RAWilson on FamilyTreeCircles - about

RAWilson on Family Tree Circles

About RAWilson

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by RAWilson Profile | Research | Contact | Follow

RAWilson , from Reading, Berkshire UK, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2009. is researching the following names: WINSTANLEY, RUSSELL, GARRETT and 15 other(s).


I began doing family research after my Mum died in 2005. It helped me get over her loss, but boy do I wish I had done it before. There is so much I would love to be able to tell her. Most lines I have got to and slightly beyond the 1800 barrier. Some have gone a little further, much to my delight. But I am concentrating on three names, Winstanley, Richardson and Stebbing because they have links way beyond this. Some lines have got stuck because of spelling problems (like Waight) and unregistered births etc. But you never know, they could all be out there somewhere!