 tons, Captain Edwin S. Babot, sailed London 26th July 1868, arrived 28th Oct . passengers

. . 1869 . .
CAROLINE COVENTRY, 880 tons, Captain Ollery, sailed London 25th Feb 1869, arrived 8th June, after a stormy passage of 129 days . passengers

CELAENO, 702 tons, Captain C. H. Renaut, sailed London 30th Sep 1869, arrived 16th Jan 1870. Built in Aberdeen in 1863, the Celaeno made 11 voyages to NZ. In 1871 she landed the first government-assisted Norwegian and Swedish migrants. They had heard of Māori, but otherwise knew little about their destination. The immigration agent in Norway reassured them that ‘there are no man-eaters there now. You will find them a nice race of people’ . passengers

CLONTARF, 1120 tons, Captain A. W. Barclay, sailed London 30th Nov 1859, arrived 16th March 1860 . The arrival "We have never had such a list of deaths to publish when reporting the arrival of the Clontarf. It was a bad weather passage, especially when the ship was approaching the New Zealand coast. The mortality among the twenty-eight children was appalling, nearly all succumbing to measles or whooping cough. In the long death roll there were five adults, one of them being an apprentice on the ship. Dr Stone did all he could during this very trying passage and worked himself so hard that his own health suffered so much as to disable him from performing his duties during the latter part of the voyage, and the ship came to anchor he was unable to leave his cabin" . the passengers

HYDASPES, 2092 tons, Captain Edwin S. Babot, sailed London 3rd July 1869, arrived 30th Sep. The Hydaspes was a powerful ship, built at the same time and in the same yards as the Lady Jocelyn. She made two trips to Auckland, three to Lyttelton and one to Dunedin. During all of these voyages she was under the command Captain Babot. She met her end when returning to England in 1878. Beating up the Channel she collided with another vessel and was sunk . passengers

. . 1870 . .
SIBERIA, 1301 tons, Captain Inglis, sailed 20th Nov 1869, arrived 21st Feb 1870, making the passage in 81 days land to land. Passengers, 16 saloon and 157 immigrants.

CERES, 861 tons, Captain Cochrane, sailed from the Downs on 4th March, arrived 19th June. From 29th May to 3rd June experienced a succession of heavy gales and snow storms, and from 7th to 10th June more severe gales, the ship being hove-to for 24 hours and the hatches battened down; heavy seas swept the decks and carried away the starboard bulwarks. The Ceres brought a number of saloon passengers but no immigrants.

. . 1871 . .
GLENMARK, Aberdeen clipper 958 tons, Captain Wrankmore, sailed London 29th July 1871, arrived 1st Nov. 1 of 8 voyages to Lyttelton . passengers

HARVEST HOME, 547 tons, Captain Trewyn, sailed from the Downs 11th October and Lands End 13th 1870, arrived 30th Dec, making a rapid passage of 76 days from Start Point to Anchorage. She brought a number of passengers, including several old colonists, but no immigrants.

NORMA, 1050 tons, Captain J. Scuru, sailed 18th Feb 1871, arrived 27th May. Passengers, 37 saloon and second class, many of whom were old colonists returning from a visit to the Homeland.

. . 1872 . .
CHARLOTTE GLADSTONE, clipper ship, 1304 tons, Captain James Fox. Sailed London 5 Nov 1871, arrived 2nd Feb 1872. Built at New Brunswick in 1865, she was well adapted for the conveyance of passengers and during the three voyages to the Dominion brought out about 900 Government immigrants . passengers

DOVER CASTLE, 1008 tons, Captain Kerr, sailed London 19th Jan 1872, arrived 7th March . passengers. One voyage to Auckland in 1875 resulted in a period at the quarantine station on Motuihe Island. Having completed a number of voyages to NZ, she sailed from Auckland to China in 1875 where she was sold and renamed Kem. She was later stranded off the coast of Norway and was broken up.

FRIEDELBURG, 786 tons, Captain E. Kopper, sailed from Hamburg, arrived 31st August with 297 Government immigrants.

. . 1873 . .
CARDIGAN CASTLE, 1022 tons, Captain Davies, sailed London 23rd Aug 1873, arrived 15th Nov after 84 days. She came twice to NZ. On 28 Sep 1876, she again left for Lyttelton, arriving 6 Jan 1877 taking an even 100 days . passengers

COSPATRICK, 1220 tons, Captain Elmslie, sailed London 20 March 1873, arrived 6th July . passengers

CRUSADER, iron ship-rigged vessel 1058 tons, Captain Sutherland, sailed London 11th Oct 1872, arrived 5th Jan 1873. Made 28 voyages to NZ, 13 to Lyttelton, 4 to Auckland, 3 to Wellington, 7 to Dunedin & 1 to Bluff . passengers

EDWIN FOX, 836 tons, Captain John Ellis Johnson, sailed London 28 Jan 1873, arrived 27th June. Six deaths occurred; Dr Langley an A.B., killed when the Bay of Biscay was being crossed, three adults from fever and one infant (not noted in the surgeons report ). The ship was placed in quarantine as four of the deaths were from fever . passengers

HIMALAYA, 1000 tons, Captain Friston, sailed London 22nd Nov 1872, arrived 13th March 1873 . passengers

LYTTELTON, barque, Captain Beck, sailed Cape Town 20 Nov 1872, arrived 10th Jan 1873. On 7th March 1872 the 850 ton barque Agamemnon left London but by the time she was in the South Atlantic she was shipping significant amounts of water and the Captain was constantly drunk. Both passengers and crew petitioned the captain to put into the nearest port, but he absolutely refused. Eventually the Agamemnon put into Rio de Janeiro where the passengers complained to the Consul that they should be forwarded to New Zealand by same vessel, under a different Captain, or by a different vessel. With another Captain the Agamemnon again put to sea on 8th August 1872, but they were forced to put into the Cape of Good Hope when they continued to take on water. Continuous pumping and the jettisoning of a good deal of cargo, was fruitless as the vessel continued to experience a good deal of rough weather. Once the Agamemnon was condemned the passengers continued their voyage to Lyttelton on board the barque Lyttelton .. The cargo followed on the LOIS, captain John Lewis.

WHITEHALL, 936 tons, Captain Raddon, sailed 16th June 1873, arrived 26th Sep with cabin passengers only.

. . 1874 . .
APPELLES, 1030 tons, Captain McLay, sailed 26th Jan 1874, arrived 5th May with 320 passengers.

ATRATO, Captain Husband, sailed London 10th Feb 1874, arrived 20 June. Also docked Dunedin, after having encountered a series of misadventures. Although only 360 feet overall, she had no less than 762 immigrants on board and of that number 280 were children. There was much sickness on board and before New Zealand was reached there were 33 deaths, all being children with one exception. Croup was the cause of 17 deaths and measles were very bad, 180 out of the 280 children being down at one time or another .. the list size of the 762 passengers requires separate links

BALLOCHMYLE, 1438 tons, Captain Lunden, sailed from Gravesend 25th Feb 1874, arrived 1st June. The Ballochmyle called at Plymouth and embarked 502 passengers. Took her final departure from Start Point 4th March. There were five deaths and three births during the voyage. The Ballochmyle was sent out by the New Zealand Shipping Company and made the passage from Plymouth to the Snares in 84 days .. passengers

CANTERBURY, clipper ship 1242 tons, Captain Strachan, sailed Glasgow 4th June 1874, arrived 1st Sep. Built in 1874 for Patrick Henderson by Robert Duncan, sailed the seas for many years, and during the seventies and eighties brought thousands of immigrants to New Zealand. She was one of the fastest sailors and most comfortable ship afloat, and made some remarkable runs both out and home . passengers

CARTSBURN, 1251 tons, Captain Young, sailed Glasgow 8th April 1874, arrived 14th July . passengers

CATHCART, clipper of 1,387 tons, Captain Crawford, sailed from London 11 June 1874 with 481 Government immigrants and from the Downs 3 days later, making the passage in 70 days 12 hours to the Snares and arriving at Lyttelton on 29 August 1874, 76 days from the Downs to port.
A remarkable passage was made by the fine iron clipper Cathcart to Lyttelton in 1874, built four years previously by Robert Steel, of Greenock. The equator was crossed on the 21st day out. On the 28th July she made a run of 304 miles and the following day 293. Four of the crew, during the voyage, broke into the fore-hold, broached cargo and secured drink; one of them was brought aft and placed in irons; another, having attempted to rescue him, was also taken in charge, but while being secured the first prisoner escaped to the forecastle. Captain Crawford and the officers going forward to recapture him, were prevented from doing so by several of the crew, who made use of threatening language. The captain, finding that the mutineers would not listen to reason, returned to his cabin and after deliberation with his officers, armed himself and went forward the second time. Finding the doors of the forecastle closed, he demanded admission. Previous to this, part of the crew had left the mutineers. Those within refused to open the doors, threatened the Captain and said that they meant shortly to be masters of the ship. Argument was useless and the door on the starboard side of the forecastle was, in spite of much resistance, partly forced open with hand spikes and the Captain, again warning the mutineers, fired three times amongst them, three of them being wounded. An entrance was effected and the mutiny quelled, the ringleaders and others being placed in irons. On the arrival of the ship at Lyttelton the men were brought before a magistrate and charged with endeavouring to make a revolt. Four were sentenced to twelve weeks imprisonment with hard labour and two to one month additional for assaulting the Captain .. passenger list

CITY of GLASGOW, Captain Black, with 249 statute adults on free passage; 29 English, 196 Scots and 24 Irish. Sailed from Glasgow 23 December 1873 and arrived Lyttelton 21st March 1874 a voyage of 73 days. There were 3 births and 8 deaths on board.
Wellington Independent, 26 March 1874
This splendid iron clipper built ship, one of Messrs Smith and Son's fleet, arrived unexpectedly off the Heads on Friday night after a remarkably quick passage of 73 days from pilot to pilot.
The arrival of the ship was notified by the pilot boat coming up at 5 o'clock on Saturday morning with a report to the health officer, stating that the ship had arrived the night before and was lying at anchor outside the Heads that measles and scarlet fever had broken out in the ship during her passage and several deaths had resulted but that at the present time the patients were convalescent. At noon the health officer and commissioners proceeded down to the ship, the vessel at that time being at anchor about two miles outside the Heads with the quarantine flag at the main. On going alongside, Dr Gleghorn, surgeon superintendent, informed the health officer that measles broke out on the day the ship sailed. The disease was mild and not of a bad type and was confined to the married people's compartment. One of the officers was attacked with measles, but was now recovering. During the voyage there had been two cases of scarlet fever of a mild type. He further stated the disease had been brought on board by one family this was two days before he joined the ship. On the day he came on board he learnt that a child was suffering from a rash, which he judged on examination to be measles .. more here

CRUSADER, 1058 tons, Captain Reanut, sailed Plymouth 25th Sep 1874, arrived 31st Dec . passengers

DILHARREE, 1293 tons, Captain R. McNeilly, sailed Plymouth 13th Dec 1873, arrived 11th March 1874. Originally a full-rigged ship built for trooping to India, the Dilharee, a composite-built vessel of 1293 tons, was rigged as a barque when she came to New Zealand in 1874 & 1875 . passengers

DUKE of EDINBURGH, 1117 tons, Captain Mosey, sailed London 17th July 1874, arrived 1st Nov . passengers

ELIZABETH GRAHAM, barque 598 tons, Captain J. J. Mordean, sailed London 16th July 1874, arrived 7th Nov . passengers

GERALDINE PAGET, 1200 tons, Captain S. Ogilvie, sailed London 18th Sep, arrived 27th Dec. First voyage to Lyttelton with 395 immigrants. One of the immigrants, John White, while doing gymnastic feats on the jib guys shortly before reaching Lyttelton, fell into the sea and was drowned . passengers

GUTENBERG, Captain Bockwaldt, sailed Hamburg 4 July 1874, arrived 25 Oct . passengers

ISLES of the SOUTH, 821 tons, Captain J. D. Le Conteur, sailed from Plymouth 6th Nov 1873, arrived 2nd Feb 1874. This was the seventh vessel sent out under the auspices of the New Zealand Shipping Company. She brought 8 saloon and 320 Government immigrants and made the run from the Cape in 28 days.

PEERESS, ship, 780 tons, Captain Miller, sailed from London 29th March 1874, arrived 23rd July, bringing 280 immigrants.

STONEHOUSE, Captain O'Bley, sailed from London, arrived 29th June 1874 with immigrants. The vessel took her final departure from Start Point on 10th April. (Shaw Savill)

St. LAWRENCE, 1094 tons, Captain Johnston, R.N.R., sailed 19th May 1874, arrived 29th August bringing 412 immigrants. This ship was chartered by the New Zealand Shipping Company and arrived on the same day as the Cathcart. A vast difference of the build of this vessel and the Cathcart was quite apparent when they dropped anchor, the former being a modern clipper and the latter one of the old freight built ships used in bye-gone days for the conveyance of troops. The bulwarks were nine feet high. The immigrants came out in charge of Mrs McPherson; the surgeon-superintendent being Dr Pattison.

VARONA, 1314 tons, Captain Rowe, sailed Glasgow 6th Feb 1874, arrived 27th May, with 322 immigrants. The Varona encountered a severe gale in the Bay of Biscay, during which several chain plates were broken and chains had to be passed under her to secure her masts, remaining round her more or less during the voyage; this retarded her passage. (New Zealand Shipping Company.)

. . 1875 . .
BLAIRGOWRIE, clipper 1550 tons, Captain Darke, sailed London 29th May 1875, arrived 22nd Aug with 444 immigrants. First voyage after being launched at Glasgow in 1875

CICERO, 1130 tons, Captain Raymond, sailed 1st Feb 1875, arrived 18th May with 9 saloon, 10 second cabin and 227 Government immigrants. With the exception of one gale which lasted for 24 hours, the Cicero enjoyed an exceptionally fine weather passage.

DESDEMONA, 1490 tons, Captain Forwill, sailed from the Downs 20th Feb 1875, arrived 6th June . passengers

LACTURA, 1380 tons, Captain Tucker, sailed 2nd June 1875, arrived 27th Sep. Although she was a new ship the Lactura made a long passage of 116 days owing mainly to the numerous gales encountered. The most severe were those met with after crossing the meridian of Greenwich on 9th August, when troubles began in right earnest. On the 18th August a heavy sea struck the ship, flooding the decks fore and aft and carrying everything movable overboard. On the 25th the vessel was hove-to during a heavy gale. A huge sea struck her, coming over the forecastle right aft, smashing the forward part of the saloon skylight and flooding the saloon. The ship was labouring and rolling very heavily and a portion of the starboard bulwarks were washed away. After sighting Amsterdam Island on 31st August, the vessel was twice hove-to through stress of weather. (Shaw Savill)

ORIANA, 997 tons, Captain Guthrie, sailed 29th March 1875, arrived 24th July with 33 saloon and second class passengers and 11 Government immigrants. (New Zealand Shipping Company)

STAR Of CHINA, 797 tons, Captain Blaker, sailed from Plymouth 19th April 1875, arrived 2nd August with 260 Government immigrants.

