poyntonpete on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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Thomas Family of Masterton, New Zealand & queensland Australia

I read with interest the article about the Thomas sisters and the Wenvoe Tea Rooms. I am directly related to the Howard family of Rotherhithe, Surrey. It was a descendent of the Howard family, Fanny Howard Dawson 1845-1913 who married James William Thomas 1841-1892 who settled in New Zealand to expand that family line of the Thomas Family.
I would love to hear from any of that Thomas Family line of New Zealand or those that moved to the Brisbane area of Queensland.
I have noted a keen researcher named Lyn Thomas of Dysart, Queensland had posted on various sites that she is connected to a Briton Michael Howard 1835-1877 of Rotherhithe, this would be very interesting to make contact with her.
Anny help appreciated - Peter Howard

2 comment(s), latest 9 years, 3 months ago