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sharonharshman1 on Family Tree Circles

About sharonharshman1

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by sharonharshman1 Profile | Research | Contact | Follow

sharonharshman1 , from Dayton, Ohio, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Nov 2007. is researching the following names: WALKER, JOHNSON, JACKSON and 14 other(s).


My interests are my family, Genealogy and trying to finish it before my death one day,my faith or lack of but i'm trying to work on that.
But because I'm disabled now,and I have a really hard time getting around - walking, I spend ALOT of my daily life doing my family history on the computer at night(usually till 2-3 in the morning) with my Godmother/ex-mother-in-law/very best friend. And we do this almost every night by phone and net. It's been wonderful.