TINTERN ABBEY, 1346 tons, Captain P. B. Stevens, sailed 7th Jan 1874, arrived 3rd May 1875 with 309 Government immigrants. During the voyage there were 18 deaths, mainly young children. The ship brought out for the Acclimatisation Society (in charge of Mr Henry Bills) 100 each, partridges, blackbirds, starlings, thrushes, red-polls and linnets. Also 110 goldfinches and 160 yellow-hammers. Of the number shipped over 80 per cent were landed. On 14th Jan 1875, in the Bay of Biscay, when the ship was rolling fearfully during a heavy gale, she was struck by a heavy sea which rushed down the single women's compartment, surgery and hospital; and during a heavy roll at the time the starboard life-boat was washed away. (Shaw Savill)

. . 1876 . .
BORDER CHIEF, 1011 tons, Captain Leslie, sailed 7th June, arrived 11th Sep 1876. She was chartered by the New Zealand Shipping Company and landed 30 passengers. The passage land to land was made in 88 days.

CITY of DUNEDIN, 1085 tons, Captain Kilgour, sailed Glasgow 25th March 1876, arrived 1st July. The accommodation was in the 'tween decks, the space being divided into three by bulkheads, single women being in the after compartment, married amidships and single men in the forward compartment. The City of Dunedin completed ten voyages to Port Chalmers, direct from Scotland . the story of the voyage . the passengers

CITY of SAN FRANCISCO, steamship 3400 tons, Captain J. J. Waddell, a mail-ship operating between the western coast of the USA, Fiji, NZ (various ports) and Australia . the arrival 29 June 1876 & passengers.

COUNTESS of KINTORE, 752 tons, Captain Norie, sailed London 2nd Feb 1876, arrived 29th April . passengers

DESDEMONA, 1490 tons, Captain Fowill, sailed from the Downs 20th Feb 1876 and Start Point on the 25th, arrived 6th June, with 33 saloon and second class passengers.

WOOSUNG, 729 tons, Captain Fisher, sailed from the Downs 14th April 1876, arrived 10th August.

. . 1877 . .
CARDIGAN CASTLE, 1200 tons, Captain N. Davies, sailed Gravesend 30th Sep 1876, arrived 6th Jan 1877. Her 2nd of 2 trips to NZ . passengers

HOPEFUL, 332 tons, Captain Tuly, arrived 17th Feb 1877. (NZ Shipping Company)

PRIMROSE, 596 tons, Captain W. Shirwen, sailed 28th Feb, arrived 20th June 1877, with saloon and second cabin passengers only. The Primrose was a comparatively new ship, this being her second voyage. She was commanded by her owner.

WARWICKSHIRE, 679 tons, Captain Harry, sailed 21st Nov 1876, arrived 28th Feb 1877. (Shaw Savill)

. . 1878 . .
DUKE of ARGYLE, 963 tons, Captain Davidson, sailed from Gravesend 22nd Feb, arrived 9th June 1878. Chartered by the New Zealand Shipping Company; she landed 24 saloon and steerage passengers.

HYDASPES, 2092 tons, Captain Edwin S. Babot, sailed Plymouth 10th Aug 1878, arrived 9th Nov. After this voyage she was beating up the Channel when she collided with another vessel and was sunk . passengers

LAJU, 560 tons, Captain McWhirter, sailed 24th Sep 1877, arrived 5th Jan 1878. (NZ Shipping Company)

MALACCA, 593 tons, Captain Dickinson, sailed from London 2nd Jan, arrived 6th April 1878. (NZ Shipping Company)

MALLOWDALE, 1289 tons, Captain Dornan, sailed 4th Sep, arrived 13th Dec 1878, with 37 saloon and second class passengers.

OLIVE, 847 tons, Captain McCracken, sailed from London 21st April, arrived 7th Aug 1878. The long passage was attributed to very unfavourable weather when running down her easting. She brought a number of saloon and steerage passengers.

. . 1879 . .
ADELAIDE, 683 tons, Captain Raeburn, sailed 20th March 1879, arrived 10th July. (NZ Shipping Company)

BOYNE, 1350 tons, Captain John Kelly, sailed London 18 Nov 1878, arrived 27 Feb 1879 .. passengers

CAPE FINISTERRE, 882 tons, Captain Robertson, sailed 2 Dec 1878, arrived 31st March 1879, with 23 saloon and second class passengers

CITY of QUEBEC, 708 tons, Captain Falconer, sailed London 3rd Dec 1878, arrived 5th March 1879 with 1200 tons of general cargo and six passengers

CORIOLANUS, 1045 tons, Captain Cawse, sailed London 4th Jan 1897, arrived 6th April . passengers. She made three voyages to NZ. This was the 1st.

HAWARDEN CASTLE, 1101 tons, Captain Matthews, sailed London 4th April 1879, arrived 17th July . passengers

ORTHES, 1206 tons, Captain Macfarlane, sailed 23rd Nov 1878, arrived 16th Feb 1879. (NZ Shipping Company)

RED GAUNTLET, 1072 tons, Captain Bowie, sailed 16th Feb, arrived 17th June 1879. This ship made a long voyage of 132 days from Gravesend; she was detained in Portland Roads for five days landing the chief officer and some of the crew owing to sickness. Proceeded on her voyage on 16th Feb bringing a small number of saloon and steerage passengers. (NZ Shipping Company)

SOUTHESK, 1154 tons, Captain Nicholl, sailed 27th Sep, arrived 28th Dec. (Shaw Savill)

. . 1880 . .
AETHELRED, 1057 tons, Captain Dunn, sailed from Gravesend 20th March, arrived 16th June, making the passage in 82 days land to land.

FIRTH of LORNE, 837 tons, Captain Stevens, sailed 6th Nov 1879, arrived 19th March 1880.

WEST RIDING, 913 tons, Captain Thomas, sailed 27th August, arrived 13th Dec 1880.

. . 1881 . .
HAWARDEN CASTLE, 1101 tons, Captain Matthews, sailed 4th April, arrived 17th July. 44 Passengers (Shaw Savill)

NORMAN McLEOD, 834 tons, Captain Ure, sailed 14th July, arrived 24th Oct.

REMINGTON, 999 tons, Captain Carr, sailed 13th Feb, arrived 25th May.

ROUTENBECK, 930 tons, Captain Stitt, sailed 26th May, arrived 23rd Aug.

. . 1882 . .
CITY of NAUKIA, 986 tons, Captain McConnell, sailed 9th June, arrived 9th Sep. Chartered by Shaw Savill Company.

HELEN SCOTT, 1118 tons, Captain Goldsworthy, sailed 19 Aug 1881, arrived 5 Jan 1882. This ship collided with H.M.S. Tawar at St. Vincent and suffered some damage.

HORSA, 1128 tons, Captain Wilson, sailed 7 Sep, arrived 12 Dec 1882.

SYDENHAM, 1063 tons, Captain Miller, sailed 29 October 1881, arrived 30 January 1882.

. . 1883 . .
AURIGA, 518 tons, Captain Stone, sailed 30th Nov 1882, arrived 28th Feb 1883.

BRITISH KING, steamship 3559, Captain Kelly, sailed London 21st June 1883, arrived 11th Aug .. passengers

BRITISH QUEEN, steamship 2277 tons, Captain Nowell, sailed Plymouth 24th March 1883, arrived 17th May .. passengers

CENTURION, 1194 tons, Captain Widdicomb, sailed 29 Sep 1882, arrived 5 Jan 1883.

CRUSADER, 1058 tons, Captain Lewellyn Davis, sailed Gravesend 13th Dec 1882, arrived 22nd March 1883 . passengers . another list

DRAGON, 696 tons, Captain Petherbridge, sailed from Plymouth 23rd May, arrived 12th August.

DUNSCORE, 1000 tons, Captain Hind, sailed 4th March, arrived 27th May.

KINGDOM of SWEDEN, 788 tons, Captain Cooper, sailed 10 Nov 1882, arrived 12 Feb 1883.

ROKEBY HALL, 1004 tons, Captain Barry, sailed 17 Dec 1882, arrived 23rd April 1883. On the 10th Jan a heavy squall struck the ship carrying away lower maintopsail yard and blowing sails to ribbons. A flash of lightning struck the mainmast, splitting the maintruck, which fell to the deck.

. . 1884 . .
ARAWA, 5,000 tons, a clipper-type steamship, the first steamship in the Shaw, Savill and Albion Shipping Company fleet, built in 1884. Sailed London 8 Nov 1884, arrived 24 Dec & a number of other ports .. passengers. Also arrived Lyttelton 24 July 1886. After 31 years service she was sunk by submarine in 1915.

BRENHILDA, 1393 tons, Captain Johnstone, sailed from London and via Auckland, arrived 24th February after a smart passage of 88 days.

CINGALESE, 698 tons, Captain Raddon, sailed 14th June, arrived 7th Oct 1884.

CLAREMONT, 755 tons, Captain McDonald, sailed 4th April, arrived 13th July 1884.

DRAGON, 696 tons, Captain Milner, sailed 27th February, arrived 2nd June 1884.

. . 1885 . .
ALLEGIANCE, 1180 tons, Captain Roberts, sailed 25th March, arrived 23rd June 1885.

DRAGON, 696 tons, Captain Milner, sailed 6th July, arrived 20th Oct 1885. On 1st October a heavy sea struck the ship breaking over the poop and washing away the man at the wheel. The cabin doors were stove in and a large portion of the port topgallant bulwarks carried away.

Ships berthed at Lyttelton 1876-1880

Note the Timeball in distance, built 1876

1 comment(s), latest 2 years, 9 months ago

ships into NELSON NZ, 1842 -1883

the following is a list of ships into NELSON NZ from 1842 to 1883

it was taken from NZETC White Wings Vol II
.. part I - Founding the Provinces
.. part II - Old-TIme Shipping
.. part III - Passenger Ships to 1885

this link, NELSON PROVINCE tells of:
* Survey Party Sent Out
* Nelson Harbour
* Laying Off The Township
* Fifeshire Wrecked
* Settling Down
* The Ships Of '42 And '43
* The Price Of Nelson
* The Massacre (at Tuamarina Stream)

into LYTTELTON (Christchurch)
into NAPIER (Hawkes Bay)
into NELSON (Marlborough)
into NEW PLYMOUTH (Taranaki)
into PORT CHALMERS (Dunedin)
- (most of the ships are links at the above site)

Lord Auckland, 600 tons, Captain Jardine, sailed from London, arrived 10th February. Passengers, 155.

Brougham, Captain Robertson, arrived 6th March from London. Sailed through the French Pass. Sailed for New Plymouth, arriving 28th March. The French Pass was given its name when Captain Dumont D'Urville (a Frenchman) sailed through on the 24th January, 1827, in his ship Astrolabe,

Bolton, Captain Robinson, from London, arrived 15th March. Passengers, 354.

Martha Ridgeway, Captain Webb, from Liverpool, arrived 2nd April.

Clifford, Captain Stapp, from London, arrived 11th May, with a large number of saloon and steerage passengers.

Sir Charles Forbes, 363 tons, Captain Bacon, from London, arrived 22nd August. This vessel made the passage in 96 days and brought out 187 passengers, including Mr. A. Domett.

Thomas Harrison, 370 tons, Captain T. Harrison, from London, 25th May, arrived 25th October, after a long and tedious voyage. Passengers, 187.

Olympia, 500 tons, Captain Whyte, from London, arrived 25th October. Passengers, 138.

New Zealand, 445 tons, Captain Worth, from London, arrived 4th November. Passengers, 137.

George Fyfe, 460 tons, Captain Pyke, from London, arrived 12th December.

Bombay, 400 tons, Captain Moore, sailed 1st August, arrived 14th December, after a tedious passage of 135 days. Passengers, 165.

Prince of Wales, 582 tons, Captain Alexander, from London, arrived 22nd December. Passengers, 203.

Indus, 420 tons, Captain McKenzie, sailed 1st October, 1842, arrived 5th February.

Phoebe, 471 tons, Captain Dale, sailed 15th November, 1842, arrived 29th March. This was the first vessel bringing immigrants at a reduced rate.

St. Paul, sailed 14th January, arrived 14th June, 148 days from Hamburg. The Nelson "Examiner" reporting the ship's arrival, said: "The St. Paul, with German immigrants, left Hamburg on 14th January, but put into Bahia, where she remained three weeks. Notwithstanding the prolonged passage and the destructive disease (smallpox) making itspage 229 appearance three weeks after sailing, only four deaths occurred among children. A salute was fired from the shore when the vessel entered the harbour.

Himalaya, 477 tons, Captain Burns, from London, via New Plymouth, arrived 10th January.

Tuscan, 300 tons, from London, arrived 17th May. Put into Hobart to land the captain, who died there.

Skiold, from Hamburg, arrived 1st September, with 140 German immigrants. The "Examiner," announcing her arrival, said: "It is a gratifying circumstance connected with the expedition that all the labourers will be employed by the cabin passengers, and in order to provide for the first year, the latter wisely put on board provisions for consumption after arrival."

Louisa Campbell, 350 tons, Captain Darby, from London, arrived 9th July. The vessel put into St. Jago to repair damage sustained during a gale in the Bay of Biscay.

Nelson, 153 tons, sailed from London 15th August, arrived 15th December.

The Captain brought papers containing London comments on the destruction of Kororareka, which had caused a considerable sensation. The barque Enmore which was ready to sail for New Zealand, was immediately taken off the berth, as intending passengers refused to proceed and merchants were too much alarmed to ship goods to the Colony.

Mary Catherine, 385 tons, Captain Howlett, sailed from London 27th September, 1845, arrived 24th January.

Ralph Bernal, 400 tons, Captain McLaren, sailed from Plymouth 2nd January, arrived via Cape of Good Hope, 10th June.

Ralph Bernal, 400 tons, Catpain McLaren, sailed from the Downs 23rd July, arrived 3rd December. The following year this barque, when bound from Sydney to London, put into Nelson to repair damage caused during a series of gales of the worst description, shortly after leaving Sydney; she was leaking badly. The "Examiner" said: "The Ralf Bernal will proceed direct from Nelson to England, consequently there will be no postage charged on letters.

Bernicia, 548 tons, Captain Arnold, from London, via Taranaki, arrived 5th November. Captain Arnold was formerly in command of the Fifeshire, the first immigrant ship to Nelson, which was wrecked on leaving the harbour.

