UrpackJL on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

UrpackJL on Family Tree Circles

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I was 58 years old when I learned who my real father is. My baptismal...

I was 58 years old when I learned who my real father is. My baptismal certificate told me the truth. Then the search began 5 years ago to find him and other family members. Find him I did in the SS Death Index, the date gave me a starting point for newspaper searching. Bits and pieces from newspapers as well as walking cemeterys for names turnes up new suprises every so often. My fathers twin brother told me his father might have changed his name as he imigrated to this country, but Uncle Peter was the last of his generation. I gathered a lot of information from him but I still want more. Searching for the following : MARCHO, YANEK,ARTHUR, REGAL, CAREY, KAZLAUKAS, from northeastern Pennsylvania. CARLSON from New Jersey.