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robertoliverburford on Family Tree Circles

About robertoliverburford


by robertoliverburford Profile | Research | Contact | Follow

robertoliverburford , from Fort Worth, TX, has been a Family Tree Circles member since May 2009. is researching the following names: WALKER.


I was born in Lake Charles, LA, in 1936 and was raised in Tyler, TX 1940-59. After college (Colorado College '59; Stanford University 1959-66) I lived in Palo Alto, CA until early 1991, then returned to Fort Worth, TX where I live at present.

Family Surnames of interest:
Burford, Walker, Oliver, Goff, Jackson, Garvin, Morris, Michot, Lewter, Childers, Haggard, Cavender, Foot, Beaumont, Boutet, Telford, Denson, Greenleaf, Coffin.