Bernicia, 548 tons, Captain Arnold, sailed from Gravesend 7th July, via New Plymouth, arrived 5th November.

Ajax, 750 tons, Captain Young, from London, via Otago and Wellington, arrived 9th March.

Cornwall, 600 tons, Captain Dawson, from London, via Taranaki, arrived 25th August.

Kelso, 500 tons, Captain Innes, from London, via Taranaki, 109 days to Nelson.

Berkshire, 582 tons, Captain Whyte, from London, arrived 30th January. On entering the harbour the vessel ran on to the Arrow Reef, but was floated off the following tide.

Poictiers, 500 tons, Captain Beale, from London, via Taranaki, arrived 11th July.

Eden, 600 tons, from London, via Taranaki, arrived 6th October.

Cornelia, 400 tons, Captain Meikleburgh, sailed from London 12th November, 1850, arrived 18th March. The unusually long voyage for this vessel was mainly due to unfavourable weather encountered in the Channel, where she was delayed five weeks.

Thames, 500 tons, Captain Hedley, from London, via Auckland and Wellington, arrived 9th October.

Lady Nugent, 668 tons, Captain Parsons, from London, via Lyttelton, arrived 23rd October.

Columbus, 467 tons, Captain Holton, sailed from London 2nd July, called at Cape of Good Hope, arrived 7th October.

Midlothian, 414 tons, Captain Gibson, from London via Lyttelton, arrived 7th November.

Persia, 800 tons, Captain Broadfoot, from London, arrived 24th July, after a very long passage. The ship called at Hobart for water and provisions and was six weeks making the passage from the latter port. The Gwalior, which left London in January for Auckland, also made a lengthy voyage of 205 days.

Royal Albert, 662 tons, Captain Norris, from London, via Wellington, arrived 18th May.

Cornwall, 580 tons, Captain Dawson, from London, arrived 19th September.

Mahtoree, 500 tons, Captain Cowan, sailed 15th July, arrived 28th November.

Duke of Portland, 502 tons, sailed from Plymouth 9th November, 1853, arrived 7th February after a fine passage of 88 days. She ran from the Lizard to the Line in 22 days, passed the Cape on the 27th December, and made New Zealand coast on the 31st January, 82 days from Plymouth. This was the record passage to Nelson at that date.

Lady Ebrington, 500 tone, Captain Harris, from London, via Wellington, arrived 26th February.

John Phillips, 500 tons, Captain Smithers, from London, arrived 5th May.

Sir Allan Mcnab, 840 tons, Captain Cherry, from London, arrived 8th August. This ship brought the machinery for starting the Dun Mountain Copper Mine, and 24 miners.

Queen Margaret, 555 tons, Captain Spence, from London, arrived 18th October, 116 days out.

Emma Colvin, 560 tons, Captain Nicholson, sailed from London 9th March, arrived 23rd June. Passengers, 172.

John Masterman, 1000 tons, Captain M'Ruvie, from London, arrived 8th February, 104 days out. Passengers, 140.

Westminster, 731 tons, Captain Westgarth, from London, via Lyttelton, arrived 6th March.

Palmyra, 706 tons, Captain Tierney, from London, via Otago, arrived 26th March.

Sebastian, 364 tons, Captain Begg, from London, arrived 20th May. Passengers, 25. The passage occupied 93 days land to land. During a gale, when the vessel was in the Bay of Biscay, one of the crew was swept overboard and drowned. Two other sailors were drowned before the conclusion of the voyage. They were sitting on a staging making some repairs to the ship's stern, when the staging carried away, throwing the men into the water.

Camilla, Captain McDonald, sailed from London 12th January, via Hobart, arrived 19th June. Soon after leaving England the passengers complained of the provisions supplied them and against their general treatment. Their water allowance was cut short, and salt pork and mouldy biscuits were their staple articles of food. When their water supply was almost exhausted a providential fall of rain brought relief. Scurvy broke out on board, and in the absence of any medical comforts, there was no relief for the sufferers. Consequently the barque put into Hobart for provisions and medicine, on 4th June. A change of captains was made there.

Chieftain, 382 tons, Captain McLean, from London, arrived 19th October. The vessel made a long passage of 147 days. The first officer got drunk during the voyage and besides refusing lawful commands, assaulted the Captain. He was put in the lock-up until arrival.

Lady Alice, 519 tons, Captain Smith, from London, arrived 14th January.

Midlothian, 393 tons, Captain Grant, sailed from London 17th October, 1858, arrived 29th January. Passengers, 34.

Ashburton, ship, sailed from London 12th August, arrived 6th December. Passengers, 40.

Anne Longton, 697 tons, Captain Mundle, from London, arrived 26th June. Passengers 80.

John Phillips, 341 tons, Captain Thomas, from London, arrived 20th September, with passengers, after a long passage of five months.

Bride, 546 tons, Captain McDonald, from London, arrived 9th November, after a 127 days passage, with 42 passengers.

Glenshee, 319 tons, Captain Buick, from London, arrived 2nd August. This vessel brought out the Nelson Lighthouse; she had a stormy passage of 151 days?was delayed in the Channel by contrary winds for 24 days. Throughout the passage she experienced much stormy weather, on one occasion was struck by lightning.

Sir George Pollock, 571 tons, Captain Frost, sailed from London 3rd May, arrived 31st August. Passengers, 79.

Gladiator, 503 tons, Captain Lorie, arrived 25th October, 105 days from Gravesend.

Ravenscraig, 581 tons, Captain Inglis, sailed from London 29th October, arrived 23rd March. Passengers, 68. This vessel left Gravesend 29th October and then proceeded as far as Beachy Head, but was then compelled through stress of weather to put back to the Downs, where about 200 vessels were held up. After three attempts she at last reached Plymouth where she took on board provisions, sailing again on 1st December.

Ardencraig, 505 tons, Captain Page, from London, arrived 2nd May.

Edward Thornhill, 520 tons, Captain Reynolds, from London, arrived 2nd October, after a tedious passage of 120 days. During a squall the first officer, Mr. Harry, fell overboard and was drowned. Passengers, 72.

Electra, 606 tons, Captain Woodgate, from London, arrived 30th March, 110 days from, the Downs. An apprentice, West, was lost during a gale on the night of 26th February while on watch on forecastle. A male passenger was also drowned; he was skylarking by hanging to the fore top brace on the night of 1st January, fell overboard, and was drowned. Details of other voyages made by this ship are published in Vol. I, "White Wings."

Delaware, brigantine, 240 tons, Captain Baldwin, from London 10th April, arrived 9th August. Nova Scotian built craft for the inter-colonial trade.

Bard of Avon, 750 tons, Captain Penny, sailed from London 26th April, arrived 19th August. Passengers, 130.

Magna Bona, 1000 tons, Captain Tyson, sailed from London 29th July, arrived 21st November. Passengers, 55. A baby boy born en route was christened Magna Bona Bradshaw.

Anne Dymes, Captain Knight, from London, arrived 2nd March. Passengers, 53. The vessel was detained in Bay of Biscay for three weeks?a long voyage of 140 days.

Statesman, from London, bound for Auckland; put into Nelson on 26th April (on 120th day out) for water. Passengers, 100.

Violet, 496 tons, Captain Wiseman, from London, arrived 5th July. Passengers, 89.

Anne Longton, 643 tons, Captain Harling, sailed from London 9th July, arrived 3rd November. Passengers, 54.

Ravenscraig, 581 tons, Captain Inglis, from London, arrived 30th January. Passengers, 25.

Magna Bona, from London, arrived 21st March. Passengers, 60.

Eudora, from London, arrived 16th August, 116 days from Gravesend. Passengers, 26.

Dreadnought, Captain Smith, sailed from London 21st March, arrived 7th August. Brought a number of steerage passengers. This vessel made a protracted passage of 169 days, owing mainly to a succession of heavy gales.

Lord Clyde, Captain Murphy, sailed from London 26th May, arrived 8th September. Passengers, 25.

Malay, Captain Peters, sailed from London 31st December, 1866, arrived 13th April.

Cissy, Captain Spencer, sailed from London 8th June, arrived 26th September. Passengers, 123.

Algernon, from London 12th February, arrived 2nd June. Passengers, 16.

Malay, sailed from London 22nd October, 1868, arrived 14th February.

Challenger, 670 tons, Captain Lovell, from London 25th June, arrived 1st October. Passengers, 26.

No Ships.

No Ships.

Malay, 328 tons, Captain Todd, sailed from London 17th June, arrived 13th October.

No Ships.

Michael Angelo, 1174 tons, from London, arrived 22nd January. Passengers, 260.

Hannibal, 1191 tons, Captain Brown, sailed from London 9th March, arrived 9th June. Passengers, 213.

Dunmore, 497 tone, Captain Hastings, sailed from London 26th January, arrived 30th June.

Caroline, 984 tons, Captain Turnbull from Plymouth 12th October, 1875, arrived 14th January. Immigrants, 319.

Northampton, 1100 tons, Captain Clare, from London, arrived 4th April. Immigrants, 336. Passage occupied 104 days.

Gainsborough, 974 tons, Captain Carter, sailed from London 23rd October, arrived 28th February. Passengers, 232.

No Ships.

Eastminster, 1145 tons, Captain Mosey, from London, arrived 15th January. Landed 300 immigrants and sailed for Wellington the following day.

No Ships

No Ships

No Ships

ships into NAPIER NZ, 1863 -1881

the following is a list of ships into NAPIER from 1843 to 1881

it was taken from NZETC White Wings Vol II
.. part I - Founding the Provinces
.. part II - Old-TIme Shipping
.. part III - Passenger Ships to 1885

this link, PORT of NAPIER tells of:
* Whaling Stations
* Early Coastal Craft
* First Wool Ships
* From London Direct
* Passenger Ships
* Shipping Notes
* Burning Of The Montmorency

into LYTTELTON (Christchurch)
into NAPIER (Hawkes Bay)
into NELSON (Marlborough)
into NEW PLYMOUTH (Taranaki)
into PORT CHALMERS (Dunedin)
- (most of the ships are links at the above site)

Earl of Winsor, ship, 738 tons, Captain Dick, from London, via Wellington, arrived May 27th. Earl of Winsor sailed for Oamaru on June 9th with 3,000 sheep. The heaviest shipment from Napier made to date.

George Canning, barque, 411 tons, Captain F. M. Harries, arrived from London via Nelson.

Royal Bride, 526 tons, Captain Laker, sailed January 29th, arrived June 14th, via Auckland.

Affiance, barque, 401 tons, Captain Simson, arrived from London, via Wellington.

Rangoon, 374 tons, Captain Harwood, sailed from London November 26th, 1863, arrived July 23rd. Owing to casualties and rough weather, the barque did not leave the Downs until January 24th. After a very rough and tedious passage, she put into Sydney on June 2nd for provisions and some repairs. Sailed from Sydney on July 4th, and had another rough passage to port. When off the Bay of Plenty, encountered a terrific gale, which did considerable damage to the ship.

Henry Miller, 433 tons, Captain. Dickson, sailed June 22nd, arrived October 20th. On September 8th, when off the Mauritius, a terrific gale, with huge seas, was encountered, and 30 tons of cargo were jettisoned, the vessel labouring heavily, and shipping heavy seas.

R. T. Turnbull, 367 tons, Captain Cumming, sailed July 2nd, arrived November 9th. The long voyage was due to a succession of heavy gales.

H?Vding, ship, Captain Berg, arrived September 15th from Christiania. Ship made the voyage in 108 days, and landed a large number of immigrants.

H?Vding, Ship, Captain. Nordbye, arrived December 1st, 110 days from Christiania, with a second batch of immigrants. This was a new ship, the H?vding which visited the port the previous year having been condemned on her arrival at Norway.

Winchester, Captain Arnold, sailed May 3rd, arrived July 26th. A fine frigate-built ship, the largest to arrive at Napier to date. She made a smart passage of 84 days, and brought out 437 immigrants.

Clarence, 1105 tons, Captain Emmett, sailed September 24th, 1874, arrived January 5th. She brought 350 immigrants. During the voyage there were 21 deaths, chiefly children.

John Norman, sailed from London January 5th, and Lamlash January 21st, arrived June 11th. A long voyage of 153 days, owing to heavy weather experienced throughout.

Hudson, 597 tons, Captain Colville, sailed October 23rd, 1875, arrived February 13th, with 200 immigrants. Other voyages made by this ship are recorded in Vol I., White Wings.

Madeline, 481 tons, Captain Morrin, sailed January 3rd, arrived April 18th.

Renfrewshire, 898 tons, Captain Beattie, sailed September 29th, 1877, arrived January 4th, 1878, with immigrants. The vessel was placed in quarantine on account of scarlet fever having broken out. Later she proceeded to Wellington, arriving there on February 13th.

Mendoza, Captain Howleson, sailed November 6th, 1878, arrived February 26th.

Mercia, Captain Mosey, sailed November 8th, 1880, arrived February 21st, 1881

ships into NEW PLYMOUTH NZ, 1843 -1885

List of ships into New Plymouth 1843 to 1885
It was taken from NZETC White Wings Vol II
.. part I - Founding the Provinces
. part II - Old-Time Shipping
.part III - Passenger Ships to 1885

this link, TARANAKI PROVINCE tells of
* The William Bryan
* Dickey Barrett
* The Amelia Thompson
* Wreck Of The Regina
* The Oriental
* A Pleasant Voyage (the Timandra 1842)
* Blenheim And Essex
* The Theresa Falls In With A Pirate

into LYTTELTON (Christchurch)
into NAPIER (Hawkes Bay)
into NELSON (Marlborough)
into NEW PLYMOUTH (Taranaki)
into PORT CHALMERS (Dunedin)
- (most of the ships are links at the above site)

Thomas Sparks, Captain Robert G. Sharp, left London Nov 1842, arrived New Plymouth, via Nelson, May 29 1843. Having encountered severe gales, she had to put into Capetown to repair damage. She was detained for a long time. By this vessel arrived in New Zealand the first cuttings of the Cape Acacia, a good shelter shrub. Among the passengers were Messrs John and Charles Hursthouse.

William Stoveld, Captain Davidson, from London, via Nelson, arrived October 26.

Himalaya, 477 tons, Captain Creagh, left London 7 Sep 7, arrived Dec 23 and proceeded to Nelson, where she arrived Jan 10, 1844. Passengers: 21,

Bella Marina, 600 tons, Captain Ashbridge, from London, via Hobart, arrived May 27, bringing a small batch, of immigrants.

Raymond, barque, arrived August 29th

Ralph Bernal, 400 tons, Captain MacLaren, from London, arrived Oct 15th.

Elora, from London, arrived Jan 30th.

Catherine Johnson, arrived August 31st.

Bernicia, 548 tons, Captain Arnold, from London, arrived Oct 20th.

