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Joseph Marino

Joseph Marino was born October 1867 in Santa Margerita, Palermo, Sicily, Italy. He emigrated to the United States, coming through the Port of New York, in 1887.

In 1892 he married Carmela Buzzanga, who had also emigrated from Santa Margerita. Over the next 20 years they had 10 children, two of whom were born in Italy and the remainder in Brooklyn, New York.

Joseph died in Brooklyn, New York in 1923, at the age of 56.

Timothy Coakley Cork, Ireland > Dixon, Illinois, USA

Timothy Coakley, my gggrandfather, was born in Cork, Ireland. He met and married Margaret Hogan, also of Cork, and together they emigrated to Dixon, Illinois, USA. There they raised five sons: Cornelius (my ggrandfather)b.12 Mar 1840, John S. b.1843, James b.1845, Thomas b.1848, Thomas Quinn b.1858.

Any information about the Coakley clan would be welcomed and appreciated.

2 comment(s), latest 3 years ago

Margaret Hogan Coakley of Cork, Ireland

Margaret Hogan, my gggrandmother, was born about 1819 in Cork, Ireland. She married Timothy Coakley, who was also from Cork. They emigrated to Dixon, IL, where they raised five sons: Cornelius (my ggrandfather), John S, James, Thomas and Thomas Quinn.

Any information about the Hogans of Cork would be appreciated.

Catherine Downey Keegan from Ballymahon, Ireland

Catherine Downey, b. 1835 in Longford, Ireland. Married Christopher Keegan abt 1860. They had six children, all born in Ballymahon, Longford, Ireland: Catherine, Anna (my ggrandmother), Teresa, Christina, Bridget and Christopher Downey.

1901 census shows Christopher, Catherine and Bridget living in the Creevagh Beg neighborhood of Ballymahon. Christopher was a mason.

Anna came to New York city around 1882, and later married Joseph Henery Hyland. They had nine children, but only three lived to adulthood: Christopher, Frank and Mary, my grandmother.

Anna was widowed sometime between 1910 and 1920, and re-married. Her 2nd husband was Frank Morgan, of Cavin, Ireland. There were no children from this marriage.

Mary Keegan married Thomas McCormick, and they had five children, only three of whom survived to adulthood: Anna May, Rita (my mother) and Richard.

4 comment(s), latest 13 years, 11 months ago

Corriebuigh McMillans

The Corriebuigh McMillans were five brothers from Corriebuie, Scotland - Angus Donn, Patrick/Peter, Alexander, Ewan/Hugh and Dougald. These brothers emigrated to Ontario, CA in 1792. Previously, they had lived in Delaware County, NY State. During the Revolutionary War, they had proclaimed their allegiance to the British Crown. That cost them their property, their homes and their freedon, as they were interned for the duration of the war, and their property and belongings sold. After being expatriated back to Britain (not Scotland) it took them nine years to earn enough to return and try again.

The Canadian government was offering 200 acre plots of land to anyone who would settle and clear the land. The offerings were prioritized to Empire Loyalists, as these supporters of the Crown were known. All that was required was that the land be cleared and farmed within three years.

The brothers and their families were awarded land grants and settled in Glengarry, Ontario, CA, where their families continued to farm for more than 100 years.

Catherine McLean McMillan Kinnee

Catheorine McLean emigrated to Canada from Scotland at age 19. She met and married John McMillan, with whom she had two children: Daniel Angus McMillan (my grandfather) and Catherine "Katie" McMillan (later Chisholm.)

After five years of marriage, and with two young children, John went on a three day drinking binge, and died. CAtherine moved back home with her parents (Victoria, Ontaio, CA.)

A year later, Catherine married Richard Kinnee, a widower with four young children. They had a child together the following year, then moved to Butte, Montana, where they had three more children over the next nine years. At this point, Catherine was again widowed.

Catherine moved her family to Cripple Creek, CO, where she opened a hotel ("Kinnee House".) Two stepdaugters and one daughter worked in the dining room with her. She later moved on to Colorado Springs, then Idaho.

1 comment(s), latest 14 years, 1 month ago

Hylands in NYC

I am working on the Hyland family of NYC. Mary Hyland is my grandmother. She married Thomas "Pete" McCormick sometime before 1918. Both were born in NYC. Mary was the daughter of Joseph Hyland and Annie Keegan. Both were born in Ireland (or Irish Free State as Joseph called it) and both emigrated in the 1880s. They married in NYC in about 1892.