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James Isaac Johnson & Jane Mills of Ohio Indiana & Missouri

James born in Ohio 1795 Jane born 1805 Ohio
Thier son James Isaac Johnson Born 1825 Ohio, Married Elizabeth Betty
Wilhite In Saline Co. Mo. She was the Daughter of James Wilhite & Charity Hays Of Saline co. Mo. Thier son Jame Monroe Johnson Born 1854. Married 1874 #1 Missouri Johnson Daughter Of Henry & Rhoda Cott
Children 5 only 3 survived
William , Edward & Dasiey. She Married Hezekiah Peel 1 son Henry.
#2 Wife Caroline Wallace Married 1884 Saline Co. Mo. Born Indiana Parents unknow??
Children * Sarah* Thomas* Earnest* Cecil* Leonard* Robert* Carsey*
Married Surnames Of 8 children Sarah Miller* Thomas Berger*Earnest Potter* Cecil MurphyGoodson Parrack Windmiller Singleton* Leonard Goodson* Robert Parrack* Carsey Windmiller* Albert Singleton*

teter of saline co. co. mo.

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