Bernicia, 548 tons, Captain Arnold, left Gravesend, July 7, arrived Nov 3rd.

Star of China, from London, arrived Nov 23rd.

Cornwall, 580 tons, Captain Dawson, formerly of the Amelia Thompson, from London, arrived August 18th. This vessel was under charter to the New Zealand Land Company. She afterwards went on to Dunedin, arriving Sep 23.

Pekin, Captain Whitby, left London, August, 1849, arrived February, 1850 (via Port Chalmers).

Berkshire, Captain White, left London October 4th, 1849, arrived January 8th (via Nelson).

Kelso, 500 tons, Captain Innes, arrived October 24th.

Phoebe Dunbar, arrived December 15th.

Poictiers, barque, Captain Beale, left London February 24th, arrived June 30th.

Mariner, arrived October 11th.

Eden, barque, Captain Murdock, arrived October 29th, after a long and stormy passage, on which both food and water ran short. Passengers, 42.

Cashmere, 640 tons, Captain G. Pearson, sailed June 16th, arrived October 10th.

Victory, 700 tons, Captain A. L. Mulling, arrived May 1st.

Simlah, arrived October 12th.

Lord William Bentinck, 600 tons, Captain E. Canney, from London, arrived January 6th. Passengers, 30.

William Hyde, arrived March.

Joseph Fletcher, 672 tons, Captain John Foster, from London, via Auckland, October 8th.

St. Michael, 600 tons, Captain W. Prince, left London July 14th, arrived December 2.

Tasmania, 600 tons, Captain McWilliam, from London, via Wellington, arrived April 19th.

Cashmere, 640 tons, Captain Pearson, from London, via Auckland, arrived July 7th.

Simlah, 600 tons, from London, via Auckland, arrived August 6th.

Sir Edward Paget, 580 tons, Captain Chapman, from London, via Auckland, arrived August 16th.

True Briton, 685 tons, Captain H. W. Norris, arrived January 18th, via Wellington. She brought 17 passengers and some New Zealand Fencibles.

Cresswell, 670 tons, Captain Barnett, from London, arrived August 25th. Passengers, 52.

Joseph Fletcher, 672 tons, Captain John Foster, sailed June 20th, arrived September 17th. Full details of voyage in Vol. I., White Wings. Passengers, 70.

John Taylor, 800 tons, Captain Cawkett, from London, via Wellington, arrived November 28th. Among the passengers were Mr. and Mrs. Wakefield and family.

Hamilla Mitchell, barque, 500 tons, Captain Bradley, from London, via, Auckland, arrived February 3rd. Passengers, 27.

Lady Clarke, 440 tons, Captain Tosvar, from London, via Auckland, arrived April 25th.

Eclipse, 480 tons, Captain Laing, from London, arrived June 17th.

Cashmere, 640 tons, Captain Pearson, sailed April 25th, arrived August 6th, and proceeded to Auckland, arriving August 21st.

Joseph Fletcher, 672 tons, Captain John Foster, sailed June 20th, arrived October 4th. Full details of voyage in Vol. I., White Wings.

Monarch, barque, 600 tons, Captain Duff, from London, via Auckland, arrived October 29th.

Josephine Willis, 786 tons, Captain Cannes, sailed October 23rd, 1854, arrived January 26th. Full details of voyage in Vol. I., White Wings.

Rock City, 597 tons, Captain Cubbins, from London, via Auckland, arrived July 23rd. Among the passengers were Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin.

Duke of Portland, 533 tons, Captain Seymour, from London, via Auckland, arrived August 19th. Brought a detachment of the 58th Regiment and a few passengers.

Egmont, 767 tons, Captain Gibson, from London, via Auckland, arrived November 6th. A few passengers.

Cashmere, 640 tons, Captain Pearson, from London, via Lyttelton, arrived November 22nd.

Euphemus, 586 tons, Captain Harwood arrived March 27.

Ashmore, barque, 570 tons, Captain Ginders, from London, via Auckland, arrived March 27.

Chatham, barque, 540 tons, Captain Cole, left London January 18th, arrived May 9.

Inchinnan, 566 tons, Captain Ennis, left London July 4, arrived October 11, via Nelson. She brought a few passengers.

Gipsy, barque, 426 tons, Captain Bolton, left London June 21st, arrived October 11th.

Cashmere, 640 tons, Captain Pearson, sailed from London December 17th, arrived April 5th. Passengers: 31.

Dinapore, ship, 789 tons, Captain Louttit, sailed from London April 17, via Auckland, arrived October 10th.

William Watson, barque, 480 tons, Captain W. Brown, sailed from London August 24th, arrived December 30th.

Kenilworth, ship, 537 tons, Captain Thorn, arrived July 8th, via Auckland.

Eclipse, barque, 254 tons, Captain Elliott, left London November 8th, 1858, arrived March 4th with 18 passengers.

William Watson, Captain McFarlane, left London October 18th, 1858, arrived February 18th, 1859.

Anne Longton, 700 tons, Captain Mundle, from London, via Nelson, arrived August 27th.

From 1861 to 1862 there were no ships
In 1860 the Maori War broke out in Taranaki, and for many years things were in a very unsettled state throughout the district. All direct shipping from England to New Plymouth ceased and no emigrant vessels visited the Roadstead till 23 Jan 1875.

Bard of Avon, 765 tons, Captain Penny, from London, via Nelson, arrived October 12th.

From 1864 to 1865 there were no ships

Shelburne, 371 tons, Captain Lowe, left London November 30th, 1865, arrived April 11th. A long, uneventful voyage of 130 days. First vessel to come to New Plymouth direct since the Eclipse in 1859.

Lord Clyde, 531 tons, Captain Murphy, from London, via Nelson, arrived October 20th.

Avalanche, 1160 tons, Captain Bishop, sailed October 22nd, 1874, arrived January 23rd, 1875. Passengers: 260.

Halcione, 842 tons, Captain Croker, left May 27th, arrived September 2nd, 1875, with 290 immigrants.

Chile, ship, 707 tons, Captain Alex. Smith, sailed June 17th, arrived September 26th, with 130 immigrants.

Collingwood, ship, 1014 tons, Captain Black. This vessel was listed to sail from London and land 286 passengers at New Plymouth, but fever broke out on the voyage, and the captain put into Wellington, arriving on July 10th. As there were 50 cases of scarlet fever under treatment on board, the vessel was ordered into quarantine. She had 293 passengers, and those for New Plymouth, when released, were taken on by the steamer Taupo. During the voyage of the Collingwood there were 20 deaths, of which 15 were children. There were four births.

Hurunui, 1012 tons, Captain McKelvie, arrived December 2nd, but, owing to a severe gale, the passengers could not be landed, and the ship went on to Wellington, New Plymouth passengers being sent up by steamer.

Adamant, Captain Bowling, left London November 19th, 1880, arrived April 7th. She brought the plant for the New Plymouth Harbour works.

Pareora, Captain Bonguard, left London August 19th, arrived December 9th. This was the last direct immigrant ship that visited New Plymouth.

The Waikato, HERMIONE and the Strathnavar had passengers for New Plymouth in 1877, and they were landed at Wellington and sent on by steamer.

ships into AUCKLAND NZ, 1840 -1885

the following is a list of ships into Auckland NZ from 1840 to 1885

it was taken from NZETC White Wings Vol II
.. part I - Founding the Provinces
.. part II - Old-TIme Shipping
.. part III - Passenger Ships to 1885

into LYTTELTON (Christchurch)
into NAPIER (Hawkes Bay)
into NELSON (Marlborough)
into NEW PLYMOUTH (Taranaki)
into PORT CHALMERS (Dunedin)
- (most of the ships are links at the above site)

Tuscan, Captain White, arrived March 8th at Bay of Islands.

James, barque, arrived from London May 6.

Tuscan, brigantine, 181 tons, Captain Osmond, arrived during October with passengers.

St. George, barque, Captain Sughrue, arrived from London October 25th.

Ganges, ship, arrived from Plymouth, after a 105 days' passage.

Bangalore, barque, 877 tons, Captain C. Nelson, from London, via Sydney, arrived December 23rd. Brought out Governor Fitzroy, with wife and three children; also Mr. and Mrs. Henry Samuel Chapman, wife and one child. Governor Fitzroy was sworn in as Governor at the old Government House the day after arrival, and on the same day Mr. Chapman was sworn in as the first Judge of the Supreme Court by the Governor. Sir F. Chapman (still living), who held the position of judge of the Supreme Court for many years, is a son of Mr. Henry S. Chapman. The Bangalore loaded a cargo of kauri timber at Waiheke, and sailed for London via Valparaiso on the 13th February, 1844.

Ursula, ship, via Wellington. F. Dillon Bell arrived by this vessel.

Sydney, barque, 350 tons, Captain White, arrived from London June 29.

Nelson, 209 tons, Captain Maclaren, from London, August 10.

David Malcolm, 600 tons, Captain Cabel, arrived from London during October.

Ralph Bernal, barque, Captain McLean, arrived 11th August, via Wellington and Nelson.

Madras, barque, Captain Hilbury, from London, arrived 9th October, via Wellington and Nelson.

Elora, ship, 338 tons, Captain Turnbull, from London, arrived 7th March, via Nelson and Wellington.

John Wesley, missionary brig, 237 tons, Captain Buck. Sailed from Southampton, via Sydney, arrived 11th April, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Davies, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Malvern, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Ford, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Amos, Rev. Kirk, Miss A. Lawry, Miss Somervill.

Protector, barque, 317 tons, Captain Hunter, from London, arrived 5th September.

Saghalien, barque, 377 tons, Captain Jones, arrived 22nd November, via Wellington and Nelson.

Richard Dart, brig, 270 tons, Captain Potter, sailed from Downs, 27th December, 1847, arrived 19th April.

Clara, barque, 360 tons, Captain Crow. Sailed from London 5th May, arrived 16th September, 134 days passage.

Cornelia, barque, 371 tons, Captain Mickleburgh, arrived 15th October, via Wellington.

Indian, ship, 592 tons, Captain English, arrived during November via Wellington and Nelson.

Clara, barque, 360 tons, Captain Potter, sailed from Downs November 18th, 1849, arrived 23rd March.

Fairy Queen, Captain Doyle, arrived 9th July, 150 days from London.

Barbara Gordon, Captain W. Lilley, sailed 18th May, arrived 10th October, 145 days from Docks.

Camilla, 384 tons, Captain B. Pugh, sailed from Docks 14th July, arrived 12th December, via Wellington, 155 days from Docks.

Stateley, Captain Ginger, arrived 1st June, 120 days from the Downs.

Norfolk, 349 tons, Captain Kreeft, sailed 17th March, arrived 18th August. Protracted passage, 165 days, owing to calms and head winds.

Thames, 407 tons, Captain Hedley. A fine barque, the first of a new line of packets laid on by Hooper and Co., London. Sailed 12th May, arrived 29th August. After landing passengers proceeded on to Wellington and Nelson, arriving at latter port 9th October.

John Wesley, 237 tons, Captain Ryle, sailed from London 26th September, 1851, arrived 26th January, missionary brig. Son of Captain Ryle died during passage. The John Wesley was a smart little vessel and made the passage in 120 days, although adverse winds delayed her until rounding the Cape. She brought out Rev. W. Lawry, Rev. J. Polgrave and 12 other passengers and a large quantity of missionary supplies.

Catherine Stewart Forbes, 457 tons, Captain W. Wright, sailed from London 19th October, 1851, and arrived 9th March. Put into Cape of Good Hope 4th January, 1852, for water and provisions, sailing again 9th January. Encountered furious gale when off the New Zealand coast during which sustained damage and man washed overboard. The passage occupied 140 days. The barque sailed for New Plymouth 12th April.

John Phillips, 369 tons, Captain H. Poole, sailed 23rd December, 1851, arrived 5th April. Notwithstanding a delay caused by gales, she reached Auckland in 100 days from the Downs, a very fine run for so small a vessel.

Berwick Castle, ship, Captain Laltoe, arrived 13th December, 182 days from Docks.

Simlah, barque, 597 tons, Captain Turnbull, sailed from London 19th February, arrived 10th June, with 30 passengers. The Rev. David Bruce came to Auckland in this ship.

Mary Catherine, barque, 336 tons, Captain Robertson, from London, arrived 14th June, 157 days from the Downs.

The Admiral Grenfell, barque, one of Willis' ships, sailed from London 14th May, arrived 12th August, making quick passage of 89 days.

The Baltasara, barque, 330 tons, Captain J. T. Thomas, sailed from Falmouth 9th September, 1853, arrived 20th January, with a staff of miners, clerks, etc., and the machinery for the Company's Copper Mines at Kawau Island. The Baltasara called at Sydney.

Lady Clark, ship, 440 tons, Captain T. Tovar, sailed 17th October, 1853, arrived 25th February. After landing passengers and cargo, proceeded to New Plymouth.

Artemisia, 550 tons, Captain S. Banes, sailed 3rd December, 1853, arrived 4th April with 40 passengers. Later sailed for New Plymouth. The Artemisia experienced rough weather in the Channel and was runaboard by an American clipper, which caused considerable damage.

Eclipse, ship, 400 tons, Captain Laing, arrived 26th June, via New Plymouth.

Balnagileth, ship, 462 tone, Captain A. Smith, sailed 10th December, 1853, arrived 6th July, via Wellington.

Norman Morrison, barque, 530 tons, Captain Burke, arrived 26th October, via Wellington.

Cordelia, ship, 378 tons, Captain McKenzie, arrived 23rd November, via Wellington.

Bank Of England, ship, 726 tons, Captain W. Maxton, was one of Willis' line of ships. She sailed from the Downs 7th September, 1854. The vessel brought out 76 passengers among whom was Mr. J. I. Montefiore. A melancholy accident occurred during the voyage. William Hawkins, one of the passengers, fell overboard. The ship going about seven knots was immediately hove all aback and as the poor fellow was swimming light and strong there was every prospect of saving him. All at once he gave a piercing shriek and disappeared, having been taken, as was supposed, by a shark. Hawkins' wife and child witnessed the scene, and the child died a month later.

Euphrates, ship, 675 tons, Captain Barrow, sailed from Portsmouth 27th December, 1854, and arrived 26th April, 1855. She brought out a detachment of 65th Regiment including Captain McGregor, Lieutenant S. Harris, 160 privates and 22 women and children.

Cornubia, barque, 460 tons, Captain Ellison, sailed from London 23rd December, 1854, and Land's End 5th January, 1855, arrived 30th April, after a tedious passage of 126 days.

Southern Cross, 70 tons, Captain Susten, mission topsail schooner, built for Bishop Selwyn, sailed 28th March, arrived 20th July, 112 days.

