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Carpenter family

I have been researching my mothers family for 12 years and cannot get any further back than my gr. gr. grandparents.

I have a marriage certificate for George Carpenter m. Ann Milham on 2 Mar 1844 in Boxley, Hollingbourne, Kent UK

On this certificate it states his father as George Carpenter - occ. Bailiff.

I have two Georges and two mothers back in the next generation.

One is George Carpenter m. Charlotte Sumner 12 Feb 1810 in Bromley, Kent
another, George Carpenter m. Charlotte King, 1811 in Rochester, Kent UK

These couples both had a George as their first born on in 1811, the other in 1812.

Without certificates to prove mother,is there anyway I can find this out, I do not know which line to follow.

My gr. grandfather William Andrew Carpenter came to NZ in 1886 and I have been unable to find shipping records. He married Julia Morris, daughter of Eli Morris and Julia Moore who were married in Aston Juxta, Birmingham, Warwick UK, on 8 December 1847.

Thank you for your help
Kind regards
Betty Wratt, New Zealand

I am trying to do research from NZ. on Beale/Aldham family. Charles Henry Beale m. Susanah Aldham 1 Oct 1831 St Dunstans, Stepney. I cannot get any further with parents of these two to enable me to do further research. Can you help please. 220942 members have posted 66372 journals.

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