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Looking for Ancestors of Samuel Elbert Wiseman

Samuel Elbert Wiseman, Sam, was born in Vernon, Missouri. He had a sister named Ann who married a Veatch and moved to Rocky Ford, Colorado.
He also had a brother, Tom, who had a daughter named Lucy. Another sister was Lucy. No information on Lucy.
Sam served in the US Army during the Spanish American War. He met and married Elizabeth Moore in Blackfork, Scott County, Arkansas. He had one son, Elbert Ray Wiseman (Ray).
Ray was in the US Army during WWII. He met and married Naomi Vernece Janway in Blackfork, Scott County, Arkansas.
Ray and Vernece had two children, Ann and Jimmy.
Ann Wiseman married Larry Rackley and they had three children, Christy, Mark and Phillip.
Jimmy Wiseman married Betty Lightfoot and they had three children, Terry, Anna, and Patrick.

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