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Looking for FREDERICK HAAS of Marietta PA

Frederick and Theresa Haas came to America as a married couple traveling from Hesse-Darmstadt Germany first by land through France to the port of Le Harve on the English Channel in NE France. From there they sailed on the S. S. Rappahannock arriving in New York August 7, 1845.2 Teresa was not named as a passenger but there is a U ( abbreviation of uxor, Latin symbol for wife) listed on the manifest after Frederick (age 23, shoemaker) who we assume to be Theresa. Times have changed!
Their travels ended in Pennsylvania at the Lancaster County river community of Marietta.

The first record of the family is found in the August 19, 1850 U. S. Census which listed each parent as 25 years old, daughter Elizabeth age 1 + and son John at 4 months born in PA. Their neighbors included the postmaster, a grocer, hotel keeper, physician, and a milliner. Tax records indicated that the family were the tenants of George Dickey, owner of numerous Front Street properties facing the Susquehanna River.
Frederick was first a self-employed bootmaker but soon found selling booze out the backdoor to the rivermen more profitable.