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POSHSPICE1 on Family Tree Circles


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by POSHSPICE1 Profile | Research | Contact | Follow

POSHSPICE1 , from surrey england, has been a Family Tree Circles member since May 2009. is researching the following names: MONTGOMERY, PARFITT, WEST and 19 other(s).


i have been tracing my family tree for little under a year.i am a busy mum of four so dont get alot of spare time.im tracing teh parfitts on my maternal grandfathers side and the montogmerys on my fathers side.there are also quite a few other surnames
west,meridew,biffon,mullard,draper,gwillim,thomas lunn,on the parfitt side

and ormiston,black,grainger,steel,lang,tennant,stewart,dickman,on the montogmery side

i have trace my montogmery family back to 1780c in fermanagh ireland.and then into blantyre lanarkshire scotland.

the parfitts i have found in 1781 in holcombe somerset and tehn in monmouthshire and cardiff in wales and finally with my grandfather who settled in surrey england.