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Dimari on Family Tree Circles

About Dimari

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by Dimari Profile | Research | Contact | Follow

Dimari , from CALIFORNIA, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Mar 2010. is researching the following names: SPENCER, MCDONALD, GEORGE and 11 other(s).


Interests obviously include GENEALOGY /HISTORY, but all manner of OLD THINGS--from
ANTIQUES to Historical Documents, viewing Old Tombstones at Cemeteries (daytime only!! smile), plus love all ARTS/MUSIC (no rap!),anything to do with The SEA, water sports, aquatic creatures, days at the beach, boats, islands,etc.
Love to READ (esp.Biographies, Mysteries/Detective/Espionage/Suspense (no horror,though!)
Like to do arts/crafts, cook/entertain for family/friends. Also love Country-Living (Ranches,
horseback riding, outdoor cookouts, western wear,etc.)as much as i enjoy City (social/ cultu-
ral /night) Life, esp. Museums, Art Galleries, Coffehouses, and seeing Plays, Movies or dining
out (particularly fine dining or, hole-in-the-wall/ mom-and-pop/ethnic eateries).
Love to WRITE-letters/emails,articles,travelogues,poetry,stories,etc. Enjoy everything from fashion to auto-racing, swimming, road trips, to learning new things (via classes or study
tours---on subjects as diverse as foreign cooking and languages to American Indian cul-
tures/arts/peoples, or science/medicine subjects).Not much in life i am NOT interested in--w/exception of biogotry/drug-alcohol Abuse (social drink fine); dislike(American) Football (like Soccer), not into overly "churchy" or "new age" types, or strict conservative or negative sorts. Love positive, can do people who respect all cultures/peoples right to be themselves. Ok this should REALLY be (more than!! haha) ENOUGH---blame it on my
BRITISH Story-teller Genes run amok,again!! Bye for now, Diane