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Looking for KAHUPO

Mary ann KAHUPO is mentioned in a letter dated 11/02/1858 that was written by Robert Munhall, the son of Hugh MUNHALL a shipwright of the Hokianga,New Zealand.

In this letter he gives instructions to William Morris to "leave my picture to my mother" and money from the sale of personal items and for work done for Bob (Robert) Hardiman to be "divided among my relatives Maria,Mary,Kate,Riri AND Mary Ann KAHUPO".

Another letter written by William Morris at the same time names the mother of the 4 Munhall sisters mentioned above as Mariana.

Land court minutes also note that William Smith (who bought a half share of land with Hugh Munhall called Punehu along the Hokianga River)) left his half share of land to his son Joseph HURST along with Mary Ann Kahupo. This was witnessed by Robert Hardiman and Hugh Munhall in 26/09/1841.

I have read somewhere (GeneoNZ ?) that a Mariane H Rangihaerepo married a Hugh MUNHALL who was the daughter of a Te Whakatohea chief named Rangihaerepo who signed the Treaty of Waitangi.

Another Mariane Hineahua Rangihaerepo (aka Meri Makarina Hineahua,a daughter of the same chief) is also noted as having married Henry Colin Balneavis in 1859 at Parnell,Auckland. They also had 4 daughters and 1 son.

Are they one and the same?

4 comment(s), latest 11 years, 8 months ago

Looking for MUNHALL of New Zealand

Maria MUNHALL was born 10/01/1841 in the Hokianga, New Zealand.

Her father was Hugh MUNHALL a shipwright. She and her siblings were some of the first half caste Maori/Pakeha children to be born in the Hokianga. Their names were Robert,Mary,Catherine(Kate),Elizabeth(Lizzie or Riri).

Maria's brother Robert looked after them on a block of land called PUNEHU which was co owned with William Smith.

Maria married Michael Joseph Maximus BAKER who was born 23/03/1842 and died April 1928.

I am looking for Maria's mother. In a letter(dated 11/02/1858) written by William Morris the name Mariana is mentioned as being the mother of the 4 girls.

In another letter (dated 11/02/1958) Robert leaves instructions for the 4 girls to be looked after by William Morris along with various personal items. In this letter Robert states "my picture is for my mother". Some items were to be sold and money for work done for Bob (Robert HARDIMAN) was to be divided among his relatives - Maria,Mary,Kate,Riri and Mary Ann KAHUPO.

Mariana is a Maori name for Mary Ann and I am wondering if Mary Ann KAHUPO is Mariana (Maria's mother) that was mentioned in the letter.

10 comment(s), latest 6 years, 9 months ago