Merchantman. This fine ship under Captain G. T. Brown, arrived after a good passage of 99 days from Plymouth, on 5th September, having sailed on the 28th May. She brought out His Excellency, Colonel Gore Brown, the new Governor for New Zealand, Mrs. and Miss Brown, Captain Stewart (private secretary), also 22 saloon and 116 second cabin and steerage passengers for Auckland and Canterbury. Among the passengers by this ship was Mr. Brewer, who held the position of Collector of Customs at Onehunga for very many years. One of his sons, Mr. Chas E. Brewer, who settled on a farm at Wanganui, died at Martinborough on the 7th July, 1926, at the age of 76 years.

Chatham, barque, 540 tons, Captain Cole, from London via New Plymouth, arrived 5th June. She was sadly baffled on the English coast, hanging on and off for 23 days before she cleared the Channel. She arrived at New Plymouth 19th May, 109 days from Land's End, sailing on the 22nd, and eventually reaching Auckland after a passage of 17 days from New Plymouth.

Sandford, ship, 624 tons, Captain R. H. Hughes, sailed from London 7th March, arrived 9th July. In addition to landing 93 passengers at Auckland, the ship had 26 for New Plymouth.

Lord Burleigh. This fine ship, one of Willis' line, was a vessel of 622 tons, in command of Captain A. C. Clarke. Sailing from Gravesend on 18th April, she crossed the Equatorpage 200 22nd May and arrived 8th August. This vessel had hitherto earned a reputation for speed, her previous passage to Sydney having being made in 79 days. On the trip to Auckland for 12 consecutive days she made an average run of 290 miles per diem. She brought out 12 cabin and 128 second and steerage passengers.

Martaban, a fine iron ship of 900 tons, Captain Lawson. She was built by the celebrated builders, Messrs. Scott and Co., of Greenock, two years previous to her visit to Auckland. The "Southern Cross" stated: "She is a noble looking vessel, 170 feet in length, the first constructed of iron that has visited the port." The Martaban sailed from London 16th June and reached Auckland, on 8th October. She landed 108 passengers in excellent health. One of the passengers was Mrs. James Leigh, Clonbern Road, Remuera.

Conference, the first vessel to arrive at Auckland from Liverpool, was an iron ship of 531 tons, under Captain W. Webster. She sailed 16th August, and arrived 29th November.

Euphemus, ship, 586 tons, Captain William Hardwood, sailed from Gravesend 9th October, 1856, arrived 12th February with 114 passengers. Captain Hardwood reported that when off Tristan D'Acunha, the weather being so fine, no less than 26 sails were all within sight of each other.

Viscount Sandon, ship, 510 tons, one of Baines' Black Ball packets, Captain Hughes, sailed from the Mersey 18th October, 1856, arrived 13th February. This vessel met with the same fine weather as the Euphemus and was one of the 26 vessels in sight. She crossed the Equator in exactly the same number of days, 47 from the Mersey. Captain Hughes stated that in the course of many voyages to India and other places he had never encountered so many vessels as during this passage.

Kenilworth, ship, 537 tons, Captain James Thorn, sailed from the Downs 12th January, and arrived 4th May with 63 passengers for Auckland and 18 for New Plymouth.

Harkaway, ship, 898 tons, Captain Stephens, sailed from Gravesend 16th February, arrived 31st May.

Solent, ship, 733 tons, Captain Brookes, sailed from Downs 27th April, arrived 30th July. "The Southern Cross" reporting the ship's arrival, said that "from the time of weighing from Margate Roads until arrival at Auckland, the fore and main topsail sheets were never started." The ship brought 80 all told, 57 for Auckland and 23 for Canterbury.

Dinapore, ship, 789 tons, Captain James Louttit, sailed from Downs 17th April, arrived 5th August. She landed 89 passengers, and then proceeded on to New Plymouth.

Eastfield, 434 tons, Captain John Copland, sailed 6th August, arrived 12th December. The barque was 51 days reaching the Equator owing to light baffling winds. Three deaths occurred during the voyage.

Cornubia, barque, 460 tons, Captain W. Elison, sailed from Downs 7th May, arrived after tedious passage of 121 days. She brought 57 passengers. The Cornubia was the first of John Morrison and Co.'s line to visit Auckland.

Anne Longton, ship, Captain Kirby, arrived 9th October, 118 days from Gravesend.

William Watson, barque, 480 tons, Captain William Brown, sailed from Plymouth 24th August, 1857, arrived 6th January. On 4th October, the cook good-naturedly jumped overboard to recover a cap lost by one of the passengers, the water being quite calm. The poor fellow suddenly disappeared, supposed to have been drawn under the quarter of the ship or seized by a shark. The barque came via New Plymouth and landed 44 passengers.

Tamar, barque, 600 tons, Captain J. Ross, sailed from London 11th October, 1857, and arrived 28th January.

Isabella Hamilton, barque, 280 tons, Captain Whittleton, sailed from Downs 24th December, 1857, and arrived 14th April. Among the passengers were Captain and Mrs. Walmsley.

The Bride, barque, 580 tons, Captain Spowart, sailed 1st February, arrived 21st June. On 24th April one of the sailors, with others, had broached cargo and become very drunk. He was sent aloft and fell from the maintop to the deck, fracturing his skull. In his descent he struck a child, one of the passengers. Both died within a few hours.

Swordfish, 345 tons, Captain J. Cundy, sailed from Downs 21st April, arrived 26th July.

Harwood, ship, 462 tons, Captain Forsyth, sailed from Downs 26th July, and arrived 4th November, the passage occupying only 95 days. She brought out 95 passengers.

Spirit Of Trade, barque, 450 tons, Captain McCulloch, sailed from Cork 3rd August, arrived 1st December. During the passage there were six deaths and six births.

Kingston, ship, 843 tons, Captain Weeks, sailed from Plymouth with 125 passengers, 15th September, arrived 28th December.

William Watson, barque, 480 tons, Captain C. MacFarlane, sailed from London 21st October, 1858, arrived 8th February. The barque brought 160 passengers.

Tornado, ship, 1100 tons, Captain Aitken, the first of the "White Star" line to visit Auckland. She left Liverpool on the 10th June, and arrived at Auckland 24th September, landing 35 saloon, 40 second class, and 210 intermediate and steerage passengers. This ship was the largest to visit Auckland up to that date.

Harwood, ship, 500 tons, Captain Forsyth, sailed from Plymouth 11th August, and arrived on the 16th November, making the passage in 95 days port to port. She left Plymouth with 48 passengers?one died on the voyage.

Shooting Star, ship, 1160 tons, Captain Edward James Allen, sailed from Liverpool 11th August, arrived 30th November. The third ship of the "White Star" line to arrive at Auckland. She came into port in a crippled condition?mainmast fished and main topgallant mast down?after a passage of 111 days. She brought 173 passengers. Two deaths and two births occurred during the voyage.

Shalimar, ship, 1402 tons, Captain J. R. Brown. This fine ship, the largest to visit Auckland up to 1859, brought out 225 passengers. She sailed from Liverpool on 12th September and arrived 21st December. On the 6th October a marriage ceremony was celebrated, the Captain officiating. Three children died during the passage.

Boanerges, 1236 tons, Captain Dunn, sailed from Queenstown (Ireland) 13th September, 1859, arrived 22nd December with the second division of the 14th Regiment, consisting of 14 officers, 480 non-com, officers and privates, 42 women and 44 children, in command of Major Dwyer. Four deaths occurred during the voyage.

The Traveller, barque, 462 tons, Captain Ellis, sailed 19th March, and arrived 23rd July, after an unprecedently stormy passage.

Phoenix, 986 tons, Captain R. Brown, sailed from Liverpool 12th October, 1859, arrived 3rd February with 136 passengers (91 English, 29 Scotch, and 16 Irish). The Phoenix came south about and made the Snares 24th June. She was 10 days sailing up the coast to Auckland.

Frenchman, 1156 tons, Captain Renaut, sailed from Downs 8th December, 1859, arrived 21st March with 252 passengers. Smallpox broke out on board a fortnight after leaving England, and there were eight cases but only one fatal.

Avon, 645 tons, Captain Richardson, sailed from Downs 19th January and was anchored in Channel until 31st. This was her fourth voyage. Passengers, 61.

Northern Bride, 853 tons, Captain Betts, sailed from Liverpool 15th June, arrived 12th October. Passengers, 189.

Lord Burleigh, 647 tons, Captain F. W. Smith, sailed from Downs 18th November, 1859, arrived 22nd March. Passengers, 123. The Lord Burleigh previously visited Auckland in 1856, arriving 8th August, Captain Clarke in command.

Morning Star, 1327 tons, Captain Matthews, arrived 14th January, via Melbourne, with 80 passengers. She was sent out by the Black Ball line.

Morning Light, 2377 tons, Captain Gillies, from Liverpool, via Melbourne, arrived 2nd March with 65 passengers. She was a noble vessel, built at St. John's, the largest vessel to arrive at Auckland up to the date.

Mersey, 812 tons, Captain D. Smith, sailed from London 22nd February, arrived 11th June. Passengers, 106. After discharging, the barque loaded kauri timber at Kaipara for London.

Henry Fernie, 1549 tons, Captain W. Hamilton, sailed from Queenstown 24th April, arrived 25th July. This ship brought out 18 officers, 692 men, and 69 women and children of various regiments.

Broadwater, 571 tons, Captain Stockman, sailed from Downs 3rd April, arrived 29th July. After passing Cape, the ship encountered, on 6th June, a heavy gale with hurricane squalls, which increased to a tornado, completely burying the ship and washing away a large portion of the bulwarks. It was impossible for the hands to go aloft to take in sail, so the fore topsails were let fly and the sails blown to ribbons. In a few minutes not a vestage of canvas remained on the yards, but the ship righted and was hove to, labouring terribly. One of the passengers, Mr. Henry Leeson, jumped overboard in a fit of insanity. The body was recovered but life was extinct. The Rev. Thatcher was a passenger.

Black Eagle, 1400 tons, Captain W. Smith, sailed from Plymouth 17th August, arrived 19th November. Passengers, 144. During a heavy gale the day after sailing, two casualties occurred, the first to a seaman, who fell from the rigging, which caused his death, and the second to a passenger, John H. Cobb, who fractured his leg in a fall. In November, 1924, four of the passengers by this ship were living in the Auckland province, viz: Mrs. Hooper, Messrs. William Taylor, R. C. Carr of Remuera, Auckland, and Mr. A. A. Alexander of Okaihau. When the vessel arrived, at Auckland there was not sufficient water to enable her to berth alongside the new wharf, which at that time extended from Quay Street to about half way down the present wharf, consequently the passengers and cargo had to be landed in cutters.

Royal Charlie, barque, 435 tons, Captain Escott, sailed from Downs 16th March, arrived 31st July. She had a long and boisterous passage to the Equator, which was crossed on the 44th day out. She brought out 91 passengers (53 Irish, 23 English and 15 Scotch?40 of whom were female servants).

Romulus, 703 tons, Captain Lord, sailed from Gravesend 26th June, and arrived 18th October, with 123 passengers including 80 English, 25 Scotch and 17 Irish.

Shalimar, 1591 tons, Captain G. J. Harley, R.N.R., sailed from Liverpool 25th August, and called at Melbourne 12th November?79 days out and landed 360 passengers. The Shalimar brought 115 passengers and cargo for Auckland. She was sent out by the Liverpool White Star Co.

Cairngorm, 1161 tons, Captain H. Auld, sailed from Gravesend 11th September, 1862, arrived 7th January, and landed 118 passengers.

Claremont, 634 tons, Captain McIntosh, sailed from Gravesend 11th December, 1862, arrived 25th March, and landed 98 passengers. On February 20th an albatross was caught with a wooden label attached to its leg, on which was written: "Alarm, New York to Hong Kong, Lat. 39 deg. 10 min. S., Long. 55 deg. E."

Royal Bride, 545 tons, Captain Laker, sailed from the Downs 9th January, arrived 29th April?passengers, 24.

Maxwell, 1000 tons, Captain G. Jones, sailed from the Downs 7th April, arrived 28th July?passengers, 60.

Amersham, 742 tons, Captain J. B. Henry, sailed 16th March, arrived 7th August?143 days from the Downs.

Mary Warren, 955 tons, Captain Hornewood, sailed from London 21st May, arrived 10th September?passengers, 40.

Glendevon, 954 tons, Captain Brown, sailed from London 28th May, arrived 1st October?passengers, 35.

Eagle Speed, 1237 tons, Captain J. Brinsden, sailed from Gravesend 12th June, arrived 16th October?126 days port to port. She landed 191 passengers all in good health.

Jumna, 820 tons, Captain Garrick, sailed from Gravesend 4th July, arrived 24th October?passengers, 100.

Ardbeg, 921 tons, Captain Hobson, sailed from London 18th August, arrived 16th December?passengers, 160.

City Of Manchester, 534 tons, Captain Burrell, sailed from the Downs 29th September, 1863, and arrived 10th February after a protracted, passage of 140 days. She was 51 days out before the Line was crossed, owing to gales.

Golden City, 779 tons, Captain R. K. Martin, sailed from Gravesend 13th November, 1863, but owing to severe weather was compelled to put back and laid at the Downs until 19th. She took her final departure from Scilly 26th November. Her average run for a month after leaving the Cape was over 200 miles. The Golden City arrived at Auckland 4th March and landed 103 passengers.

Lord Clyde, 531 tons, Captain Withers, sailed from London 2nd February, and arrived 5th May. She was a fine barque, and coming south about made the passage in 93 days. She brought only 21 passengers. The Golconda, which sailed from London 4th January, nearly a month before the Lord Cldye, arrived at Auckland on the same day.

Statesman, 811 tons, Captain Marshall, sailed from the Downs 1st January, and Land's End 17th, arriving at Auckland 6th March, after a protracted passage of 126 days. Running short of water, Captain Marshall put into Nelson for a supply when the ship was 120 days out. The Statesman brought 101 passengers, including 16 saloon.

Albert William, 505 tons, Captain Walker, sailed 10th August, arrived 5th December. New ship on her second voyage.

Gladiator, 503 tons, Captain Young, sailed 15th November, 1863, arrived 26th March.

Aliguis, 1121 tons, Captain Davidson, sailed from London 26th July, and made a good passage of 91 days, arriving 25th October, with 125 passengers, mostly assisted immigrants.

Armstrong, 817 tons, Captain A. Armstrong, a fine Nova Scotian built ship, sailed from the Downs 5th November, 1864, with 200 passengers, and arrived 16th February.

Ernestina, 1048 tons, Captain W. Fillan, R.N. This fine American built ship sailed from the Downs 28th October, 1864, and arrived 19th February. She brought out the fifth party of immigrants under the auspices of the Church of England Emigration Society, including Mr. Welch, of Birmingham, the general manager. There were on board 380 passengers, of whom 236 were Government immigrants.

