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charles_scott on Family Tree Circles

About charles_scott

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by charles_scott Profile | Research | Contact | Follow

charles_scott , from Northern Ireland , has been a Family Tree Circles member since Oct 2009. is researching the following names: SCOTT.


William Scott of Ballycoleman and Carricklee, Co Tyrone
probably born about 1750 or 1760 had two wives, by the first wife he had a son William born in 1805 who is my 3 rx great grandfather; by the second wife who we believe was called Rebecca (who died in 1835) he had a second son and a daughter.

This second son who would have been born sometime between 1805 and 1835 emigrated to Australia

Does anyone know of any Scott family in Australia whose genealogy might fit this. if so I would like to hear from them my email address is