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Judy38 on Family Tree Circles

About Judy38

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by Judy38 Profile | Research | Contact | Follow

Judy38 , from Born and raised in Chicago, but now living in Tampa, FL., has been a Family Tree Circles member since May 2011. is researching the following names: DICKERSON, PHILPOTT, BLAKELY and 8 other(s).


My first success in genealogy research was finding my father's birth family and actually getting to know them (he had never known them). A couple of years ago, I was able to prove the link from my husband's ggggrandfather, JOHN COPELAND, who was a revolutionary soldier, to his son, George, and then George's son, Robert, through property research, after which my husband was finally accepted into the SAR. My family interests are the DICKERSONS, BARTRAMS, and OSBORNS on my grandmother's side, and the FRANKLINS and CUSTERS on my grandfather's side. My interests on my father's side are FOSS and FAIRBANKS. I achieved my DAR last year for my research on the CUSTER family.