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Parents and/or siblings of John V. Cook(e)

I am trying to locate my dad's parents/siblings. My dad was born in 1908/1909 in Jersey City, NJ and was a state child who was raised in Athol, MA. He supposedly had a brother, Raymond, who left home and moved to California for the purpose of working with the circus.We believe his father's name was Andrew and his mother's name was Margaret Drew. I have hit a brick wall and can't seem to find any information. Can you give me some guidence?
Thank you...Peggy Clarke

Looking for Stephen Frank of Athol, MA

I am looking for information on Stephen Frank. Born in 1910 and died 10/3/96. As a young boy, he would have lived with the Hayden family in Athol, MA. and would have been a foster child. My father (John V. Cooke dob:1908/1909) also lived in the same home with Mr. Frank and was also fostered. I am trying to locate any information on my dad's family. Both my dad and Mr. Frank would have been born in Jersey City, NJ.

Kindly email me with any information you may have. Thank you.

Looking for relatives of John V. COOKE of Athol, MA

I am searching for information re: my father, John V. COOKE. He was born in approx. 1908/1909. It is believed that his parents names were Andrew COOKE and Margaret DREW. My dad was born in either New Jersey or Massachussetts. However, at some point he was fostered out and lived with a family by the name of HAYDEN in Athol, MA. He may have had a brother named either Raymond or Roy who worked for the circus at one time. Because my dad was a foster child, very little information is known about him. Your help is appreciated.

Researching John V. COOKE'S family

My father's name was John V. Cook[e] and was born in 1908/1909 to a woman by the name of Margaret Drew and a father by the name of Andrew Cook[e]. They all loved in or near Athol or Worcester MA. They may have had another son by the name of Raymond of Roy who eventually left to join the circue. However, at some point their son John was fostered out to a family by the name of Hayden who lived in Athol, MA. For some reason, we were never allowed to ask questions when we were growing up. After all these years and assuming all parties have passed away, can you help me find any information on these relatives.

Researching COOKE/DREW family of Athol, MA

I am looking for information on a Margaret Drew (approx. dob: 1890). She had a son named John V. Cook(e)born 1908/1909. His father's name was Andrew Cook(e)dob: approx 1890. They all lived in or near Athol, Massachussets and their son was eventually fostered out to a family by the last name of Hayden in Athol. They may have had other children. Possibly a son named Raymond or Roy who eventually left the area to join the circus. Can you help me?

1 comment(s), latest 12 years, 11 months ago

Cooke family from Athol MA

I am looking for any information on a John V. Cooke; Roy Cooke or Raymond Cooke. All were born in either Athol (Worster) MA or possibly in Jersey City, NJ. Birth years vary from 1904 to 1908. They may also have had a sister (name unknown). Raymond Cooke may or may not have had something to do with the circus.Mother's first name was Margaret. Father's first name unknown.It is believed that John was fostered and raised by the Hayden family in Athol. He married E. Madelyn Leonard in 1938. Thank you for any help.