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MsMeridy on Family Tree Circles

About MsMeridy


by MsMeridy Profile | Research | Contact | Follow

MsMeridy , from Goorambat, Victoria, Australia, has been a Family Tree Circles member since May 2007. is researching the following names: TOLLIDAY, CLARK, MILES and 65 other(s).


News 2011-
Been working 4 days a week throughout 2010 and upto May 2011. So all my family history interests have been curtailed mainly due to time constraints and well tiredness. Finished work and have been home for 3 months or so. It has been great. But still haven't got back to the family history researching.
2012- all four parents have passed away. Working 2.5 days a week. Looking at a Tolliday reunion Labour Day 2014.

Get in touch with me if you need any information or help.


Original Bio-
Last year (2007) I started doing a Family Tree for the Tolliday Family. I made up a Tribal Page for the family in Australia. It is a big job but one well worth doing. I have also my husband's mother's family's charts she was a Corboy. The charts have the surnames Harker, Beattie and Corboy, Sharp and Mudd.
My family are O'Donnells and Hansens. I am sure there will be a lot of those names in the system. O'Donnell being a good Irish name.

There is a marriage between an O'Donnell lady to a Hooper in the Devenish area and thta lead me a merry way for awhile. SO wrote a couple of journals on them too. Look for Hooper,Cooper,Berger and Old in the Devenish district.

If anyone wants any information from me just drop me a line.