Louisa, 900 tons, Captain Hall, sailed from Gravesend 9th November, 1864. The ship was delayed in the Channel with head winds for two weeks and put into Plymouth for water. She arrived at Auckland 28th March, being 139 days out. The Louisa brought 305 passengers, a large number of whom were assisted immigrants, also a small party of the Church of England special settlement.

Belgravia, 902 tons, Captain Jackson, sailed from Gravesend 3rd January, arrived 10th May. Experienced very heavy weather in Channel and was forced to take shelter in Torbay for several days, sailing from the Start 9th January. Passengers, 172.

Viscount Canning, 751 tons, Captain Wright, sailed from London and took her final departure from the Lizard 28th September, with 168 passengers. The barque arrived 21st January, 1866, after a tedious passage of 124 days.

Alexandra, 898 tons, Captain Dalgarno, sailed from London 17th January, arrived 25th May. She brought 39 passengers.

John Scott, 655 tons, Captain M. Penfold, sailed from London 14th December, 1866, arrived 27th April, after a protracted voyage of 135 days.

Regina, 599 tons, Captain Linkehorne, sailed from the Downs 27th November, 1866, arrived 20th March. The Regina had visited New Zealand on two previous occasions, bringing a large number of passengers. In 1858 she arrived at Dunedin from London on 9th November under Captain Thornton. The following year she sailed from London with 283 passengers, on 2nd September, and arrived on 4th December at Lyttleton, Captain Thornton still being in command.

Merrington, arrived 29th August, 141 days.

Racehorse, arrived 8th July, 102 days.

Constance, arrived 24th July, 116 days.

Coulnakyle, Captain Morrison, sailed 13th March, arrived 12th June, making the passage in 90 days from Plymouth. The Coulnakyle and Kate Waters were in company off the Cape and arrived at Auckland on the same day.

Percy, arrived 9th March.

Rapids, arrived 8th March.

John Banfield, Captain Bastian, sailed from London 9th April, arrived 11th August.

Red Rover, 1042 tons, Captain Macauley, sailed from Gravesend 13th July, and Lizard 24th, arriving 19th October, 86 days land to land.

Hasquina, 428 tons, Captain Lowden, sailed from Liverpool 27th January, arrived 22nd May.

Inflexible, 997 tons, Captain Lyall, sailed from Gravesend 22nd December, 1869, arrived 3rd April. Was surrounded with icebergs?no less than 21 large bergs being in sight for three days. Passengers, 40.

Estrella, 499 tons, Captain Crowder, sailed from Liverpool 27th June, arrived 20th October.

Argyleshire, 700 tons, Captain Todd, sailed from Glasgow 2nd April, arrived 2nd August.

Naomi, 709 tons, Captain Robertson, sailed 16th November, 1871, arrived 6th March with 32 passengers.

Durham, Captain Sexton, sailed 29th November, 1872, arrived 4th March?passengers, 70.

Edinburgh Castle, 627 tons, Captain H. Cape, sailed 4th December, 1872, arrived 14th May. When off Beachy Head the ship collided with the brigantine Fergus, carrying away some of her fore rigging, top gallant bulwarks and anchor stock. The brigantine was also damaged. The Edinburgh Castle put back to Deal for repairs, sailing again on the 28th December. She struck a heavy gale off Eddystone Lighthouse and had to put back to Portland. She made her final start on 24th January.

Dorette, 847 tons, Captain Ayles, sailed from London 19th January, and from the Lizard 25th, arriving at Auckland 14th April after a rapid passage of 83 days port to port. The Dorette was a new ship purchased by the N.Z. Shipping Company, and when she returned to England her name was changed to Waimea. The several voyages made by the Waimea are recorded in Vol. 1, White Wings. The Dorette brought out 319 passengers, and when she arrived in port was placed in quarantine owing to an outbreak of scarletina during the voyage.

Huntly Castle, 423 tons, Captain McAuley, sailed from London 22nd February, under the flag of the Shaw, Savill Co., and arrived 28th May with 26 passengers, after a fair weather passage of 94 days.

Ada, 686 tons, Captain Asuls, sailed from London 20th November, 1874, arrived 8th March.

John Rennie, 874 tons, Captain Nicholson, sailed from Start Point 17th May, arrived 27th August.

White Eagle, 878 tons, Captain Andrews, sailed from Lizard 17th July, and arrived 11th October, after a pleasant and uneventful passage, occupying 86 days. The White Eagle visited Port Chalmers in 1876 under Captain Roberts. She sailed 8th August from London, and arrived 8th November, making the passage in 92 days.

Star Of Germany, Captain Wilson, sailed from London 22nd August, arrived 23rd November.

Shooting Star, 422 tons, Captain Gillies, sailed from Docks 23rd December, 1874, arrived 17th May. The passage occupied 145 days, owing to heavy weather nearly all the way.

La Escocesa, 946 tons, Captain Evans, sailed from London 5th February, arrived 8th May.

Inverallen, 650 tons, Captain McCann, sailed from Gravesend 19th March, arrived 30th June.

No Ships.

Martha Fisher, 811 tons, Captain Morguard, sailed 15th April, arrived 5th August.

Clan Fergusson, 800 tons, Captain lack, sailed 20th September, arrived 18th December?smart passage of 89 days.

Apelles, 1030 tons, Captain Blackstone, sailed from Glasgow 16th October, 1877, arrived 27th January with 249 passengers. The Apelles made one voyage to Lyttelton in 1874. She sailed on 17th January and arrived 5th May, 98 days passage, under Captain McLay.

Weymouth, barque, Captain Hamilton, sailed from Gravesend, 28th January, arrived 11th June, after a protracted passage of 133 days.

Isle of Bute, 926 tons, Captain McAvoy, sailed 7th March, arrived 27th June; 113 days from Docks.

Inglewood, 1043 tons, Captain Brocklebank, sailed from Gravesend 25th September, arrived 26th December, with 38 passengers.

Dunloe, barque, Captain Davies, sailed 29th August, arrived 8th December, 101 days from Docks.

No Ships.

Roman Empire, 1542 tons, Captain Adamson, sailed 23rd October, 1881, arrived 19th January, after a fast passage of 89 days from Docks. Passengers, 540. Captain Adamson is still living in Auckland.

Easterhill, 890 tons, Captain D. Evans, sailed 27th March, arrived 10th July, 103 days from Gravesend. Passengers, 27.

Clyde, 1140 tons, Captain Hoyle, sailed from London 1st February, arrived 30th May. Passengers, 38.

East Lothian, 1389 tons, Captain Carve, sailed 19th March, arrived 2nd July. Passengers, 27.

Glenrosa, Captain McEwan, sailed 19th March, arrived 28th June. Rather a stormy passage, vessel's sails being blown away on 31st May. (Shaw, Savill.)

Katherine, 1630 tons, Captain Spille, sailed 19th April, arrived 27th July, 99 days from London Docks.

Duchess of Argyle, 1699 tons, Captain Herd, sailed 30th May, arrived 13th September, 106 days from Gravesend. Passengers, 34.

After 1885 very few passengers arrived by sailing ships at any of the ports

ships into WELLINGTON NZ, 1840 -1885

the following is a list of ships into Wellington NZ from 1840 to 1885

it was taken from NZETC White Wings Vol II
.. part I - Founding the Provinces
.. part II - Old-TIme Shipping
.. part III - Passenger Ships to 1885

into LYTTELTON (Christchurch)
into NAPIER (Hawkes Bay)
into NELSON (Marlborough)
into NEW PLYMOUTH (Taranaki)
into PORT CHALMERS (Dunedin)
- (most of the ships are links at the above site)

Lady Nugent, 500 tons, arrived from Gravesend, October 1st.

The Cuba sailed from Wellington during May with stores for the purchase of Chatham Islands from the natives. Captain Heale and Mrs. Diffenbach were passengers to negotiate with the Maoris.

Essex, 329 tons, Captain Oakley, arrived January 4th.

Thomas Sparks, Captain Sharp, from London, via Cape of Good Hope, arrived January 31st. This vessel brought a number of passengers, including a few immigrants for Nelson. She made a long voyage, the run from the Cape occupying 50 days. When entering Wellington Heads she was fouled by the brig Margaret, from Sydney. The Thomas Sparks had a portion of her bulwarks stove in, and the brig lost her bowsprit.

Tyne, 500 tons, Captain Robertson, sailed from London February 12th, arrived 11th August with 17 passengers. She called at Cape of Good Hope May 12th, and Hobart Town July 31st. The barque was compelled to put into Hobart to replenish her water supply. Here some of the passengers, who had booked for Auckland, were informed of a Maori massacre in New Zealand and refused to come on to the Dominion. Mr. J. Stewart, second officer, fell overboard at the mouth of the River Derwent on July 31st, and was drowned.

Ursula, 490 tons, Captain Martin, sailed from London May 24th, arrived September 12th.

Mandarin, 650 tons, Captain Smith, sailed from London, via Hobart and Auckland, arrived December 10th.

Bella Marina, 600 tons, Captain T. Ashbridge, from London, via Hobart, arrived May 31st.

Sydney, 450 tons, Captain White, from London, arrived May 31st.

Raymond, 489 tons, Captain M'May, sailed May 5th, via Taranaki, arrived September 5th.

Caledonia, Captain Case, sailed from Plymouth August 24th, 1844, arrived January 11th.

Louisa Campbell, 350 tons, Captain Darby, sailed from London March 18th, arrived July 24th.

Mary Catherine, 385 tons, Captain Howlett, sailed from London, 1845, via Nelson, arrived February 2nd.

Madras, 450 tons, Captain Hilbery, from London, via Nelson, arrived September 3rd.

Hope, 500 tons, Captain Marshall, from London via Nelson, arrived January 7th.

Clara, 420 tons, Captain Crow, from London, via Sydney, arrived January 10th.

Elora, 313 tons, Captain Turnbull, from London, via New Plymouth and Nelson, sailed October 12th, arrived February 19th.

Saghalien, 377 tons, Captain Jones, from London, via Nelson, sailed May 27th, arrived October 14th.

Ralph Bernal, 400 tons, Captain Maclaren, from London, via Nelson and New Plymouth, sailed July 23rd, arrived December 17th.

Indian, 591 tons, Captain English, from London, sailed November 18th, 1847, arrived April 2nd.

Elora, 340 tons, Captain Turnbull, from London, sailed February 10th, arrived May 27th.

Bernicia, 548 tons, Captain Arnold, sailed from London July 7th, arrived, via Taranaki and Nelson, November 20th. She brought 78 passengers for Wellington, and 153 all told. Captain Arnold was formerly in command of the Fifeshire, the first Nelson immigrant ship.

Duke of Portland, 533 tons, Captain Cubitt, from London, via Auckland, arrived February 17th.

Mary, 533 tons, Captain Grant, from London, via Nelson and Taranaki, arrived March 14th.

Lalla Rook., 530 tons, Captain Hains, from London, sailed November 8th, 1848, arrived March 15th. Called at Table Bay on January 12th, and resumed the voyage four days later.

Jane Catherine, 420 tons, Captain Wilson, from London, via Auckland, arrived August 16th.

Pilgrim, 450 tons, Captain Francis, from London, sailed April 26th, arrived August 20th.

Cornwall, 580 tons, Captain Dawson, from Deal, sailed April 20th, via New Plymouth and Nelson, arrived September 9th. Landed 90 passengers at Wellington.

Enterprize, 253 tons, Captain Lovering, sailed from London June 9th, arrived September 30th.

Larkins, 700 tons, Captain Bruton, from London, via Otago, arrived October. 21st. 54 passengers.

Kelso, 567 tons, Captain Innes, from London, via New Plymouth and Nelson, arrived November 4th.

Pekin, 562 tons, Captain Whitby, from London, sailed August 9th, via Otago, arrived December 26th.

Thames, 407 tons, Captain Hedley, from London, via Auckland, arrived December 27th.

Cornelia, 372 tons, Captain Mickleburg, from London, via Melbourne, arrived February 9th.

Poiotiers, 750 tons, Captain Beale, from London, via Taranaki and Nelson, arrived August 2nd.

Phoebe Dunbar, 704 tons, Captain Michie, from London, via Otago and Lyttelton, sailed July 10th, arrived November 14th. The Phoebe Dunbar was a new ship on her maiden voyage, and brought 94 passengers. She arrived at Otago on October 24th, and Lyttelton on November 7th.

Barbara Gordon, 338 tons, Captain Lilley, from London, via Auckland, arrived November 23rd.

Eden, 522 tons, Captain Murdoch, from London, via New Plymouth and Nelson, arrived November 28th.

Emu, 382 tons, Captain Smith, from London, via Hobart, arrived March 13th, with passengers, including 15 Native Infantry of Bengal Army.

Cornelia, 372 tons, Captain Mickleburg, from London, via Nelson, arrived April 10th.

Cresswell, 574 tons, Captain Williams, from London, via Auckland and New Plymouth, arrived April 22nd.

Clara, 360 tons, Captain Potter, from London, via Nelson, arrived October 6th.

Chieftain, 382 tons, Captain Chalmers, from London, sailed September 1st, 1851, arrived January 3rd. This vessel brought no passengers. She called at the Auckland Islands, where she picked up the captain and crew of the schooner Countess of Minto, which had been carried on to Macquarrie Island by swell and become a total wreck.

True Briton, 685 tons, Captain Norris, from Deal, sailed August 15th, arrived December 13th. Brought 251 passengers, including officers and men of 58th and 65th Regiments.

Minerva, 829 tons, Captain Johnston, from London, via Melbourne, arrived March 6th.

Tasmania, 542 tons, Captain Norris, from London, arrived March 30th.

Royal Albert, 662 tons, Captain Norris, from London, via Otago, arrived March 30th with 75 passengers.

Admiral Grenfell, 500 tons, Captain MacClennan, sailed from London May 14th, arrived August 12th.

Cornwall, 580 tons, Captain Dawson, from London, arrived August 13th with 112 passengers.

John Taylor, 788 tons, Captain Cawkitt, from London, via Melbourne, arrived November 2nd with 89 passengers.

Constantine, 608 tons, Captain Rogers, from London, via Nelson, arrived February 4th.

Duke of Portland, 600 tons, Captain Seymour, from London, via Nelson, arrived February 12th with 48 passengers.

Norman Morrison, 529 tons, Captain Maundrell, from London, via Hobart, arrived July 29th with 42 passengers.

Cordelia, 378 tons, Captain McKenzie, from London, arrived September 29th.

Thetis, 468 tons, Captain Pook, from London, via Melbourne, arrived October 15th.

Gipsey, 426 tons, Captain Bolton, from London, via Auckland, arrived November 13th.

Pudsey Dawson, 800 tons, Captain Davies, from London, via Otago, arrived December 23rd.

