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Journals and Posts name is Samuel Mendez. I live in Antioch, Ca. I was born in El... name is Samuel Mendez. I live in Antioch, Ca. I was born in El Paso, Tx. My maternal grandmother's name was Maria Armendariz Luna.
She was part Basque and part Mexican. Her husband's name(my grandpa)'s name was Tomas Medrano Luna from Monterey, Mx.
I know nothing of my grandfather other than his birtplace and know a lot more of my Grandma Maria Armendariz Luna. Her paternal side was Spanish Basque(Armendariz) and her maternal side were Domingues, assumed from Chiguagua, Mx.
My father was born in El Paso, Tx. and his name was Pilar Alberto Guerra Mendez..his father was Alberto Guerra Mendez. We know nothing about our Grandfater Alberto Mendez other than he was also born in Texas.
Our paternal grandmother was Beatrice Aragon Guerra Mendez.Her side was from Barcelona and they were Aragons. Any info would be appreciated. Best regards and good luck in you own searches.

1 comment(s), latest 16 years, 2 months ago

Looking for any Mendez's from El Paso , Texas

2 comment(s), latest 16 years, 2 months ago