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Relatives of Godsey in VA

Related to Edna May Godsey m/ Harmon C. Thompson (gparents)Edward Archer Godsey m./Araminta Fulton (1884) gr.grnd parents.
Area mostly is Campbell County, VA

1 comment(s), latest 9 years, 8 months ago

John Craig , Scotland, and Chester County. PA

Just looking for some info on a John Craig born in Scotland and lived in Chester County , PA. Had two children that I know of Walter Bet. 1720 - 1723 and Jane abt 1735 .
Walter married Mary ? and they had 6 children that I know of. Ann , Joseph, William, Jacob, John, Jane

Info on Tobias R. Biddle father Tobias

Tobias R. Biddle was Born 1795 in MD. Married to Elizabeth Bolton
Only have his father Tobias was married to Sarah Ford. Don't have any other info on them