Sea Snake, 500 tons, Captain Gilbert, from London, via Otago, arrived May 25th.

Surge, 543 tons, Captain Jarvis, sailed August 31st, arrived December 16th. 89 passengers.

New Era, 820 tons, Captain Rhind, sailed from London March 20th, arrived June 27th. 180 passengers.

Monsoon, 296 tons, Captain Turnbull, from London, via Nelson, arrived February 23rd.

Westminster, 731 tons, Captain Westgarth, from London January 7th, arrived April 16th. 132 passengers. New ship on maiden voyage.

Libertas, 602 tons, Captain Dobson, sailed from London March 20th, arrived July 8th. 38 passengers.

Lancashire Witch, 1368 tons, Captain Mollison, from London, via Australia, arrived July 20th. Brought 226 passengers, including 149 men of 65th Regiment. Another vessel of the same name, a ship of 1574 tons, made several voyages to New Zealand in the 'sixties. Details are given in White Wings, Vol. I.

Hastings, 596 tons, Captain Carew, from London, via Cape, sailed June 4th, arrived October 14th. 51 passengers.

Philip Laing, 547 tons, Captain Cadenhead, sailed July 31st, arrived December 23rd, after a tedious passage of 146 days. First of the Black Ball Line. She came via Cape of Good Hope. Arrived at Cape October 13th, and left 23rd. Passengers, 56.

Rose of Sharon, 788 tons, Captain Southeron, sailed from London October 1st, 1856, arrived January 19th. 100 passengers.

Indian Queen. 1050 Tons, Captain D. F. Jobson, sailed from London November 5th, 1856, arrived January 30th. 451 passengers.

Myrtle, 621 tons, Captain Mordue, sailed from London, arrived January 31st. 25 passengers.

Heroes Of Alma, 651 tons, Captain Silk, sailed from London January 16th, arrived May 3rd. 37 passengers.

Alma, 1070 tons, Captain Ross, sailed from Liverpool February 14th, arrived May 15th. 405 passengers.

John Mcvicar, 648 tons, Captain Allen, sailed from London August 6th, arrived November 12th. 66 passengers.

Gleaner, 485 tons, Captain Pentecost, sailed from London July 29th, arrived November 19th. 158 passengers.

Ashburton, 689 tons, Captain King, sailed from London August 7th, arrived November 26th. 102 passengers.

Cresswell, 671 tons, Captain Barnett, from London, via Nelson, arrived February 14th. 25 passengers.

Hastings, 800 tons, Captain Carew, sailed from London November 18th, 1857, arrived February 16th. Made New Zealand seventy-eighth day out. Large number of passengers.

Acasta, 387 tons, Captain Halliday, from London, via Nelson, arrived February 27th.

Burmah, 718 tons, Captain Norris, from London, arrived April 16th. 52 passengers.

Ambrosine, 450 tons, Captain Leeman, sailed from Deal February 27th, arrived June 21st.

Harkaway, 658 tons, Captain Graham, sailed April 17th, arrived August 14th. 96 passengers.

Indiana, 852 tons, Captain McKirdy, from London, via Lyttelton, arrived December 14th.

Equator, 480 tons, Captain Sellberg, from London, arrived January 22nd.

Midlothian, 392 tons, Captain Grant, from London, via Nelson, arrived February 5th.

Eclipse, 254 tons, Captain Elliott, from London, November 8th, 1858, arrived March 7th. Called at New Plymouth March 3rd.

Acasta, 385 tons, Captain Halliday, from London, January 7th, arrived April 11th.

Alfred the Great, 649 tons, Captain M'Intyre, from London December 7th, 1858, arrived April 17th. 69 passengers. Contrary weather caused her to put into the Cape on February 26th; remained there 10 days.

Minerva, 600 tons, Captain Merryman, sailed from London March 22nd, arrived July 12th. 70 passengers.

Reullura, 292 tons, Captain Gibbs, from London, arrived June 18th. 24 passengers.

Eaglet, 396 tons, Captain Butcher, sailed March 23rd, arrived August 25th. Long and boisterous passage of 155 days. Several spars carried away. Put into Cork to refit, leaving April 11th. On 13th same month, while lying-to in a gale, foretopmast, jibboom, foretopgallant yard carried away, and foretopgallant mast sprung.

Hastings, 519 tons, sailed June 10th, arrived October 20th, with 39 passengers. Delayed in the Channel 14 days by heavy weather. Captain pitched overboard and drowned off Cape on August 20th. Ship going ten knots at time, and a gale blowing. Captain was a young man, and married only a few days before sailing; formerly first officer on Joseph Fletcher.

Christopher Newton, 417 tons, Captain Menzies, sailed from London July 27th, arrived November 20th.

Countess of Fife, 510 tons, Captain Collie, from London, via Otago, sailed May 26th, arrived September 21st.

Viscount Sandon, 600 tons, Captain Hughes, sailed October 22nd, 1859, arrived February 13th. 76 passengers.

Constantine, 623 tons, Captain Wrangles, sailed February 8th, arrived June 22nd. The Constantine ran to the equator in 26 days, and was then delayed by calms and light winds until rounding the Cape. The New Zealand coast was sighted on the 6th June, when she encountered a succession of S.E. gales, amounting at times to hurricane force. The heavy seas carried away bulwarks, stanchions, skylightspage 222 and boats. The gales continued for 14 days, when land was again sighted on the 20th, and Wellington reached on the 22nd June.

No Ships.

Albemarle, 536 tons, Captain Meritt, sailed August 13th, 1861, took final departure from Dungeness September 2nd, arrived January 5th.

Maria, 747 tons, Captain Teulon, sailed March 6th, arrived June 27th. 20 passengers.

William Carey, 589 tons, Captain Williams, sailed May 18th, arrived September 20th. When off Cape Leuwin encountered heavy storm, during which she shipped heavy seas, carrying away bulwarks and smashing boats.

Bride, 500 tons, Captain Gibson, sailed August 13th, arrived January 3rd. In the vicinity of the Cape experienced two severe hurricanes, but escaped damage. Hove to for four days off Tasmania in gale, and becalmed for eight days off Cape Leuwin. 149 days' passage.

West Australian, 600 tons, Captain Luke, sailed March 23rd, arrived July 1st. Passengers, 87.

Adelaide Baker, 809 tons, Captain Baker, sailed May 6th, arrived October 6th. Pleasant but protracted voyage?156 days.

James Lyster, 950 tons, Captain Linklater, sailed July 31st, arrived December 13th. Detained three weeks in Channel. 23 passengers.

Commodore, 562 tons, Captain Colville, sailed October 4th, 1865, arrived January 12th.

Weymouth, 830 tons, Captain Norris, sailed April 1st, arrived July 3rd. Ship suffered considerable damage owing to furious gales after rounding the Cape. Three boats completely smashed, and nearly all port railing carried away. This vessel brought a submarine cable for Cook Straits.

Lord Raglan, 477 tons, Captain Williams, sailed March 3rd, arrived July 29th.

Ensign, 431 tons, Captain Sangster, sailed May 20th, arrived September 9th. Captain Black, who was in command, died at sea, and the chief officer, Mr. R. Sangster, then took charge.

Coleroon, 760 tons, Captain Montgomery, sailed December 6th, 1866, arrived March 29th. 83 passengers.

Henry Adderley, 687 tons, Captain Hartman, sailed April 5th, arrived August 7th.

Cambodia, 806 tons, Captain Escott, sailed November 16th, 1868, arrived March 22nd.

Moss Trooper, 510 tons, Captain McKenzie, sailed December 15th, 1868, arrived June 11th. Until her arrival fears were entertained for her safety. The vessel was detained in the Downs until January 9th. Experienced average weather during passage. The length of the passage was attributed to the manner in which the vessel was loaded, a want of dead-weight in her bottom making it impossible for her to carry much sail.

Firth of Clyde, 689 tons, Captain Dodds, sailed June 17th, arrived October 6th.

No Ships.

No Ships.

Breechim Castle, 1000 tons, Captain Smith, sailed from Greenock December 20th, 1872, arrived March 19th.

Jubilee, 764 tons, Captain Monckman, sailed March 8th, arrived June 21st. 52 passengers.

Cissy, 634 tons, Captain Spencer, sailed October 4th, 1873, arrived January 13th.

Salisbury, 1094 tons, Captain Clare, sailed October 5th, 1873, arrived January 20th. Put into Plymouth, leaving again October 24th. 264 passengers.

Mccallum More, 1668 tons, Captain Smith, sailed February 4th, arrived April 27th. A new ship on her maiden voyage; Made the run from Glasgow to New Zealand coast in 76 days; crossed the line in 23 days.

La Hogue, 1331 tons, Captain Carvasso, sailed February 20th, arrived May 26th. Passengers, 500.

Inverallan, 660 tons, Captain McCann, sailed February 14th, arrived May 28th.

Strathnaver, 1017 tons, Captain Devey, sailed June 2nd, arrived August 31st. The vessel narrowly escaped going on Barrett's Reef, being towed to safety by s.s. Stormbird. Six births and six deaths during the voyage. 391 passengers.

Howrah, 1097 tons, Captain Greeves, sailed August 26th, arrived November 30th. Ten deaths and four births during the voyage. 380 passengers.

Collingwood, 1014 tons, Captain Black, sailed April 16th, arrived July 10th. Nineteen deaths resulted from an outbreak of fever, and one male passenger committed suicide. On arrival there were 50 cases under treatment for scarlet fever. 293 passengers.

Teviotdale, 1260 tons, Captain Nicol, sailed May 15th, arrived August 26th. 24 passengers.

Rodney, 1447 tons, Captain Louttit, sailed from the Downs June 7th, arrived August 29th. 510 passengers. Passed the Lizard June 10th; crossed the Line July 17th; rounded the Cape July 23rd; and made Cape Farewell on August 27th?a run of 77 days from the Lizard to Cape Farewell. 11 deaths.

Dilawar, 1306 tons, Captain Dice, sailed May 11th, arrived September 5th. Severe gales towards end of voyage smashed long boat and damaged bulwarks, etc.

Kilfauns Castle, 800 tons, Captain Kidd, sailed July 4th, arrived October 5th.

Border Chief, 1011 tons, Captain Leslie, sailed July 3rd, arrived October 9th. Met with very heavy weather on August 23rd, which necessitated a cargo of gunpowder being thrown overboard, and the hatches battened down. Cargo greatly damaged by water getting below. 30 passengers.

Howrah, 1098 tons, Captain Greeves, sailed July 30th, arrived November 9th. A male passenger was caught stabbing a cat; captain ordered it to be thrown overboard. In accordance with a nautical superstition, the passengers attributed the succession of unfavourable winds which followed to this incident.

Commissary, 900 tons, Captain Hunter, sailed September 4th, arrived December 11th. A saloon passenger fell overboard. When the boat was being launched to pick him up, forward tackle ran out, and the carpenter was also thrown into the water. The second officer had a narrow escape. Passenger and carpenter were drowned. 45 passengers.

Commonwealth, 1343 tons, Captain Cooper, sailed November 1st, 1875, arrived February 5th. 45 passengers.

Penshaw, 740 tons, Captain Airey, sailed from Glasgow January 10th, arrived March 29th. A new vessel, which made rapid passage of 79 days port to port?73 land to land. Made the south-east end of New Zealand March 24th.

Midlothian, 1084 tons, Captain Griffiths, sailed May 19th, arrived August 25th. The vessel left Gravesend on May 7th, but shortly afterwards it was found that the steering gear was out of order. She put back, and sailed again on May 19th.

Dunbritton, 1478 tons, Captain Kennedy, sailed May 3rd, arrived August 4th. 50 passengers.

Camperdown, 1487 tons, Captain Paton, sailed April 14th, arrived July 9th. Brought 181 immigrants, 170 of whom were landed at Nelson.

Howrah, 1098 tons, Captain Greeves, sailed July 29th, arrived November 18th. Called at Nelson on November 9th to land 200 immigrants; 86 immigrants were brought to Wellington.

Ben Ledi, 1056 tons, Captain Boyd, sailed January 31st, arrived May 13th. The captain was congratulated for bringing the ship into port without assistance on a very boisterous night. The ship originally left on January 27th. Two days later she encountered a heavy gale. Four men and an apprentice went on to the jibboom to save a jib that had been blown away. A heavy sea struck the ship, and washed three of the sailors and the boy from the boom overboard, and, although the ship was hove-to and boats lowered, no sign was seen of them. The ship put back to the Downs for more hands.

City of Madras, 999 tons, Captain Grainger, sailed April 14th, arrived July 12th. 39 passengers.

Renfrewshire, 890 tons, Captain Peattie, arrived February 13th, via Napier, where she landed immigrants. Trip occupied 97 days to Napier. As there were several cases of scarlet fever on board, the ship was quarantined for several weeks.

Gainsborough, 974 tons, Captain Carter, sailed October 23rd, 1877, arrived March 8th. She called at Nelson February 29th to land immigrants. She had a total of 230 on board for both ports. On November 3rd the bowsprit carried away, and before the ship paid off before the wind she lost her foretopmast and main royal mast. A jury bowsprit and topmast were rigged.

Araby Maid, 837 tons, Captain Cromarty, sailed October 30th, 1877, arrived January 22nd.

Rialto, 1165 tons, Captain Babot, sailed October 9th, arrived January 22nd. Brought a number of passengers. On October 14th a hurricane took away three topsails and the maintopsail yard; hove-to for 14 hours with seas sweeping the decks. Animal pens and several cases of acid were washed overboard, and glass in the skylight was broken by the force of the spray. The gale moderated at noon next day. A smart gale was experienced off Cape Leeuwin, and a number of cabin windows were stove in.

Craigee Lee, 624 tons, Captain Winther, sailed February 26th, arrived October 3rd. Put into Fremantle a complete wreck, sailing again August 29th.

Abeona, 997 tons, Captain Groshard, sailed May 1st, arrived August 19th.

Medea, 1065 tons, Captain Coles, sailed May 1st, arrived August 4th.

Caithlock, 1264 tons, Captain Phillips, sailed March 30th, arrived July 12th.

Firth of Forth, Captain Cowper, sailed March 27th, arrived July 4th.

Duke Of Athole, 963 tons, Captain Elliott, sailed October 31st, 1878, arrived January 29th.

Lorraine, 829 tons, Captain Grondsund, sailed November 2nd, 1878, arrived March 2nd.

City Of Madras, 999 tons, Captain Houston, sailed March 7th, arrived June 20th. Two deaths on voyage.

Beemah, 953 tons, Captain Prideaux, sailed April 29th, arrived August 2nd.

Abethusa, 1272 tons, Captain Stiven, sailed September 3rd, arrived December 7th. There were four deaths and three births during the voyage.

