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Allen of berkshire UK

Please can you help me? I am trying to trace my ancestors in order to draw up a family tree. My Father came from the Greenham/Newbury area. I have his birth certificate which states

Born 29 May 1907 Hillsden, Oxford Street U.D.
Name Frank Allen
Father John Cope
Occupation Coachman (domestic)
Mother Rosa Bessie Cope formerly ALLEN
Residence Shaw House Stables, Shaw, Newbury
Registered Birth 2 August 1907 Newbury Berkshire

I have been told that Frank was brought up by his Grandfather ? Allen on Knights Bridge View Farm, Crookham Common. I cannot find any trace of this farm in all my searches.

I also know that Grandfather Allen ( who I never met) had several other children, Lydia, Sally, Bessie, Alice, Lucy and 2 boys, unfortunately I do not know of the birth order or what the boys were called.

Lucy married a George Webber and had 2 children, Millicent and Fred. As a child I called Millicent Aunty Milly and visited her and her father quite often as they had moved to my then home town of Abingdon.

Frank Allen married Annie Pearce of Abingdon, in 1936 and they had 1 daughter, me Margaret. He died in 1980. On the marriage certificate his father was listed as Fred Allen. We used to visit Newbury quite a lot for shopping and picnics on Crookham Common.

I was born in Abingdon and lived there for 50 years, I have 1 daughter Alice, and 3 grandchildren. We are now all living in Hayle in Cornwall. Annie Allen (my mother) is still alive and well and living in Hayle also.

1 comment(s), latest 15 years, 10 months ago