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YARBROUGH in Houston, Texas USA


Lady Marion Yarbrough was a Daughter of the Americal Revolution (I remember her talking about it when my children were babies in the 1970's). Now that she is grown, my daughter may be interested in the details of that information.

Lady Marion Yarbrough married William George Martin and they had a number of children in Houston, Texas likely between 1920 and 1940. She was still living in Houston, Texas from the 1960's to the 1990's. If I remember correctly, her birth day was December 3rd, however, I do not know the year. If I had to guess I would say early 1900's. I think she passed away in 1993.

She is the great-grandmother of my children and I am looking for any information on her extended family; her parents names, birthdates and locations, etc. Kenneth (I called him Kenny) passed away in 2003 and so I am the only one that can get this information together for my children. I would certainly appreciate some help.

If you are a family member, please let me know.

Sandra Smith
I was Sandra Gregg Martin.

5 comment(s), latest 8 years, 3 months ago



I am researching the Perkins family which is my grandfathers line of my geaneology. Even though I was adopted at birth, my adoption was privately arranged and as soon as I asked I was given the information to contact my birthmother. I met her and my grandmother Elsie in April of 1984, long before we had computers at home.

I started working on my family tree in 2005. That's another story.

So far, my research shows my mother's family is from Louisiana and Southeast Texas, however, it is possible that the older generations came from Georgia, Tennessee or the Carolinas. Some could have lived in Oklahoma or Arkansas. I was told that my grandfather was Cherokee, and that his family was from Oklahoma, however, in the 1920 Census my Grandfather, William Thomas Perkins was only 15 years old and is listed as W (for white). At that time he was being raised by his oldest brother Monroe L. Perkins.

My great-grandfather - Bernard Warren Perkins b 01/14/1874 d 10/19/1928 (54)
My great grandmother - Clarrenda Sharp b 12/20/1874 d 10/26/1908 (34) she died a couple of days after childbirth
My grandfather - William Thomas Perkins b 11/20/1904 d 05/04/1984 in California (79) he had 5 siblings (He died in California, less than a week after I met my grandmother and my mother in Louisiana. We did not have an opportunity to meet.
My grandmother - Elsie Marie Guillory b 12-03-1909 d 1993? (We met in Louisian in April of 1984)

Elsie's mother (my great grandmother) was Marie Blanche Amee or (Amy) she married 12/17/1901 Alcee Guillory who was my great grandfather (and Elsie's father) I has traced the Guillory's to 1605 France.
Marie's father (my g-g-grandfather) was Victor Amee (or Amy)
Marie's mother (my g-g-grandmother) was Clara Parcelle
My birthmother is Shirley Perkins b 09-06-1933(we met in 1984)

If you have any information on the Perkins family, the parents of Bernard Warren Perkins or his wife, Clarrinda Sharp; even siblings of Clarrenda (not sure of the spelling of her name) please let me know by posting a response her or post your own journal and I should see it if I at least check this site weekly. For a while, I will try to check it daily.

I am still new to this site and appreciate your patience as I learn how it works.

Sandra Smith
Austin, TX

BAKER & SHAVER near Beaumont, Texas - I was adopted in 1952 & never met my birthfather or his family which are my family too. Now, we are all getting too old to wait any longer. Please respond! 220939 members have posted 66372 journals.

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