moonmoon on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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Moon's of East Sussex, England

they were farmers and fisherman, 1650 Rotherfield to present hastings, East sussex, england

Cripps from middlesex, Surrey, and Hastings, East Sussex

John Cripps from Richmond married Elizabeth Emma Reeds in hastings 1851

Cripps from middlesex, Surrey, and Hastings, East Sussex

John Cripps came to Hastings from Richmond, Surrey, by stage-coach, when a lad of 15, and was apprenticed to the late Mr C J Womersley, at Harold Place. A few years afterwards he became connected with the Naval Reserve, and when the Coastguard forces were supplemented from the Naval Reserve he joined the Coastguard. He is my 2nd great-grandfather, born May 09, 1828 died Mar 01, 1909 in Hastings married Elizabeth Emma Reeds April 18, 1851 Croft Chapel, Hastings and had 4 children Emma, Anna,Louisa and John