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Trying to find the first BARNES to arrive in South Africa

Hi, my name is Morne Barnes. I live in Cape Town, South Africa and I am researching the BARNES family history in this country.I have significant data to track it back to my great grandfather's father who was known a "CHARLIE" BARNES. But here is where it stops. I really need to understand where CHARLIE BARNES came from. His eldest child(son) GEORGE BARNES, my great grandfather,died in 1937 and was about 63 years old at the time. This would make his birth date at about 1874. They lived in the Transkei region. I fact, most of the BARNES families of today still reside or have their traceable roots in the Eastern Cape. This inspired me to look at the possibility that the BARNES family could have had their origins in England. Settlers were encouraged by the BRITTISH government of that time to voluteer for settling in the cape colonies. The 1820 settlers docked at habours in the Eastern Cape and settled in these areas. So I checked the shipping records for the 1820 settlers from BRITTIAN to see if there was a BARNES family on it and was very excited to see that was.JAMES BARNES(12) and GEORGE SUTTON BARNES(8), stepsons of HENRY HARPER is listed as having formed part of the HOWARD group on the ship named "OCEAN". Their mother was Mary Harper. Her maiden name was DIXON. She married JAMES BARNES and they had 4 children JAMES (died before age 3), ELISABETH, JAMES and then GEORGE SUTTON BARNES. I'm trying to find out if my family has its roots in this family or was there maybe other BARNES families already in South Africa at that time or even later. If anyone can shed some light on this I'd be very greatful.

6 comment(s), latest 12 years ago