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Dunnington connected to royalty???

The Dunnington side of the family has been quite the challenge in researching and sorting out the facts.

Audrey Dunnington Hale was a major source of information but was not always 100% accurate which at times could be very misleading.

One of the family stories Audrey told me was that The Dunnington family came from royalty (Sir George Dunnington) and were connected to the Dunnington castle in England. To date I have not been able to prove this.

In discussing the history with Ginny Dunnington R, I was told the family story she heard was there was an Earl of Leicester who had two sons. He disinherited the older son and of course, he is our relation.

Given this new information, I researched Earls in Britain and found information about George Townshend who was a disinherited son of an Earl of Leicester. To date, I have not been able to link him to the George Dunnington born about 1819 in Lincolnshire, England who is definitely our family line.