karen44 on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

karen44 on Family Tree Circles

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Keep All Genealogy Free, after all it belongs to us.

My name is Karen and I have been interested in genealogy for many, many years and as long as you research, you will never be done.
My famalies are : MUNSON, LEATHERS, HUTCHINS.FOSTER, KENTNER.SCHAAR, SUTTON. My maiden name is Munson. My Grandmother Munson outlived Grandpa Munson and went on and marrird a Henry Bohn, The years she was married to Grandpa Bohn they lived in Chesaning,Michigan and after Grandpa Bohn died, Grandma moved back to Fosters.Michigan to be near her family.
My moms side of the Family THE LEATHERS all lived in Washington for a time.
If any of this rings a bell, please email me..

1 comment(s), latest 15 years, 9 months ago