harhar on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

harhar on Family Tree Circles

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Journals and Posts

Looking for Bevil

Looking for any Bevil family member who connect with the Rooney or Harrison families from in or around Cumberland England.

Looking for Chamberlain of Devon UK

I have lost my grandfather. Born Exeter Devon UK c 1885 married 1907 again Exeter Devon and after that nothing.Can anyone help.

Looking for Freeman Exter Devon Uk

Where did my grandmother come from. I have found on her birth certificate that she was born Crediton Devon UK and married John Chamberlain in 1907 again in Exeter Devon UK. I can find no other inforamtion either before or after the marriage. Could some one please help solve this mystery. Thanks

Looking for Hardy's Leicester, Derby and surrounding areas UK

I am looking for any help I can get with this family name.

Looking for Smith's in Worcestershire UK

I am trying to find my grandmothers family and ancestors.
Her name was Henrietta Smith b c1860 Stourbridge Worcestershire England. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

2 comment(s), latest 14 years, 11 months ago

John Joseph Chamberlain

I am looking for my grandfather who was born in Devon England c1885.
I have been told the he and my grandmother split up and he left to go to America. Can anyone help me with this please.

2 comment(s), latest 15 years ago