Scottish Prince, 894 tons, Captain Searle, sailed October 3rd, 1879, arrived January 5th. 100 passengers.

Eastminster, Captain Mosey, sailed October 25th, arrived January 18th. Brought a number of passengers for Nelson and Wellington.

Buttermere, 993 tons, Captain Ogilvie, sailed December 3rd, 1879, arrived March 2nd.

Rodell Bay, 1080 tons, Captain Lindsay, sailed from Glasgow May 6th, arrived August 12th. After passing Tasmania experienced a gale which increased to hurricane force. A fierce squall swept away the main topsail yard and the mizen topmast, although there was no canvas set; portion of rail also lost. Weather improved next day.

Stirlingshire, 1178 tons, Captain Alexander, sailed from Glasgow June 11th, arrived September 10th. 53 passengers.

Hannah Landles, 1271 tons, Captain Grey, sailed August 5th, arrived November 13th.

Isle of Erin, 726 tons, Captain McCartie, sailed from Glasgow October 5th, 1880, arrived January 26th.

Wigtonshire, 1000 tons, Captain Mowat, sailed October 30th, 1880, arrived February 1st,

City of Carlisle, 876 tons, Captain Stooks, sailed February 23rd, arrived June 11th.

Mary Low, 855 tons, Captain Alexander, sailed March 30th, arrived July 13th. Severe weather after passing Tasmania. One sea broke three cabin doors and a lifeboat. On arrival, two of crew were handed over to police for refractory conduct.

Unicorn, 449 tons, Captain McCallum, sailed from Glasgow July 9th, arrived November 7th.

Perthshire, 594 tons, Captain Sember, sailed October 29th, 1881, arrived January 23rd.

Port Glasgow, 909 tons, Captain Nicholl, sailed May 2nd, arrived August 24th. Vessel successfully weathered two severe storms, but lost her jib and main topmast staysail when off Wellington Heads.

Montrose, 987 tons, Captain Billett, sailed December 7th, 1882, arrived March 4th. 37 passengers.

Perthshire, 596 tons, Captain Sember, sailed September 8th, 1882, arrived January 3rd.

Duncraig, 669 tons, Captain Storm, sailed October 13th, 1882, arrived January 15th.

Closeburn, 876 tons, Captain Anderson, sailed November 29th, 1882, arrived March 18th.

Villalta, 876 tons, Captain Thompson, sailed October 1st, 1883, arrived January 11th.

Peebleshire, 866 tons, Captain Miller, sailed November 9th, 1883, arrived February 15th.

Peter Stuart, 1447 tons, Captain Vanstone, sailed May 3rd, arrived August 25th.

Cape Clear, 853 tons, Captain M'Lean, sailed June 7th, arrived September 13th.

Dunscore, 1000 tons, Captain Hind, sailed December 30th, 1884, arrived Apri1 1st.

Villalta, 876 tons, Captain Thompson, sailed December 22nd, 1884, arrived April 9th.

Highland Glen, 982 tons, Captain Crane, sailed January 23rd, arrived May 28th.

City of Florence, 1199 tons; Captain Leask, sailed March 26th, arrived June 29th.

Earl Derby, 961 tons, Captain Kerr, sailed April 11th, arrived July 23rd.

Scottish Admiral, 939 tons, Captain Ross, sailed May 22nd, arrived September 4th.

Formosa, 915 tons, Captain McGowan, sailed May 28th, arrived September 4th.

2 comment(s), latest 7 years, 2 months ago

SMITH marriages in New Zealand - 1851 to 1860 the BRIDES

From the SMITH database

some SMITH marriages New Zealand 1851 to 1860:


Agnes Smith
- married Robert Gordon McKenzie in 1855

Alice Harriett Smith
- married John George Miles in 1860

Amy Smith
- married Robert Barker in 1852

Ann Smith
- married William Devett in 1852

Ann Smith
- married Hugh McPhee in 1855

Ann Smith
- married Allport in 1859

Ann Smith
- married Henry Pitt in 1852

Ann Eliza Smith
- married Stephen Cooper in 1856

Ann H Smith
- married ? in 1858

Annie Mary Smith
- married William Coxhead in 1860

Bathia Smith
- married James Wilkie in 1857

Catharine Smith
- married William Morrison in 1851

Charlotte Smith
- married Ebenezer Loader in 1859

Elizabeth Smith
- married Francis Tait in 1855

Elizabeth Smith
- married Thomas Taylor in 1856

Elizabeth Smith
- married John Pattison in 1860

Elizabeth Smith
- married John Westlake in 1860

Elizabeth Smith
- arried William Aitchison in 1855

Frances Campbell Smith
- married John Tully in 1852

Harriet Smith
- married William Prouse in 1850

Helen F S Smith
- married ? in 1859

Jane Smith
- married William Simpson in 1860

Jane Smith
- married George William Woodroofe in 1857

Jane Susannah Smith
- married Thomas Eaton in 1856

Jessamine Jane Smith
- married Thomas Shalders in 1853

Jessie Smith
- married Andrew Bamberry in 1860

Louisa Smith
- married Francis William Knowles in 1861

Louisa Smith Miles in 1860

Louisa Ann Smith
- married James Mitchell Fisher in 1857

Lucy Smith
- married George Salisbury Newman in 1853

Macwood Smith
- married ? in 1858 (Bride or Groom ?)

Margaret Smith
- married William Smith in 1873

Margaret Smith
- married Matthew Fleming in 1856

Margaret Smith
- married John McLauchlan in 1853

Marion Young Smith
- married Hugh Calder in 1858

Mary Smith
- married Henry Joseph McLeod Hawk in 1853

Mary Smith
- married ? in 1860

Mary Ann Smith
- married Thomas Wellbourn in 1859

Mary Ashton Smith
- married James Balfour Wemyss in 1857

Matilda Susannah Smith
- married Benjamin Butterworth in 1855

Rose Ann Smith
- married Edward Thomas Ireland in 1860

Sarah Smith
- married John Kent in 1854

Sarah Smith
- married ? in 1859

Sarah Jane Smith
- married James Bruce McIntyre in 1859

Teresa Smith
- mmarried ? in 1855

the Smith GROOMS

Smith marriages 1840 to 1850

SMITH marriages in New Zealand - 1851 to 1860 the GROOMS

From the SMITH database

some SMITH marriages New Zealand 1851 to 1860:


Alexander Augustus Smith
- married Mary Jane Giles in 1857

Arthur William Smith
- married Amelia Lamb in 1860

Charles Smith
- married Eleanor Smith Parker in 1854

Charles Smith
- married Johanna Anson in 1855

David Smith
- married Maria Jones in 1856

David Smith
- married Mary Culbert in 1860

Frederick Smith
- married ? in 1859

George Smith
- married Margaret Scott in 1853

George Smith
- married Judith Cahill in 1856

George Smith
- married Elizabeth Burton in 1860

Henry Smith
- married Mary Ann Batten in 1856

Henry Farr Smith
- married ? in 1859

James Smith
- married Mary Kau in 1851

James Smith
- married Erihapiti Te Awemakere in 1953

James Smith
- married Emma Freeth in 1857

John Smith
- married Elizabeth Sarah Commons in 1851

John Smith
- married Ann Kidd in 1852

John Smith
- married Sarah Kelly in 1853

John Smith
- married Anne Bell in 1855

John Smith
- married Mary Bell in 1856

John Smith
- married Elizabeth Faull in 1857

John Smith
- married Jane Gray in 1858

John Smith
- married Jane Watson in 1860

the following was researched for Margaret65 after her query on 15-4-2011 .. "I have a John Smith born abt 1834 London England who married a Mary Kimber Hildreth in NZ 1860, have you come across this Smith in your research. I would love to find out where exactly he from and any other family HE may have had. I know all about their 12 children!"

John Smith (1834-1917)
- married Mary Kimber Hildreth (1838-1909) on 4 June 1860 in Waimea South, Nelson
- John was born in London, England in March 1834
- he arrived into Nelson 15 October 1855 on the "Queen Margaret"
- for the first 9 years he was engaged in surveying, farming and teaching (he was a teacher from 1856 to 1907)
- in 1860 he was teaching at River Terrace School
- in 1864 he was appointed headmaster of the Nelson Boys School
- John was the Inspector & Secretary of the Westland Board of Education and receved the appointment in Oct 1890 of Secretary for the Marlborough Board of Education

- they had 12 children

... due to the increasing size of the research on this family it has now been moved to its own journal at:

John Edmund Smith
- married Matilda Trumble in 1855

John Frederick Smith
- married Mary Ann Howe in 1860

John Smith
- married ? Faull in 1857

John Smith
- married ? Bird in 1859

John E. Smith
- married ? McHardy in 1859

Joseph Smith
- married Margaret Quinty in 1857

Matthew Smith
- married Mary Griffiths in 1854

Peter SMith
- married ? in 1859

Richard Smith
- married ? in 1859

Robert Smith
- marriedMary Ann Homes in 1851

Stephen Smith
- married Sarah Ellen Kotiin 1851

Thomas Smith
- married Elizabeth Franklin in 1852

Thomas Henry Smith
- married Sophia Dorias Baker in 1857

Thomas D. W. Smith
- married ? in 1859

Thomas H. Smith
- married ? in 1857

William Smith
- married Sarah Rotherforth in 1851

William Smith
- married Agnes Reid in 1856

William Smith
- married Margaret Smith in 1857

Williamm Smith
- married Margaret Scott Simpson in 1860

William Smith
- married ? Attwood in 1860

William SMith
- married ? Riley in 1868

the Smith BRIDES

2 comment(s), latest 13 years, 5 months ago

SMITH marriages in New Zealand - 1840 to 1850

From the SMITH database

some SMITH marriages New Zealand 1840 to 1850


Charles Smith
- married Sarah LINES in 1849

Donald Smith
- married ? in 1840

James SMith
- married ? in 1840

James Smith
- married Mararet MARTIN in 1850

John Smith
- married ? in 1840

John Smith
- married Mary MURTEGH in 1840

John Sharpe SMith
- married Mary Anne Ashton SLATER in 184

John Mountifield Smith
- married ? in 1840

John Thomas Smith
- married Mihi NUMANAin 1849

Octavius Smith
- married Anne PEARCE in 1850

Patrick SMith
- married Catherine DRISCOLL in 1848


Agnes Ellen Smith
- married ? in 1840

Eliza Smith
- married John DARBY in 1850

Ellen Smith
- married James DOVE in 1850
Harriet Smith
- married William Ludwell in 1848

Jane Smith
- married Jerry WAITE in 1850

Margaret Smith
- married William HORNBROOK in 1843

Margaret Smith
- married David KERR in 1850

Marianne Adamina Grenville Smith
- married George John IRELAND in 1850

Martha Smith
- married Walter Alfred COOK in 1849

Sarah Catherine Smith
- married Peter CONROY in 1848

Smith marriages 1851-1860 - the Brides (with link to the Grooms)


SMITH on the early ships to WELLINGTON as taken from available Passenger Lists

(will be kept in the SMITH burial database at this time)

20 Sept 1839 TORY
- Smith Henry G. ... Employed to oversee the Companies Wellington interests in Wakefields absence

3 Jan 1840 CUBA
- Smith Captain, William Mein ... Royal Artillery (Surveyor General to New Zealand Company). William Mein Smith, a Captain in the Royal Artillery, was Surveyor General to the New Zealand Company arriving in New Zealand aboard the Cuba. In 1842 he visited Akaroa & German Bay on Banks Peninsula. William Mein-Smith married Louisa and they had a daughter (Louisa) born to them on 29th January 1841 at Port Nicholson. Children of WILLIAM MEIN- SMITH and LOUISA were: i. LOUISA SMITH, b. 1843; d. 1905. In 1860 she married F W KNOWLES, 1860 and in 1887 was re-married to GEORGE STEPHENSON CROTTY.
- wife & children followed on the ADELAIDE (see below)

- Smith Frederick 49 Mason
Wife 50
Daniel Thomas 25 Mason
Thomas 19 Mason
Samuel 17 Mason
Mary 15 Sempstress

7 March 1840 GLENBERVIE
- Smith John

10 March 1840 ADELAIDE
- Smith Mrs William Mein ... Husband travelled ahead on the Cuba
Fanny Under 9
George Under 9
Wallace Under 9

- Smith James 23 (in Cabin)

- Smith Thomas 15 Blacksmith

12 Dec 1840 LONDON
- Smith Mr

27 Dec 1840 BLENHEIM
- Smith Mary 19 Housemaid

17 March 1841 LADY NUGENT
- Smith David 31 with wife Agnes & 4 children
Agnes 33 wife of David
James 40 with wife AMy & 5 children
Amy 32 wife of James
James Jnr 14

- Smith William 22 Bricklayer

16 June 1841 [url=]Sir JOHN FALSTAFF[/URL
- Smith George ... Sailed London November 23rd & Torbay December 17th 1840 - arrived Sydney April 13th 1841. She sailed for Wellington May 29th 1841 where she arrived June 16th 1841, then sailed for the Hokianga on July 10th 1841

- Smith Benjamin 27 Carpenter
Martha 24
Son 1
Son Infant, born at sea

8 Sept 1841 WHITBY Whitby was one of three vessels fitted out to carry out a survey for the new settlement at Nelson. It brought to New Zealand, Capain Arthur Wakefield R N (brother to Edward Gibbon Wakefield) along with 59 officals and labourers.
- Smith James T. 29 Sergeant

16 Oct 1841 ARAB
- Smith David 37 Sawyer
Isabel 36
Alexander 15 Labourer
Daughter 13
Son 10
Son 7

22 Oct 1841 ORIENTAL
- Smith James 28
wife Elizabeth 27
dau Sarah 7
son Henry 3
son John

- Smith George 27 Millwright
Margaret 22
Mary 5 months

Smith Charles 30
Smith Charles H 21
Smith John Edmund 20 Clerk Bound for Otago

12 July 1849 [url=[/URL]
Smith Robert D 28 to Otago
Smith John 25 Labourer to Nelson

2 Aug 1849 PILGRIN
- Smith Mr & Mrs in CABIN

24 Oct 1849 KELSO
Smith James 26 Farmer Bound for Otago
Smith Margaret 26 Bound for Wellington & went to Otago

- Smith William 43 on to Nelson
Sarah A 38
William 15
James 13
John 9
Henry 8
Mary 3
Barbara 2
Sarah Infant

22 May 1850 MONARCH
- Smith Henry Disembarked at Akaroa

late 1850 EDEN
- Smith Richard 55 Farmer all bound for New Plymouth
Elizabeth 45
Elizabeth 25
Catherine 21
Mary 20
John 18 Labourer
William 15
Christopher 13
Richard Thomas 13
Esther 13
Lewellyn 10
Maria 6
Emily 5